CA lost 10,000 jobs thanks to state’s $20 minimum wage

Congratulations. That is what I have been saying all along. It is from a rest stop in CT. Perhaps you can explain geography to Earl and how far away CT is from CA.
I have mentioned this before but I will say it again....McD's CEO says that they have mostly lost the customers with less than $45K household income. I am now seeing reports of impending mass closing of fast food restaurants.
A big problem for retail as the economy continues to collapse is that what was their ace in the hole....the value of the collapsing.
“Here's the truth, folks: a Big Mac Meal in LA can range from a chill $11 to a shocking $18. Yes, you read that right, eighteen bucks! That's more than a movie ticket (although depending on the movie, maybe that's a good thing).
“Here's the truth, folks: a Big Mac Meal in LA can range from a chill $11 to a shocking $18. Yes, you read that right, eighteen bucks! That's more than a movie ticket (although depending on the movie, maybe that's a good thing).
It will only get worse, in part because CA is on a regulatory binge, in spite of the fact that they have been warned that the industry cant deal with those added costs. I am reminded of Seattle's recent massive new regulations on food delivery, to include min wage ($26/hour one report said), and then watching the sector collapse instantly because very few people both can and will pay that much.
Of course Biden’s disastrous economic policy has caused the cost of a Big Mac meal to be 18-20 dollars in the North East and Gov. Newsom’s insane spending on illegals in California and raising the minimum wage has caused the cost of a Big Mac meal, with taxes, to be near 20 dollars.
“Here's the truth, folks: a Big Mac Meal in LA can range from a chill $11 to a shocking $18. Yes, you read that right, eighteen bucks! That's more than a movie ticket (although depending on the movie, maybe that's a good thing).
Good ole Earl. Thinks if he keeps repeating the lie it will become truth.

Still waiting for you to provide us with the McD in LA that sells a Big Mac meal for $18. For that matter, provide the location of one that sells the Big Mac meal for more than $13.

The highest price for a Big Mac in the LA area is $6.49 at 6 different locations.
No one is charging $11.50 for fries and a drink.

On Ubereats, the most expensive Big Mac combo is $15.26 in el Monte, CA.

On the McD app, the highest price at the expensive McD is $12.47.

So where is this McD that is charging $18, Earl? Can you provide us with evidence or are you just going to keep repeating your lies.
How many times do you need to be told this before it sinks into your small reptilian brain?
The $18 combo that McD was criticized for occurred at a rest stop in Connecticut. It has absolutely nothing to do with California. Clearly you are exactly what Rupurt Murdoch loves about those that religiously swallow the propaganda he spews. They print something that is true but fail to provide all the facts so their stupid readers can jump to stupid conclusions. Congratulations for doing exactly what he wanted you to do, just like the little sheep you are.

Do you know where CT is compared to CA? Do you understand that restaurants at rest stops often charge high prices because most of their customers are travelers that want to get back on the road? It's called capitalism. Something you suddenly seem to be against.

And I still have not been given the location of any McD in CA that has $20 Big Mac combos. I guess it must be because they don't exist and won't for several years.
Poor Dick being his usual sanctimonious self, he can't help himself
Is Connecticut part of California now?
You posted that the "...average price for a Big Mac Value Meal in the USA is $9.29." I suggested trying to get that price in California. It was meant to demonstrate that your use of the average price nationally is irrelevant, and what matters is the price locally.