California real estate is so expensive that families, retirees, and even tech workers

Certainly family ties are a huge factor..... and not just for California. For example, consider Alaska, where they have almost 7% unemployment, even now. Why don't they pick up and move to, say, Hawaii (unemployment rate of about 2%)? Or consider a hellhole like Louisiana, with a murder rate of 11.8/100k. Why not relocate to somewhere like New Hampshire (a rate of 1.3)? Or look at incomes or life expectancies. Why live in horrible places like Mississippi instead of nice places like Massachusetts? Mostly it's about living where your family support network happens to be. There's a ton of inertia in settlement patterns.

Mass migrations can happen when things get bad enough (e.g., the exodus from the South during Jim Crow, or from Ireland during the Famine, or the middle of the country during the Dust Bowl). But it takes a lot to get more than a trickle of movement.

Anyway, California has its issues, but it has the nation's fourth-highest life expectancy and high incomes. Health and prosperity have an allure. And that's a big part of why California's population rises every year, even with a moderate fertility rate.

We have the highest income and highest poverty rate. It's an interesting dichotomy. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else (for the most part).
We have the highest income and highest poverty rate. It's an interesting dichotomy. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else (for the most part).

I get where you're coming from, but I'd disagree on both specifics. There are several states with higher incomes and several with higher poverty rates. Presumably you can find some alternate measures that support your assertions, but the standard measures of income and poverty say otherwise.
I get where you're coming from, but I'd disagree on both specifics. There are several states with higher incomes and several with higher poverty rates. Presumably you can find some alternate measures that support your assertions, but the standard measures of income and poverty say otherwise.

Here are some articles for you on poverty.

Edit: I should have said we have the most wealth in the country, not highest incomes
I get where you're coming from, but I'd disagree on both specifics. There are several states with higher incomes and several with higher poverty rates. Presumably you can find some alternate measures that support your assertions, but the standard measures of income and poverty say otherwise.

Yes, this have been hashed out over and over. California has the highest poverty rate when you don not use solely income but use cost of living /income as a ratio. I think it is fair to do that,
unless you want to be even more complex and exacting by including the quality of the basket of goods. They don't normalize for that, but you could argue that they should. For example
a California house has more stringent building codes than the third world shanties they allow in the bible belt. Our produce and stone fruit rock, whereas their are mealy and gross. We have all the best
stuff, and that should also matter. Their cheap prices are also a reflection of shoddy workmanship and poor taste. Our higher prices reflecting our discerning sensibilities and higher education and intelligence.:cool:
We have the highest income and highest poverty rate. It's an interesting dichotomy. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else (for the most part).

Arguably you would fit in better living next to Bigdog in Booneville Kentucky where the men are men and sheep and soforth
Arguably you would fit in better living next to Bigdog in Booneville Kentucky where the men are men and sheep and soforth

Don't you live in Man Diego? SF may be the city of sevens but it's still got you beat. I don't know that I'd be talking sh*t about sheep coming from where you do.
Seems that might require dealing with jobs folk can live on, 1 in 5 kids in america in poverty and the economic system as a whole, not picking one bad indicator and letting all the usual corporatists keep their share by sodomizing the working and underclasses like we have since the early 1970s.

If those that work have a job they can't live on, perhaps they should look at why that's the only type job they can get. Paying someone with $2/hour skills isn't sodomizing them. The fact that people with such low level skills can get paid $7.25/hour because of a mandate means those forced to pay it are getting stuck.

As for those 1 in 5 kids living it poverty, it's high time their damn parents start doing better instead of whining about it.
Meanwhile back in Texas, Houston, DFW, Austin, and San Antonio are growing by leaps and bounds to accommodate the Cafilornian mass exodus! LOL!
Reread. You should be able to see that I admitted nothing of the sort.

What makes you think that?

On the off chance you're ignorant of this, "illegals" and "Spics" are both generally considered racist slurs.

You should have the guts to admit that you did.

"Illegals" is a race? Next thing you'll try to tell us is that Islam is a race.

Hopefully more illegals will do to those that support sanctuary cities what one did to Kate Steinle. You'd deserve it.
Here are some articles for you on poverty.

Edit: I should have said we have the most wealth in the country, not highest incomes

Thank you. I'd already read the Politifact article, early this year. I'm familiar with the argument in favor of counting cost of living in such calculations. I just disagree with it, since the primary component of cost of living, measured within a geographic area, is location, and location itself has value, not just cost. If you consider the cost and not the value, you get a skewed view.
Not really confined to California. We get a lot of retirees in our area from New York and New Jersey. Their choice is to remain there and starve, or move south and live like kings in much fatter houses than they had there because their pension/retirement benefits have such a higher purchasing power and real estate is so much cheaper (and taxes are lower on it as well).
You don’t have to move south to do that. Ohio has some of the lowest real estate prices in the country. That average $600,000 home in Cali would cost $150,000 in Ohio and $600,000 would buy you a 4,000 sg.ft. McMansion in Muirfield village. A family of four can live quite comfortably here on $50 kpy. That’s barely above poverty levels in Cali.
I thought we were talking about the U.S. Within the U.S. there are almost no places that have the weather and oceans that we do. You can't beat what we have.

You can ask the question why does anyone stay where they are if they are having economic troubles. And for a lot of people it's family and familiarity. Within the U.S. more people leave California than enter. We have the highest poverty rate in the country. You think every poor person in california should move to Texas and we would be left with only rich folks? That isn't goin to happen.

Phhhllbbbtttt. I’ve been to Cali and it’s the most over rated place in the Country to live. It’s also the most famous place in the world to live. There are plenty of places in this nation that are as nice or better and cost a hell of a lot less. It’s supply and demand.
You don’t have to move south to do that. Ohio has some of the lowest real estate prices in the country. That average $600,000 home in Cali would cost $150,000 in Ohio and $600,000 would buy you a 4,000 sg.ft. McMansion in Muirfield village. A family of four can live quite comfortably here on $50 kpy. That’s barely above poverty levels in Cali.

But its freaking Ohio with all yer wells and snow. We have warm weather. Old people like warm weather. Not too miserable hot like the deep south; not too miserable cold like the rustbelt. Just enough snow to be pretty a day or two every now and then. Lots and lots of fallow tobacco fields yearning for a yankee homesteader. $600K would get you into one of our toniest old money neighborhoods. Lots of 3-4K sq ft houses for half that. Quick scanning the front page of our local $200K+ listings, one could get a 5,200 sq. ft house in a newer white flight development for $389,900.00; 4100 Sqft for $379,900.00; 5,813 sq. ft for $474,900.00. All of those are price reduced so you could probably get them down further. If you want 4K sq. ft AND a lot of acreage, well that is where you will pay out your anus for.