Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

I don't think this is denigrating his's merely saying that he did not necessarily exhibit a "presidential" skill set. WOuldn't you agree? Does flying a jet and riding a parachute to the ground after your plane got shot out from under you have in it the skill set that a president needs?

I find this statement stunning; you elected an inexperienced dunce with NOTHING on his resume but Community organizing and you ask this question? Seriously??

McCain has been a Senator on many high visibility Committees for 32 years; Obama, all of two years.

You leftist dunces are truly amazing in your hypocrisy, stupidity and irony.
do you think that flying jets and floating down under parachutes are skills and experiences critically important for presidents to have? yes or no?

How about 32 years in the Senate serving on important committees? Do you think that is relevant? Why do you pretend McCain hasn't been serving for decades? You act like he just dropped out of a parachute over Vietnam.

Yet you voted for the most inexperienced, inept, economically clueless, arrogant hyper partisan to ever sit in the White House with nothing more on his nation record than three years in the Senate and Community Organizing.

How about 32 years in the Senate serving on important committees? Do you think that is relevant? Why do you pretend McCain hasn't been serving for decades? You act like he just dropped out of a parachute over Vietnam.

Yet you voted for the most inexperienced, inept, economically clueless, arrogant hyper partisan to ever sit in the White House with nothing more on his nation record than three years in the Senate and Community Organizing.


I never said anything about his congressional experience. I merely asked you if you thought that his military experience of flying jets, and riding parachutes down into the arms of his NVA captors and then spending time in a small cage were skill sets that presidents needed to succeed. If not, then Wesley Clark was right about him insofar as his military resume was concerned.
I never said anything about his congressional experience. I merely asked you if you thought that his military experience of flying jets, and riding parachutes down into the arms of his NVA captors and then spending time in a small cage were skill sets that presidents needed to succeed. If not, then Wesley Clark was right about him insofar as his military resume was concerned.

Another dishonest dunce question; Here's clue for you asshat, McCain didn't run for President right after he was released from the NVA prison. And your despicable description of his honorable service is a testimony to what a dire asshole you can be when you are exposed as the pathetic dunce that you are.

Wesley Clark wasn't any more right about McCain than you are because his experience super exceeded anything many Democratic Candidates had and Wesley is a buffoon equal to your stupidity to even bring McCain’s Naval aviator experience into question.

You people are beyond pathetic and mere stupid. Any claim coming from dunces like you who voted for Obama about someone's experience is laughably hypocritical because your party set the bar lower than any previous party's candidate by electing an inexperienced dunce like Obama. But unfortunately, because of how painfully stupid you are, you can't begin to comprehend the irony of ANY Democrat talking about Presidential experience for the rest of this nations existence.

Carry Commander Dimwit.
I actually wanted McCain to win the Republican nomination back in 2000. Not really sure why W got it, and I honestly believe those 8 years might have been different (in a good way) under McCain. He really screwed the pooch by naming Palin as his VP mate during his 2008 run, but perhaps the shitty job Bush did would have led to ANY Dem getting elected.
that's is pretty much your M.O.. If the question is one that you find uncomfortable answering, you merely castigate IT and castigate the person who asked it.

That is SO junior high school, buddy.

grow the fuck up.

and I love how a cowardly little man who never served can call Wesley Clark, Number ONE in his class at West Point, brilliant military career, four star general... YOU can call HIM a stupid buffoon???? How the fuck can you do that with a straight face? He has FORGOTTEN more than you have ever learned. His shit is smarter than you are.
I agree bad guy... I thought that a McCain- Bradley matchup in 2000 would have been wonderful.... both parties picked the weaker candidate that year, imo.
In every country on earth it has been 'patriotic' to support the government while it is right wing and in control. The moment the Country is defeated the right go over to the conquerors and grovel. How rightists have the brass neck to talk of 'patriotism' amazes me - they are always and everywhere traitors except to their own bankbooks.
who gives a rat's ass what YOU would say about someone else's patriotism? You who were to chicken to put on a uniform....