Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

no. he did not.

He didn't?

On March 17, 1969, shortly after Kerry's third wound, Commodore Charles Horne, the commander of Coastal Squadron 1, filed for Kerry's reassignment to the U.S. per Kerry's request. He was entitled to this early departure from Vietnam (subject to approval by the Bureau of Naval Personnel), because those who had been wounded three times, "regardless of the nature of the wound or treatment required ... will not be ordered to serve in Vietnam and contiguous waters or to duty with ships or units which have been alerted for movement to that area." According to the Navy regulation that governed this (BUPERS Instruction 1300.39), the request for the "thrice-wounded reassignment" was optional at the request of the wounded party and required requesting reassignment. Kerry requested reassignment and was granted his request.

On November 21, 1969, Kerry requested an early release from active duty...
Is the Commander claiming to be ignorant of the fact that Democrats demeaned McCains' service?

As I said, I have never spoken with a fellow democrat who demeaned his service. If others did, I was not present when they did it or was connected with them in any way that I could have used to personally voice my displeasure.

Were you one of the republicans who demeaned John Kerry's service, by the way?
he did...but the circumstances regarding the details of how he was able to get one given the fact that he disobeyed a direct order are lost... I have no doubt imagining that strings were pulled. I know that if I had disobeyed a direct order from my direct superior, I would not have been discharged honorably.

If they were somehow "lost" why is it you speculate on his lack of service. How does one get an "honorable" discharge if one disobeys direct orders?


To receive an honorable discharge, a service member must have received a rating from good to excellent for his or her service. Service members who meet or exceed the required standards of duty performance and personal conduct, and who complete their tours of duty, normally receive honorable discharges. However, one need not complete a term of service to receive an honorable discharge, provided the reason for involuntary discharge is not due to misconduct. For instance, service members rendered physically or psychologically incapable of performing assigned duties normally have their service characterized as honorable, regardless of whether they incurred the condition or disability in the line of duty, provided they otherwise met or exceeded standards. Similarly, service members selected for involuntary discharge due to a Reduction in Force (RIF) typically receive an honorable discharge, assuming their conduct while on active duty met or exceeded standards.
As I said, I have never spoken with a fellow democrat who demeaned his service. If others did, I was not present when they did it or was connected with them in any way that I could have used to personally voice my displeasure.

So you say, Commander.

Do you condemn Wesley Clarks' comments about McCains' service, or are you going to claim to be ignorant of them?
the fact that Bush disobeyed a direct order to report for his flight physical is proven by the fact that he did not report for his annual flight physical as ordered and was thus removed from flight status. How he avoided punishment for that egregious violation of the UCMJ can only be answered by examining supposedly "lost" documents or by interviewing his superiors at the time, all of whom have long ago reached ambient temperature. And what does it matter? A rich Texas boy with plenty of political connections jumps ahead of a whole raft of better qualified candidates and is selected for the champagne unit in TANG.... gets to chose his airframe and - oddly enough - choses one that will NEVER deploy outside of CONUS.... it really isn't that big of a stretch to imagine that somebody was asked to sweep his disobeying an order under some long forgotten rug and just let the connected rich kid skate out of his do-nothing unit early. Nobody really gave a shit because the unit was basically useless anyway.
the fact that Bush disobeyed a direct order to report for his flight physical is proven by the fact that he did not report for his annual flight physical as ordered and was thus removed from flight status. How he avoided punishment for that egregious violation of the UCMJ can only be answered by examining supposedly "lost" documents or by interviewing his superiors at the time, all of whom have long ago reached ambient temperature. And what does it matter? A rich Texas boy with plenty of political connections jumps ahead of a whole raft of better qualified candidates and is selected for the champagne unit in TANG.... gets to chose his airframe and - oddly enough - choses one that will NEVER deploy outside of CONUS.... it really isn't that big of a stretch to imagine that somebody was asked to sweep his disobeying an order under some long forgotten rug and just let the connected rich kid skate out of his do-nothing unit early. Nobody really gave a shit because the unit was basically useless anyway.

Demeaning his service, Commander?
So you say, Commander.

Do you condemn Wesley Clarks' comments about McCains' service, or are you going to claim to be ignorant of them?

Please link me up to Clark's comments about McCain so that I can refresh my memory. I have no recollection of anything that Clark said about that.
Of course you don't, Commander.

You can use a search engine, can't you?

I await your predictably parsing denial that Clark demeaned McCains' service.

I have no desire whatsoever to waste a moment of my life on something so irrelevant and inconsequential. But feel free, if you'd like.