Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

LOL Where do you guys come up with this shit. The best comedy writers in the world couldn't write this. How fucking hilarious. You make shit up out of whole cloth, tell millions of people what they believe is shit you made up and that rationalize your made up beliefs to prove someone is a traitor in your eyes?

Ya'll need to quit hitting that bottle and seek help! LOL

Can you quote any point from my post that you believe to be untrue and using reason, tell me why it is untrue?
Liberals / Progressives sure are an angry bunch. It's been my observation (20+ years enjoying on-line debate on the Constitution / gun rights) that the more ardent a leftist is, the more serious their anger issues are when people disagree with them.

Liberals / Progressives go on and on about "values" and avoid at all costs the term "principles". Having "values" allows one to just know certain things to be true; problem is, a good Liberal / Progressive constantly reevaluates their positions and knows that within the next moment those unassailable "truths" may become untrue because new heartstrings have been tugged. This constant flux, this forced infirmity is of course frustrating (mostly on a subconscious level) and leads to the projection and anger so often seen in leftist commentary.

That's not to say that Liberal's / Progressives' policy beliefs aren't deeply held, they certainly are, so much so that those policy positions are considered to be core components of who they are. Problem is, the support for those policy positions reside entirely in the emotional side of the brain thus an intellectual challenge to a Liberal / Progressive to simply logically defend their public policy positions is often met immediately with anger and vitriol because that challenge is perceived (misinterpreted) as a personal attack on one's "feelings" (yes, a very immature character trait).

Because the concept of "reasoned debate" is meaningless to them is why certifiable idiots are drawn like a moth to flame to leftist ideology; the most empty-headed can convincingly parrot the emotional talking points and never need to worry that they will be forced to rebut any pointed challenge of the policy on a legal, logical or constitutional level. They can just stomp their feet, call the opposition uncaring and insensitive (at best LOL) and haughtily refuse to discuss anything with Neanderthals.

Posts from the leftist brain-trust in this thread are the most succinct evidence of the projection and anger I speak of and the profound inability to actually address the points raised. . . .
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Ever notice how people bitch about evince but never desire to take her on in a factual manor?

Did you every actually try to follow threads after she attempts to join in on ?

How do you reason with insanity ?.....
How do you reason with a person that resorts to filthy name calling as her answer to each and every post that shows disagreement with her ?
How do you reason with a person that posts the same 30 year old court case against R's and insists on calling it cheating
(it was an attempt to verify Dem. voter registrations) the very issue that caused Acorn employees to get arrested....
How do you reason with a person that is so obviously unreasonable in her every post....

Only Mott attempted to engage 'rational discussion' on this OP....but in reality did not refute Right's post or Abatis's post....who even had to ask
"Can you quote any point from my post that you believe to be untrue and using reason, tell me why it is untrue?"
which, of course was never answered.

thats the extent of liberal debate that is usual and normal here.....lame at best.....
from parsing the English language to murder the true intent and meaning of a post,
immediate name calling
unvarnished lies that are so obvious, its a waste of time to even comment on them
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It's part of their deep seated anxiety derived from their fear of that which is different. They just keep repeating something to themselves....even if they just made it up....and if they repeat it often enough it becomes true in their eyes.

Its the same process that keeps the creationists here creationists.
Non sequitur.

of course it follows. if one's patriotism is not being questioned by one's opponents, one is less likely to feel the need to proclaim it. For years I was just "yellow dog democrat" until people like you who were too frightened to even serve your country for a day started questioning the patriotism of someone who devoted a quarter of a century to serving this country.
of course it follows. if one's patriotism is not being questioned by one's opponents, one is less likely to feel the need to proclaim it.


For years I was just "yellow dog democrat" until people like you who were too frightened to even serve your country for a day started questioning the patriotism of someone who devoted a quarter of a century to serving this country.

Please cite the source that gives credence to these assertions, Commander. Thanks.
The op said "A modern day liberal, or progressive, seeks to creatively interpret the Constitution. In truth they ignore it, usurp it, despise it. A patriot, on the other hand, is someone who reveres the Constitution, understands its original intent and meaning, and seeks to apply it to solving modern problems."

IN another thread you pinheads bragged and cheered how the AG of Virgina that refused to follow the laws of Va. because he, personally, decided the law was
It was also pointed out how the Obama adimin. actually sued state officials in one of the boarder states to keep them from arresting illegals...upholding the fed. laws
of the country....

so I'd say the op is right on the mark....liberals ignore the constitution by claiming THEY can interpret it on an individual basis to fit their agenda....
Thats undeniably true and defended by our pinheads here....patriots, on the other hand work withing the law, to try to legally change regulations they don't
think are just and constitutional.... its unpatriotic to take the law into your own hands....
didn't you tell me that you had not served in uniform? If that is not so, please tell me what branch you served in and for how long so that I can thank you for your service.
of course it follows. if one's patriotism is not being questioned by one's opponents, one is less likely to feel the need to proclaim it. For years I was just "yellow dog democrat" until people like you who were too frightened to even serve your country for a day started questioning the patriotism of someone who devoted a quarter of a century to serving this country.

No need to bring Bill Clinton and B. Obama into this, mm
I've noticed that the Commander never seems to rebuke the Dude when he demeans your honorable US Navy service, NOVA.

Hold on BM, I don't think the wanna be Admiral is done bragging about his war time exploits and heroism in the ships boiler room....

The dude can say whatever he wants no matter how disgusting and stupid and not be told about it...hes a Democrat, and thus can do no wrong....thats liberalism.