Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

talk about reading comprehension. I have never once "proclaimed" that I was valedictorian of any-fucking-thing. Wesley Clark was, however. He was valedictorian of a school so fucking hard to get into and so much fucking harder to get through than anything you have EVER experienced in academia OR real life. And THEN he went off to Nam, was a hero, got shot four times by a VC and STILL continued to direct and lead his troops in battle and on to victory. Bronze Star. Purple Heart. Silver Star. Great Army career. Four fucking stars. A TRUE patriot. And you, you little bloated piece of self inflated shit, are not man enough to even DESERVE the chance to lick the dog shit off his boots.

Once again Commander Dunce; it appeared that you were talking about YOURSELF. That said, I don’t give a crap where Wesley Clark or you served or how; when you and he denigrate a fellow service member’s sacrifice and make the dimwitted claims idiots like you tend to make, neither he or you are exempt from criticism.

Now take your whiney bloviating and shove them up your big fat butt where you do most of your thinking dunce.

And when you can find a post from me where I EVER said that Obama's experience "trumped" McCain's, that would be really fucking nice.... because I never said that.

Dear dishonest dunce; you infer it when you denigrate McCain who ran against Obama. Now instead of engaging in your typical dishonest tirade and deflections, why don’t you tell me how Obama’s experience trumped McCain’s whom you like to impugn?

So if McCain’s service does not equate to the proper experience, as claimed by you and that Dunce Wesley Clark, what experience did Obama bring to be electable? Try to answer the question honestly this time rather than go off on an off topic lunatic rant.

And that makes you a piece of whale shit liar.... you fucking make me ill. To think that there are good folks out on the ramparts all over the world protecting America for worthless pieces of shit like you makes me angry. You don't deserve their service.

Have some cheese with that vagina man whine you ignorant dunce. I am always amused when lying assholes like you get the excrement that erupts from your keyboard like a monkey in a zoo thrown back into your face and you try to hide behind your former uniform. Hell, you hate this country so much you ran over to Mexico.

So spare me your disingenuous bullshit.

If there is a just God, you'll be hit by a bus before the sun goes down.

LMAO; typical tolerant leftist dunce.
your reading comprehension sucks. Wes Clark is brilliant, a hero and a patriot and you call him a stupid buffoon. Eat shit and die.

I "inferred" nothing of the sort... YOU may have inferred whatever the fuck you wanted to infer from my comments but I neither inferred nor implied any such thing.

Go find that bus, ass hole.
your reading comprehension sucks. Wes Clark is brilliant, a hero and a patriot and you call him a stupid buffoon. Eat shit and die.

I "inferred" nothing of the sort... YOU may have inferred whatever the fuck you wanted to infer from my comments but I neither inferred nor implied any such thing.

Go find that bus, ass hole.

Awww; whiney vagina dunce has his little feelings hurt and now wants to rant like an ignoramus. Yay you!

Dismissed you ignorant dunce.
So in your pathetic world of commie misery and your insane little pea-brain, you opine that folks that escape the misery of communism and flee to where they can practice the blessings of capitalism are all immoral Atheist devoid of self-respect, right Commie?

Here's reality commie. Communist nation's governments mandate morals dictated by the government. Communist nation's governments mandate Atheism. And in communist nations there is no such thing as "self" respect, all respect is directed to the "collective" government by the government's gun in the back and the threat of the Gulag.

Aren't you a tedious arsehole! There are, as you know, no communist nations, and the very brief moments of socialism before you murdered all the decent people involved amount to about two years in various local areas. It must be awful to have a brain totally washed clean of thought and a mouth full of your masters' shit. Lick on regardless, groveller.