Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

The only thing you are a scholar of is uttering unadulterated bullshit Commander Dimwit; apparently you learned NOTING from your Marxist studies other than how to mask it as Democratic.

actually, the soviet union was my area of study at Annapolis, and, after I got out and got my MBA, I concentrated on marketing and management information systems.

Clearly, you would know a marxist idea if it bit you in the ass. For you, the word is just another in your plethora of boring epithets.
these idiots will be claiming it in ten years.

they are the biggest fucking hunks of shit this country has ever had to endure
Based on the laughable stupidity that erupts from your keyboard, why yes Commander, you're a dunce. West Point Valedictorians can't possibly be as stupid as you are.

I don’t think I can make my point more clear than this; but I am sure you will ask another stupid question for further clarity because even when confronted with the obvious, you will still feel compelled to remove any and all doubt how dense you really are.

Next to Anti-Thinker and evinceDunce; you and Jarod are two of dumbest posters to be found on any political forum. The sad and ironic part is that you both think you’re intelligent and have misplaced high self-opinions of yourselves. But that is par for unintelligent, dimwitted arrogant leftists.

I have never claimed to be as smart as Wesley Clark.... you have, I think.

that's fucking funny.
why do I care what they think NOW? Adoption of universal health care is only a matter of when, not if.... America will come around and join the rest of the world in health care.... I am not all that worried about hurrying the process any faster than it will naturally progress.

Of course you don't care if you are part of a lying dishonest political party; you're a dishonest dunce of epic proportions.

I am merely pointing out the stupidity of your claims about them winning in the marketplace of ideas.
actually, the soviet union was my area of study at Annapolis, and, after I got out and got my MBA, I concentrated on marketing and management information systems.

You must have been sleeping through your courses based on the economic stupidity that constantly erupts from your keyboard.

Clearly, you would know a marxist idea if it bit you in the ass. For you, the word is just another in your plethora of boring epithets.

Clearly it is you who wouldn’t know a free market idea if it slapped you upside your empty dimwitted head.

So tell me Commander Dimwit; is universal care a form of Marxism or free market capitalism?
Another dishonest dunce question; Here's clue for you asshat, McCain didn't run for President right after he was released from the NVA prison. And your despicable description of his honorable service is a testimony to what a dire asshole you can be when you are exposed as the pathetic dunce that you are.

Wesley Clark wasn't any more right about McCain than you are because his experience super exceeded anything many Democratic Candidates had and Wesley is a buffoon equal to your stupidity to even bring McCain’s Naval aviator experience into question.

You people are beyond pathetic and mere stupid. Any claim coming from dunces like you who voted for Obama about someone's experience is laughably hypocritical because your party set the bar lower than any previous party's candidate by electing an inexperienced dunce like Obama. But unfortunately, because of how painfully stupid you are, you can't begin to comprehend the irony of ANY Democrat talking about Presidential experience for the rest of this nations existence.

Carry Commander Dimwit.

Have some cheese with your pathetic vagina man whine dunce.

Wesley Clark is a pathetic buffoon illustrated by his dimwitted insults about McCain and his being a Liberal; Democrat.

You wouldn't know "smart" if it slapped you on your empty dishonest partisan head.

Dismissed Commander Dunce.

Deflecting again I see; I cannot say I am surprised when dealing with dishonest dunces like you.

You really are THAT incredibly stupid.

not really deflecting. You have said some pretty disparaging things about a four star general and a West Point valedictorian.... but cannot explain what it is about your education or your character or your service to your country, that would give anyone reason to believe you had any standing to make such disparaging remarks.

Care to clarify? Or is more name calling and obfuscation on the menu?
what fucking blather

god you people are fucking scum.

your dead

your philosophy of hate is done.

move to a country that will allow you to act like fucking monsters to your fellow man.

your getting the eviction notice from this country.
When I see the Commander exhibiting his patriotism, I think of something H. L. Mencken said.

"Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his country, it is a sign that he expects to be paid for it."
not really deflecting. You have said some pretty disparaging things about a four star general and a West Point valedictorian.... but cannot explain what it is about your education or your character or your service to your country, that would give anyone reason to believe you had any standing to make such disparaging remarks.

Care to clarify? Or is more name calling and obfuscation on the menu?

Dear clueless dunce; I am not disparaging anyone's service. I am denouncing your and Wesley Clarks stupid, clueless and ignorant disparaging of an honorable Vietnam pilot and his service to this country. I am disparaging the dishonest politics you and Wesley Clark engage in which are typical for clueless leftist dunces. I am amused that morons like you think that you are immune from criticism merely because you wore a uniform; you are wrong, it does not excuse the dishonest stupidity that constantly erupts from your keyboard.

For a self-proclaimed valedictorian, you certainly suffer from a severe reading comprehension disorder.

So please explain how Obama's experience trumps McCain’s? Or will you continue to evade the question with more stupid efforts to deflect the topic away from your glaring ignorance?
Originally Posted by Truth Detector
So tell me Commander Dimwit; is universal care a form of Marxism or free market capitalism?

do you honestly think it is an either/or question?

what an idiot.

Is that tree over there a cow or a lump of coal?

Dear shit-for-brains; where did I place any qualifications to your possible answer? I think it is a fairly simple question to answer unless you’re a dishonest dunce wallowing in partisan denial.

Is Universal Care a form of Marxism? Answer it in any fashion you like; it can be as simple as an honest "yes" or as complicated as an essay of deflection and denial. However you wish to answer is up to you. But I won't accept your typical non-answer or answering a question with another question in an effort to wallow in the circle of stupidity with you.

Valedictorian my ass; hell, you post and argue like someone who never graduated from High School.
what fucking blather

god you people are fucking scum.

your dead

your philosophy of hate is done.

move to a country that will allow you to act like fucking monsters to your fellow man.

your getting the eviction notice from this country.

I as a decent human being have to wish them a long and healthy and happy life

I don't have morn them
Dear clueless dunce; I am not disparaging anyone's service. I am denouncing your and Wesley Clarks stupid, clueless and ignorant disparaging of an honorable Vietnam pilot and his service to this country. I am disparaging the dishonest politics you and Wesley Clark engage in which are typical for clueless leftist dunces. I am amused that morons like you think that you are immune from criticism merely because you wore a uniform; you are wrong, it does not excuse the dishonest stupidity that constantly erupts from your keyboard.

For a self-proclaimed valedictorian, you certainly suffer from a severe reading comprehension disorder.

So please explain how Obama's experience trumps McCain’s? Or will you continue to evade the question with more stupid efforts to deflect the topic away from your glaring ignorance?

talk about reading comprehension. I have never once "proclaimed" that I was valedictorian of any-fucking-thing. Wesley Clark was, however. He was valedictorian of a school so fucking hard to get into and so much fucking harder to get through than anything you have EVER experienced in academia OR real life. And THEN he went off to Nam, was a hero, got shot four times by a VC and STILL continued to direct and lead his troops in battle and on to victory. Bronze Star. Purple Heart. Silver Star. Great Army career. Four fucking stars. A TRUE patriot. And you, you little bloated piece of self inflated shit, are not man enough to even DESERVE the chance to lick the dog shit off his boots.

And when you can find a post from me where I EVER said that Obama's experience "trumped" McCain's, that would be really fucking nice.... because I never said that. And that makes you a piece of whale shit liar.... you fucking make me ill. To think that there are good folks out on the ramparts all over the world protecting America for worthless pieces of shit like you makes me angry. You don't deserve their service.

If there is a just God, you'll be hit by a bus before the sun goes down.