Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

I do. I am an active member of the democratic party. If you didn't want to hear my answer, why ask the fucking question in the first place?
Wrong, dick smack. You are an active member of the democrat party. There's nothing democratic about today's democrats. Go catch up on your readings about Stalin.
as republicans, I welcome the day y'all get yer shit together. Win in the marketplace of ideas, or perish... Your choice entirely.
Your definition of "get their shit together" means to dump Conservatism and become an exact copy of the DemocRAT party! sorry, but we need the GOP to be totally opposed to the DemcRAT agenda.
My definition is a GOP that can convince the electorate it is a viable choice for leading this country... Y'all have to figure that out all by yourselves. Do so or perish. Your choice.
Ignore me like you said you would, fucking worthless laughable pussy.
I can't let a piece of shit like you wander around these forums unchecked. You're a communist windup doll. Some of the more moderate JPPers might actually be stupid enough to buy into your lies, and we simply can't have that.
My definition is a GOP that can convince the electorate it is a viable choice for leading this country... Y'all have to figure that out all by yourselves. Do so or perish. Your choice.
Our choice is to utterly destroy Liberalism and return this country to greatness, unpatriotic traitor.
And you would cheer the "final solution to the Conservative question" when it comes to pass, wouldn't you? Mass extermination of Conservatives?
And you would cheer the "final solution to the Liberal question" when it comes to pass, wouldn't you? Mass extermination of Liberals?