Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

but please don't feel on the spot. take a day or so and google it... study it... and then come back with a witty reply.

I'll wait.
Times change, genius. The Democrats of that day left to join the Republican your homework regarding Nixon's "Southern Strategy", as I tire of doing the homework for willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger drones like yourself.

List the democrats that left the democrat party and joined the republican party. Please. All of them. List all of the democrat party Senators who switched.
I suppose that you, if able, would have been carping about judicial abuse from Marbury v Madison... correct?
I'm still trying to get past my disbelief that you rearranged the wording on my quote. "Comrade" to "Commander" you dickhead? Repost with the correct wording, then I'll decide whether I should, for the first time ever, put a pervert Communist Democrat on ignore.
Rich people and their arse-lickers believe in 'patriotism' from others, meaning they should support the rich thieves. When it comes to a choice between profit and the 'Country' (other people) they totally forget all that shite., The only country the right wing scumbags have is money, and you better believe it.
I'm still trying to get past my disbelief that you rearranged the wording on my quote. "Comrade" to "Commander" you dickhead? Repost with the correct wording, then I'll decide whether I should, for the first time ever, put a pervert Communist Democrat on ignore.

here...let me help you with that decision:
Go fuck yourself.
How's that work for ya, douchebag?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Times change, genius. The Democrats of that day left to join the Republican your homework regarding Nixon's "Southern Strategy", as I tire of doing the homework for willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger drones like yourself.

List the democrats that left the democrat party and joined the republican party. Please. All of them. List all of the democrat party Senators who switched.

Pull your head out of Rush Limbaugh's ass and PAY ATTENTION to what is actually being discussed! This is how I schooled your equally willfully ignorant compadre:

Now run-a-long and research the word "dixiecrat", as I tire of doing the homework for dumb toots like you.
Do you even fucking understand what it is to be liberal, conservative, progressive? Certain people of political ideologies or philosophies are of certain parties. People can be liberal and have conservative views. Being liberal for some, is not always in absolutes. Some people are liberal and conservative based on different social issues. Apparently anyone that demonstrates liberal thought is entirely liberal in your view. the fact that you're painting people with a broad brush demonstrates logic because we all know people of the right don't know how to discern between members of a specific philosophy and political party....See how well generalizations work?

Bravo! Nailed it
yes. I did. It would be an honor for me is you would, please ignore me. I can think nothing more delicious than knowing that balls of shit such as yourself would never again by replying to my posts. Do it, and do us both a favor.
yes. I did. It would be an honor for me is you would, please ignore me. I can think nothing more delicious than knowing that balls of shit such as yourself would never again by replying to my posts. Do it, and do us both a favor.
What, and let an angry fuck like you spread liberal nonsense all over the place? No, it's better to keep you sleazy perverts, in check.
I'm still trying to get past my disbelief that you rearranged the wording on my quote. "Comrade" to "Commander" you dickhead? Repost with the correct wording, then I'll decide whether I should, for the first time ever, put a pervert Communist Democrat on ignore.

I am not about to "change" my editing of your post to replace your insult with my correct title. Have the balls to follow through with your own statement. pussy.