Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

that's is pretty much your M.O.. If the question is one that you find uncomfortable answering, you merely castigate IT and castigate the person who asked it.

That is SO junior high school, buddy.

grow the fuck up.

and I love how a cowardly little man who never served can call Wesley Clark, Number ONE in his class at West Point, brilliant military career, four star general... YOU can call HIM a stupid buffoon???? How the fuck can you do that with a straight face? He has FORGOTTEN more than you have ever learned. His shit is smarter than you are.

Have some cheese with your pathetic vagina man whine dunce.

Wesley Clark is a pathetic buffoon illustrated by his dimwitted insults about McCain and his being a Liberal; Democrat.

You wouldn't know "smart" if it slapped you on your empty dishonest partisan head.

Dismissed Commander Dunce.
Have some cheese with your pathetic vagina man whine dunce.

Wesley Clark is a pathetic buffoon illustrated by his dimwitted insults about McCain and his being a Liberal; Democrat.

You wouldn't know "smart" if it slapped you on your empty dishonest partisan head.

Dismissed Commander Dunce.

like I said, big phony... Wesley Clark's pieces of shit are smarter than you are.

I think not.

A modern day liberal, or progressive, seeks to creatively interpret the Constitution. In truth they ignore it, usurp it, despise it. A patriot, on the other hand, is someone who reveres the Constitution, understands its original intent and meaning, and seeks to apply it to solving modern problems.

The meaning of liberalism has changed throughout US history. During the revolutionary period a liberal was someone who was against the monarchy and fought for a republican form of government. They recognized that government was a necessary evil, and that in order to minimize the evil they also had to limit the powers of the government. So they created a federal system with very limited powers and left the rest to the states, or to the people.

In the modern era, a liberal is someone who sees the Constitution as outdated. They want the federal government to have broad, unrestricted power. This power approaches that of a monarchy, of which the patriot, both then and now, fights against.

Your first three words says it all.

It's not the liberals who are still pissed that slavery was abolished in what some conservatives call "the war of aggression", it's not the liberals who are defending corporations outsourcing jobs (while getting tax breaks in doing so) or are STILL pretending reaganomics works (were are the jobs, "job creators"? Didn't the Shrub give you your tax breaks?).

Mind you, both liberals and conservatives are to some degree for and against the latest TPP deal from the White House, so no one is pure. But given the last 30 years, your premise is not only erroneous, but to some degree laughable....worthy of Rush Limbaugh. Carry on.
Your first three words says it all.

It's not the liberals who are still pissed that slavery was abolished in what some conservatives call "the war of aggression", it's not the liberals who are defending corporations outsourcing jobs (while getting tax breaks in doing so) or are STILL pretending reaganomics works (were are the jobs, "job creators"? Didn't the Shrub give you your tax breaks?).

Mind you, both liberals and conservatives are to some degree for and against the latest TPP deal from the White House, so no one is pure. But given the last 30 years, your premise is not only erroneous, but to some degree laughable....worthy of Rush Limbaugh. Carry on.

You're the perfect example of the dishonest dunces that infest the Democratic Party with utter stupidity these days.

Why do I say this? Simple, anyone who claims that Republicans are pissed that slavery was abolished, that they are for outsourcing and that "Reaganomics" didn't work without any proof or facts to support such unadulterated bullshit, isn’t interested in honest debate; but rather engaging in dimwitted flame baiting empty headed dunces on the left love to wallow in.

Once again we see the special brand of stupid liberals like you spam the forum with every day without end.
So you say; but then you are a dishonest dunce stuck on that special brand of stupid you bring to the forum, who cares what you say?

Dismissed Commander Dimwit. ;)

I dunno... I think that most folks who weren't stupid partisan asshats would agree that the valedictorian of a West Point class was probably smarter than you.
Do you understand how logic works? Cuz u violated basic logic there.

Do you even fucking understand what it is to be liberal, conservative, progressive? Certain people of political ideologies or philosophies are of certain parties. People can be liberal and have conservative views. Being liberal for some, is not always in absolutes. Some people are liberal and conservative based on different social issues. Apparently anyone that demonstrates liberal thought is entirely liberal in your view. the fact that you're painting people with a broad brush demonstrates logic because we all know people of the right don't know how to discern between members of a specific philosophy and political party....See how well generalizations work?
I always refer to a liberal as someone who adheres to his party's stated principles:

Well that is where you're wrong. Being liberal, or progressive is a political philosophy, not a political party. If you ever watch The Young Turks who most obviously identify as progressive-liberal they are overtly critical of Obama. Now, if they were Democrats they wouldn't be as criticial as they are of him but they are. Surely no actual democrat would be so obviously criticial of Obama.
Don't be mean to Sunny D. He was crying out for help with his depression recently. Mama "Grisly" Desh was all worried and stuffs. :rofl2:

Funny how all you can talk about if my own personal sufferings. Says a lot about you. Can't talk about anything else except what I in my own ignorance posted months back. That's fine because it just demonstrates your own intellectual cowardice.

"I can't argue against SD so I talk about his personal dealings..."
Well that is where you're wrong. Being liberal, or progressive is a political philosophy, not a political party. If you ever watch The Young Turks who most obviously identify as progressive-liberal they are overtly critical of Obama. Now, if they were Democrats they wouldn't be as criticial as they are of him but they are. Surely no actual democrat would be so obviously criticial of Obama.
Regardless, if you self-identify as a liberal you are beholden to most of that groups stated policies.

Let's take the first plank on their platform: "Guns are a privilege, regulated by Congress.*"

How is that Constitutional?