Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Your first three words says it all.

It's not the liberals who are still pissed that slavery was abolished in what some conservatives call "the war of aggression", it's not the liberals who are defending corporations outsourcing jobs (while getting tax breaks in doing so) or are STILL pretending reaganomics works (were are the jobs, "job creators"? Didn't the Shrub give you your tax breaks?).

Mind you, both liberals and conservatives are to some degree for and against the latest TPP deal from the White House, so no one is pure. But given the last 30 years, your premise is not only erroneous, but to some degree laughable....worthy of Rush Limbaugh. Carry on.

You're the perfect example of the dishonest dunces that infest the Democratic Party with utter stupidity these days.

And lets' see if toodles can logically/factually prove any "dishonesty" in what I stated, or what information I'm "ignorant" of. Oh, and for the record, I'm a registered Independent...something else our fraudulent neocon "Truth Detector" won't acknowledge.

Why do I say this? No one asked, but enlighten us, toodles. Simple, anyone who claims that Republicans are pissed that slavery was abolished, Ahhh, I wrote "some conservatives", genius. You should learn to read carefully and comprehensively...makes you look less foolish. If you like, I can provide you with quotes from conservative politicians and pundits who are STILL bitching about the "war of aggression" and try to soft soap our heinous history of slavery. But you and I both know you don't have the guts to deal with that, don't we now? that they are for outsourcing Check the Congressional voting record on proposed bills that would END tax breaks for corporations that outsourced jobs, toodles. I'm damned tired of doing your homework for you. and that "Reaganomics" didn't work without any proof or facts to support such unadulterated bullshit, isn’t interested in honest debate; but rather engaging in dimwitted flame baiting empty headed dunces on the left love to wallow in.

Having dealt with willfully ignorant folk like in the past, I know that you merely ignore FACTS that you don't like. But if you're still stubborn enough to believe that reaganomics works, here's a primer for your education:

Once again we see the special brand of stupid liberals like you spam the forum with every day without end.

Stop projecting, toodles. I can and have backed up what I state WITHOUT denying, or ignoring ALL the information available. You don't, as the history of our exchanges and your exchanges with others shows. Let's see how you fair here, as hope springs eternal.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post

It's not the liberals who are still pissed that slavery was abolished...

Say that to the Democrats who started a war over it, then got their asses kicked.

Times change, genius. The Democrats of that day left to join the Republican your homework regarding Nixon's "Southern Strategy", as I tire of doing the homework for willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger drones like yourself.
there are people who are effecting this debate who are not in support of our government continuing.

when you have a corporate press it can be owned by Non Americans huh?

what if the plan is to fuck our country by reporting bullshit lies all day long?
Times change, genius. The Democrats of that day left to join the Republican your homework regarding Nixon's "Southern Strategy", as I tire of doing the homework for willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger drones like yourself.

Hilarious, the old "parties switched" argument that fails every time. Here's a summary on the southern strategy:
In the arsenal of the Democrats is a condemnation of Republican President Richard Nixon for his so-called “Southern Strategy.” These same Democrats expressed no concern when the racially segregated South voted solidly for Democrats for over 100 years, yet unfairly deride Republicans because of the thirty-year odyssey of the South switching to the Republican Party that began in the 1970's. Nixon's "Southern Strategy” was an effort on his part to get fair-minded people in the South to stop voting for Democrats who did not share their values and were discriminating against blacks. Georgia did not switch until 2004, and Louisiana was controlled by Democrats until the election of Republican Governor Bobby Jindal in 2007.

As the co-architect of Nixon’s “Southern Strategy”, Pat Buchanan provided a first-hand account of the origin and intent of that strategy in a 2002 article that can be found on the Internet at:

In that article, Buchanan wrote that when Nixon kicked off his historic comeback in 1966 with a column about the South (written by Buchanan), Nixon declared that the Republican Party would be built on a foundation of states rights, human rights, small government and a strong national defense, and leave it to the “party of Maddox, Mahoney and Wallace to squeeze the last ounce of political juice out of the rotting fruit of racial injustice”.

During the 1966 campaign, Nixon was personally thanked by Dr. King for his help in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Nixon also endorsed all Republicans, except the members of the John Birch Society.

Notably, the enforcement of affirmative action began with Richard Nixon‘s 1969 Philadelphia Plan (crafted by black Republican Art Fletcher who became known as “the father of affirmative action enforcement”) that set the nation‘s first goals and timetables. Nixon was also responsible for the passage of civil rights legislation in the 1970’s, including the Equal Employment Act of 1972.

Fletcher, as president of the United Negro College Fund, coined the phrase “the mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Fletcher was also one of the original nine plaintiffs in the famous “Brown v. Topeka Board of Education” decision. Fletcher briefly pursued a bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 1995.

Nixon began his merit-based affirmative action program to overcome the harm caused by Democrat President Woodrow Wilson who, after he was elected in 1912, kicked blacks out of federal government jobs and prevented blacks from obtaining federal contracts. Also, while Wilson was president and Congress was controlled by the Democrats, more discriminatory bills were introduced in Congress than ever before in our nation’s history. Today, Democrats have turned affirmative action into an unfair quota system that even most blacks do not support.
Why do you have to agree with the constitution to be a patriot, or to love your country?

A modern day liberal, or progressive, seeks to creatively interpret the Constitution. In truth they ignore it, usurp it, despise it. A patriot, on the other hand, is someone who reveres the Constitution, understands its original intent and meaning, and seeks to apply it to solving modern problems.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Times change, genius. The Democrats of that day left to join the Republican your homework regarding Nixon's "Southern Strategy", as I tire of doing the homework for willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger drones like yourself.

Hilarious, the old "parties switched" argument that fails every time. Here's a summary on the southern strategy: source

Yep, "black" republicans are frequent apologist for the GOP, and have no problem skewering history...banking on the bias of documented right wing ideologues like Pat Buchannan (Nixon's speech writer)to bolster their revisionism. Here's a reality check "from the horse's mouth", so to speak. I await your denials.

Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy

The forty-two-minute recording, acquired by James Carter IV, confirms Atwater’s incendiary remarks and places them in context.
Rick Perlstein
November 13, 2012

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

By Mike Allen
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
And since as an Independent who does NOT belong to this "party" and may not agree with all it's points, your analogy falls flat.

Also, you AGAIN fail to demonstrate a "lack of patriotism". Carry on.

Are you denying that you're a liberal, Taichiliberal? LOL!

So by your limited mentality, anyone who identifies themselves as a "liberal" or a "conservative" must automatically think lock step with any and all self titled groups that include those words in their identification titles.

Jeez, small wonder the neocon/teabagger mindset is destroying the GOP. Carry on, chuckles.
well... this modern day liberal, patriot and retired career serviceman disagrees. I took an oath to defend the constitution - and your life - and did so for a long long time. You had other priorities, as I recall. I certainly don't see the constitution as "outdated". It has grown and evolved as our country has evolved. What was once deemed constitutional under a ruling like Plessy v. Ferguson was later ruled unconstitutional by Brown v. Board of Education. That's how it works. If you want to go back to 1789, invent a fucking time machine. Barring that, deal with it.
Because the Constitution is a living document. Just like our forefathers envisioned it, right comrade?
