Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

again... let me restate: "That is nowhere near as relevant as the fact that, obviously, lots of southern voters who were democrats became republicans... which is why the south went from being true blue to dead red."
and regardless of the formerly racist democratic politicians in the south who remained democrats, blacks there, and everywhere else, vote overwhelmingly for democrats.
Oh I know what a Dixiecrat is. I am just looking for a list of democrats that became republicans. Surely someone as smart as you can find said list.

See folks, willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest neocon/teabaggers dodge and BS when nailed. Here's what they are in denial of:

This is COMMON KNOWLEDGE to anyone with a HS diploma who READS more than one news source and essentially pays attention to what's going on in the world. Though I hate doing homework for the intellectually impotent, I couldn't resist the urge to (yet again) make a fool out of a neocon/teabagger parrot.
Right-wingers can never be patriots. They betrayed their king rather than pay taxes, and they will do the same under any regime not ruled by Hitler, who is the sort of politician they love.
Right-wingers can never be patriots. They betrayed their king rather than pay taxes, and they will do the same under any regime not ruled by Hitler, who is the sort of politician they love.

Here you go.
I found your favorite drink.

Today the lawless regime violated the law and put in another delay. Anyone who supports this lawless regime acting outside of its powers is not a patriot. Of course the pussies in Congress do nothing. These are truly impeachable offenses. He is violating his oath of office.
Today the lawless regime violated the law and put in another delay. Anyone who supports this lawless regime acting outside of its powers is not a patriot. Of course the pussies in Congress do nothing. These are truly impeachable offenses. He is violating his oath of office.
The Affirmative Action President will never be impeached.
So was your arse. If you are off your head, don't advertise the fact. Your hero, as you know, was put up by big business to destroy socialism. Why do you cock-suckers talk such vacuous vomit?

Hitler was a response to the German economy, and the speed gained by communists. He promised change, while not resorting to the reds. It appealed to the business class, and the conservative populists.
Hitler was a response to the German economy, and the speed gained by communists. He promised change, while not resorting to the reds. It appealed to the business class, and the conservative populists.

Yes - he murdered millions to save capitalism, like any other capitalist arse-licker.