Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

Nothing to do with me. What point are you trying to make, Sais?
That "we" kicked "your" arses; you're pissed off at that, thus your comment: "Right-wingers can never be patriots. They betrayed their king rather than pay taxes...."

It is ironic when you use that overused term: "willfully ignorant".

So toodles cannot logically or factually defend his assertion and this is the best retort he could come up with. Pathetic, but not unexpected. Here's how I schooled one of your cohorts, toodles:

(see folks, this joker is just some right wing crank who cannot logically or factually defend his he dodges, distorts, lies and just plain BS's. His whole game at some point is to get people to respond to his nonsense...which is why he will now be dumped into the IA bin until he learns better.)
Today the lawless regime violated the law and put in another delay. Anyone who supports this lawless regime acting outside of its powers is not a patriot. Of course the pussies in Congress do nothing. These are truly impeachable offenses. He is violating his oath of office.

I do wish you would actually site the LAW that was allegedly violated, because just you parroting the dreck found in the broadcasts of Levine or Hannity and the like is just a waste of time and space.
That "we" kicked "your" arses; you're pissed off at that, thus your comment: "Right-wingers can never be patriots. They betrayed their king rather than pay taxes...."


We are occupied - you were English settlers denying your legal ruler for money, as you have done ever since. We just want your ex-master to fuck off, not have your current masters instead, clown..
no patriot would keep Americans from voting so they can win a scewed election.

people on the right are either badly informed or informed and evil
We are occupied - you were English settlers denying your legal ruler for money, as you have done ever since. We just want your ex-master to fuck off, not have your current masters instead, clown..

Your masters' rule over the colonies was only legal by the King's own decree. You should read the entire Declaration of Independence, not just the beginning- it is a legal indictment against the then King of England. It wasn't just unjust taxation, but many other offenses that caused the colonists to take this drastic step.

If the King of England had treated the colonists fairly, America may have simply remained part of the Kingdom.
Your masters' rule over the colonies was only legal by the King's own decree. You should read the entire Declaration of Independence, not just the beginning- it is a legal indictment against the then King of England. It wasn't just unjust taxation, but many other offenses that caused the colonists to take this drastic step.

If the King of England had treated the colonists fairly, America may have simply remained part of the Kingdom.

Nothing to do with me, mate. Fuck off, the English lot of you!
Then you would not support this President who shreds constitutional law, something he was supposedly well versed in example wanting to put monitors in newsroom to see why they choose a story, changing the health care law without going through the proper channels.
Your masters' rule over the colonies was only legal by the King's own decree. You should read the entire Declaration of Independence, not just the beginning- it is a legal indictment against the then King of England. It wasn't just unjust taxation, but many other offenses that caused the colonists to take this drastic step.

If the King of England had treated the colonists fairly, America may have simply remained part of the Kingdom.

Fairly? Not taxed the stinking rich to pay for those who died for them? Come off it - they just wanted to be where they are now, enslaving all the mugs around them and living fat.
The fact that you insist on remaining uneducated about English history means that you will forever be ruled by them.

Try looking at the numbers and the distances, kid. And we have our own government already, which is steadily increasing its powers, as it happens, for what it's worth.
Then you would not support this President who shreds constitutional law, something he was supposedly well versed in example wanting to put monitors in newsroom to see why they choose a story, changing the health care law without going through the proper channels.

You keep parroting that failed narrative promoted by the likes of Fox News pundits, Karl Rove and Rand Paul.....yet to date you cannot provide FACT BASED PROOF of your accusations.

No one is buying it, son....that's why you jokers lost in 2012, and that's why you're going to take a beating in the upcoming elections.
You keep parroting that failed narrative promoted by the likes of Fox News pundits, Karl Rove and Rand Paul.....yet to date you cannot provide FACT BASED PROOF of your accusations.

No one is buying it, son....that's why you jokers lost in 2012, and that's why you're going to take a beating in the upcoming elections.

Using the IRS as a law enforcement mechanism is clearly extra-constitutional, dillhole.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You keep parroting that failed narrative promoted by the likes of Fox News pundits, Karl Rove and Rand Paul.....yet to date you cannot provide FACT BASED PROOF of your accusations.

No one is buying it, son....that's why you jokers lost in 2012, and that's why you're going to take a beating in the upcoming elections.

Using the IRS as a law enforcement mechanism is clearly extra-constitutional, dillhole.

Specify, you blithering bumpkin! Because this generalized accusation on flies with the likes of Limbaugh and the willful idiots that follow him.

Put up or shut up.
Specify, you blithering bumpkin! Because this generalized accusation on flies with the likes of Limbaugh and the willful idiots that follow him.

Put up or shut up.

The tax code is being used as an enforcement mechanism, on non tax related issues. The tax code is being used to enforce the individual mandate.
The individual mandate is enforced through a tax penalty. doy.

You need to broaden your reading/listening news sources, bunky. The SCOTUS says it's all legal and above board. Here, FYI:

On June 28, 2012, the United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It did it in a long and complex decision that rejected the Constitutional argument for upholding the law that had received the most attention — that the ACA’s individual mandate was supportable under Congress’ power to regulate interstate commerce –and relied instead on a much less familiar argument, that Congress has authority to impose the mandate under its power to tax and spend.