Can any Democrat win?

Cany any Democrat win?

  • Not sure

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Is English your second language, perhaps? That might explain your simplistic, hamfisted approach devoid of any educated nuance. Yo entiendo y lo siento.
Faulty premise. Voting for liberals is the smart thing to do - liberals don't shut down the govt, don't restrict voting rights, and don't risk our credit rating with a debt default. I could go on, but voting liberal is smart. Voting for conservatives who want to wreck our country is dumb

Voting Liberal is dimwitted and the realm of a dullard class who believes that Government is the solution to all social ills and where personal responsibility is placed on everyone else’s heads. It is a dullard ideology that ignores its own historic failures and continues to be desirous of forcing the citizens into becoming willing wards of the State.

But if you are nearly brain dead and still convinced that Government works marvelously and is not responsible for the wild economic swings we are continually having to deal with and think with your emotions instead of your brains; Liberalism is a perfect ideology.
can't you just tell by the fractured syntax used by some on here, that their education has really been limited or ineffective?

This coming from a leftist dullard who never starts a sentence by capitalizing; yes, you really are THAT stupid and dimwitted.

Whoever said "Because Democrats know how to win" is retarded. Democrats have no concept of how to win anything. They're professionals at shooting themselves in the foot. Will Rogers was right.

..and I'm a liberal!
Sorry for the double post; I'm new here and can't find the Edit button.

Voting Liberal is dimwitted and the realm of a dullard class who believes that Government is the solution to all social ills and where personal responsibility is placed on everyone else’s heads. It is a dullard ideology that ignores its own historic failures and continues to be desirous of forcing the citizens into becoming willing wards of the State.

But if you are nearly brain dead and still convinced that Government works marvelously and is not responsible for the wild economic swings we are continually having to deal with and think with your emotions instead of your brains; Liberalism is a perfect ideology.

Let me correct that for you:

Voting Conservative is dimwitted and the realm of a dullard class who believes that The Market is the solution to all social ills and where social responsibility is ignored in favor of personal gain at other's expense. It is a dullard ideology that ignores its own historic failures and continues to be desirous of forcing the citizens into becoming unwilling wards of the Corporatocracy.

But if you are nearly brain dead and still convinced that The Market works marvelously and is not responsible for the wild economic swings we are continually having to deal with and think with your emotions instead of your brains; Conservativism is a perfect ideology.

If corporations would act like responsible stewards of society, we wouldn't need government oversight. But they act like short-sighted, small-minded children willing to rape pretty much anything in front of them if it increases their end-of-quarter profit margin. It's a pity that in this country the two-party system puts anyone who understands that into the catch-all "liberal" category, but I'm all for avoiding the greater of two evils.
Way to be helpful to the new guy! I can see that this is a place that respects differing opinions and is interested in actual debating and discussing.

Just like you have in your forum title, which in no way marks you as any kind of hypocritical ass.
Sorry for the double post; I'm new here and can't find the Edit button.

Let me correct that for you:

If corporations would act like responsible stewards of society, we wouldn't need government oversight. But they act like short-sighted, small-minded children willing to rape pretty much anything in front of them if it increases their end-of-quarter profit margin. It's a pity that in this country the two-party system puts anyone who understands that into the catch-all "liberal" category, but I'm all for avoiding the greater of two evils.

But corporations never take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Their duty and promise is only to those who invest their hard earned money in them. The promise is to make their investors money grow. They never promise to be “stewards of society.” The net effect is corporate greed,( if that’s how you see it), creates wealth for its investors and everybody that is fortunate to work for the corporation.

On the other hand, politicians swear an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, then solicit bribery from corporations and other special interest and make the laws that make the bribery legal. The bribery is a cost of doing business for the corporations andcost American voters their fortunes and their freedom because they voted for the crooked bastards in Washington.

“In America a politician that can’t be bribed is unemployed.”
True. Democrats are much better at implementing failed ideas.

I am curious, granule... since this is your thread and you wrote the opening post... in my response to that opening post I said, "I don't think that ANY democrat can win, but there certainly are SOME out there who are capable of winning". Is that statement a reasonable response to your OP, in your opinion, or is it an oxymoron?
I am curious, granule... since this is your thread and you wrote the opening post... in my response to that opening post I said, "I don't think that ANY democrat can win, but there certainly are SOME out there who are capable of winning". Is that statement a reasonable response to your OP, in your opinion, or is it an oxymoron?
It's more of an ignorant response than anything else. Barack Obama was pretty much a nobody before he won the presidency, and so was Bill Clinton. I really believe that just about any Democrat can step in and sew up the presidency.
But corporations never take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Their duty and promise is only to those who invest their hard earned money in them. The promise is to make their investors money grow. They never promise to be “stewards of society.” The net effect is corporate greed,( if that’s how you see it), creates wealth for its investors and everybody that is fortunate to work for the corporation.

You miss the point entirely. The point here is that if corporations would act as stewards of society, literally everyone would win. The corporations would find that government oversight melts away like butter if they just don't fucking kill and screw over both their workers and their customers. Their profits would improve over the long run, and their shareholders would have a party in their honor.

The problem is that there's exactly zero economic incentive for anyone piloting an organization to look that far into the future, because literally if you put a plan into motion that costs $50mil today and will make $500mil in seven years, you'll get canned for losing money over two consecutive quarters, and some idiot you've never met will take the credit and get called a hero in seven years when your plan comes to fruition.

On the other hand, politicians swear an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, then solicit bribery from corporations and other special interest and make the laws that make the bribery legal. The bribery is a cost of doing business for the corporations and cost American voters their fortunes and their freedom because they voted for the crooked bastards in Washington.

You have a confusion here. The issue is not that politicians are crooked; it's that politicians want to get reelected, and that corporations have intervened in the government, manipulating the laws to allow themselves to donate obscene amounts to a politician's re-election campaigns. There is no "crooked" behind wanting to get re-elected -- what's crooked is the fact that they have to suck corporate cock to get enough money to compete, because if they don't, their competitor will, and will win because of the extra double-digit millions of dollars they'll have to spend on advertising.

If you want politicians to stop being corrupt, get corporate money and personnel out of Washington. It really is that simple.
It's more of an ignorant response than anything else. Barack Obama was pretty much a nobody before he won the presidency, and so was Bill Clinton. I really believe that just about any Democrat can step in and sew up the presidency.

Well... I don't see why you would call it "ignorant" to suggest that there were indeed some democrats who could win, while denying that just ANY old democrat could win. Kucinich couldn't win... Sharpton couldn't win, Edwards couldn't win, Kerry couldn't win, I couldn't win.... but certainly some could.

but to my original question, you'd agree that my response, given the content of your OP, was certainly not an oxymoron.... correct?
If corporations would act like responsible stewards of society, we wouldn't need government oversight. But they act like short-sighted, small-minded children willing to rape pretty much anything in front of them if it increases their end-of-quarter profit margin. It's a pity that in this country the two-party system puts anyone who understands that into the catch-all "liberal" category, but I'm all for avoiding the greater of two evils.

I am amused that you think you can correct anything, let alone get simple facts right.

The above commentary is proof that you are a clueless buffoon meandering about the internet parroting the idiot Marxist talking points of the DNC.

What company wants to kill its customers or employees? That statement alone is so incredibly stupid as to be repugnant.

How many companies have you worked for? Did they all have a policy that suggested that they thought killing their customers and employees was a good thing?

Companies rape now? You really are a dimwitted asshat aren't you?

You're not avoiding the greater of two evils; you're a painfully ignorant dimwit who engages in incredibly stupid rhetoric in a vacuum of reality, truth, facts or any sense of honesty.

The corporations I have worked for, and those I am a consultant to today, are extremely focused on taking care of the customer, taking care of their employees and give millions to local communities and good causes. You live in a fairytale land that suggests that one can trust a BIG overbearing Government but be wary of the private "evil and greedy" capitalist.

But this is exactly reverse from what concerned our wise founders and you are illustrative of why they wanted to prevent a straight Democracy giving ignoramuses the power of the vote; because they saw ignoramuses who realized they could vote themselves money from corrupt politicians as the single greatest threat to the Republic.

You're ignorant focus is on corporations who rightly seek out corrupt politicians for protection against stupid tax laws and seek out subsidies. It is the corrupt political system you should concern yourself with. You see, companies can ONLY survive if they provide the goods and services consumers demand, OR, by bribing corrupt politicians into giving them billions in taxpayer funds. If they do not, they disappear in bankruptcy or get bought out by stronger competition.

The Government knows no such limits. They can endlessly pass all the foolish legislation they wish to and when it results in economic disaster, they just tax we, the sheeple, at higher rates. Corrupt politicians like brain dead fools like you who seek to empower them even more over those corporations who seek redress. They love the equally dimwitted ones who will elect them by promising them something for nothing.

Lastly, but never the least, corporations do not pay taxes; they pass all their costs onto their consumers. The single best thing this nation can do is eliminate the corporate tax system. It is a sham that is a convenient method for politicians to force dimwits like you to pay more in taxes thinking that someone else is. You really are THAT simple.

Corporations are not the bane of society you believe them to be; they are entities run by people like you and me merely trying to satisfy demand. Government is the bane of society and a necessary evil that correctly needs to be kept in check and which our great Constitution attempted to do. But unfortunately, thanks to lemmings like you who mindlessly parrot the feel good Marxism of leftist dogma, politicians have found ways to circumvent the intent of the Constitution and have reached the pinnacle of usurping it with ACA.

But alas, you are a simple minded dimwit who desperately places your faith in politicians and angrily denounces Capitalism in a vacuum of reality, the truth or the facts. The DNC needs gullible dupes like you to stay in power.
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Way to be helpful to the new guy! I can see that this is a place that respects differing opinions and is interested in actual debating and discussing.

Just like you have in your forum title, which in no way marks you as any kind of hypocritical ass.

You could leave right now and save yourself the pain and embarrassment of removing all doubt that you are just another ignorant leftist prone to mindlessly parroting DNC talking points, OR, you can continue to remove all doubt.