Can Hillary cry her way back to the White House?

Well someone has to balance out people like you SF. Unless…you don’t actually think that the JPP board is on the edge of its collective seat wondering if you’re going to go Dem, do you?

I have already explained to you the only way I vote Dem for President.... and yes, it is highly unlikely that scenario occurs.

The difference is that I voted for a Dem for Senator. When is the last time you voted for a Rep?

This is anecdotal, and I'm not crowing that it "proves me right"....

but, I was listening to progressive talk radio today. And something happened I've never seen before. Tons of women were calling in defending hillary. Saying that they were pissed off that the media (and even some progressive activists) hold Hillary to a different standard than they hold Joe Biden or Barack Obama. And they were pissed about the focus on hillary's "emotions" or the clothes she wears. And they were explicit in pointing out (like I did), that hillary's senate voting record is nearly the same as Obama's (and other democrats) on Iraq, Veteran's affairs, and a multitude of other issues.

Edwards fucked up too. He made fun of her crying. Bad move. When hillary got of a campaign bus, there were edwards supporters there, and she went over to shake hands with them. They refused to shake her hand.

Bad move.

I agree with most of that. I think the teary moment (it wasn't really crying) was the galvanizing factor for all of that. It was the moment when people reacted with their hearts, and said "this has gone too far."

I think without that moment, there isn't as much of a tipping point for that emotion.
Really toppy, just come on out of the closet already.

I always think the same thing. I have never known anyone so caught up in the gay/feminine/masculine thing. It's an obsession with him.

I'm putting my money on an early gay experience that he's overcompensating for.
No, unlike most men especially the cons and a few weak ass dem men. I think we would benefit from a female president. Too many Bubba's lately, I feel the same way about a black guy improving the racism problem. You morons are too simplistic and party hackish to understand.
I have already explained to you the only way I vote Dem for President.... and yes, it is highly unlikely that scenario occurs.

The difference is that I voted for a Dem for Senator. When is the last time you voted for a Rep?

Congratulations for voting for a competent centrist dem like Salazar, over an absolute deranged and incompetent nutbag like Pete Coors.

Now, go back to thinking that your two votes for the worst president in history, was justified rather than voting for Gore/Kerry.

This is anecdotal, and I'm not crowing that it "proves me right"....

but, I was listening to progressive talk radio today. And something happened I've never seen before. Tons of women were calling in defending hillary. Saying that they were pissed off that the media (and even some progressive activists) hold Hillary to a different standard than they hold Joe Biden or Barack Obama. And they were pissed about the focus on hillary's "emotions" or the clothes she wears. And they were explicit in pointing out (like I did), that hillary's senate voting record is nearly the same as Obama's (and other democrats) on Iraq, Veteran's affairs, and a multitude of other issues.

Edwards fucked up too. He made fun of her crying. Bad move. When hillary got of a campaign bus, there were edwards supporters there, and she went over to shake hands with them. They refused to shake her hand.

Bad move.

And is there any wonder why women were reacting that way? For Christ's sake look at this fucking Dowd column, not only what Dowd writes herself but what she ascribes to other reporters:

A woman gazing at the screen was grimacing, saying it was bad. Three guys watched it over and over, drawn to the “humanized” Hillary. One reporter who covers security issues cringed. “We are at war,” he said. “Is this how she’ll talk to Kim Jong-il?”

Another reporter joked: “That crying really seemed genuine. I’ll bet she spent hours thinking about it beforehand.” He added dryly: “Crying doesn’t usually work in campaigns. Only in relationships.”

Frankly, it's disgusting.
And is there any wonder why women were reacting that way? For Christ's sake look at this fucking Dowd column, not only what Dowd writes herself but what she ascribes to other reporters:

Frankly, it's disgusting.

I posted numerous examples of republican leaders and candidates crying like little girls. And contrary to what Cawacko claimed, it wasn't always about the "war dead". It was about other, somewhat more trivial, crap.

And you know what? When Bush cries, its a sign that "he's human". Its admirable.

I don't give a crap if Hillary choked up, giving a speech. I don't care what her reasons were, or if she was exhausted. It doesn't matter. It's not like she broke down like a blubbering baby. That WOULD have been alarming. She just choked up a little. Big fucking deal.
And is there any wonder why women were reacting that way? For Christ's sake look at this fucking Dowd column, not only what Dowd writes herself but what she ascribes to other reporters:

Frankly, it's disgusting.

You know, that Dowd column was so overtly sexist, I don’t know how anyone could not see it. First of all, she is an outright anti-feminist, don’t even get me started on Dowd, one of the biggest problems feminist women have is how to deal with Dowd without sinking to her level. I mean, I have been known to call her an ignorant bitch, and guess what? That’s not the way to deal with the problem she presents, in a feminist voice. I could go on for pages about her, but when I write about Dowd, it’s going to be with my emotions aside, because she needs to be decimated, and she will be. There are a lot of feminist activists who have taken note of her, and are really fed up with her.

But look at that, a man in her office asked if that’s how Hillary was going to deal with Kim Jung Il. And Dowd did what? Took stenography. You didn’t ask him, if he had the same question about George bush who has cried publically?
I don't know; what you are all saying is not what I took from Dowd's column. It wasn't THAT Hillary cried. I have no problem with that at all; it was a genuine moment, and I don't think it was orchestrated at all.

It was the reason for the tears: the country doesn't understand how much they need me. It was very Clinton.

And no one has talked about how that moment was followed immediately by an attack on Obama.

Regardless, it may be that people look upon that moment as the defining moment of the Dem campaign. Without it, I'm not sure she takes NH, and without taking NH, I think her chances would have gotten very slim.
I don't know; what you are all saying is not what I took from Dowd's column. It wasn't THAT Hillary cried. I have no problem with that at all; it was a genuine moment, and I don't think it was orchestrated at all.

It was the reason for the tears: the country doesn't understand how much they need me. It was very Clinton.

And no one has talked about how that moment was followed immediately by an attack on Obama.

Regardless, it may be that people look upon that moment as the defining moment of the Dem campaign. Without it, I'm not sure she takes NH, and without taking NH, I think her chances would have gotten very slim.

It was the reason for the tears: the country doesn't understand how much they need me. It was very Clinton.

I think that's a talking point, frankly. I'm not going to judge what she got choked up about. I saw the whole thing, and multiple interpretations can be proffered. I think its the cult of hillary hate, that leads people to the conclusion she was crying about her lose of power.

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. She could have gotten chocked up over other things. I can't judge, and I really don't care. And I know that noboby in the MSM judges Bush's tears, or tries to read the tea leaves to ascribe cycnical motives to them.
I don't know; what you are all saying is not what I took from Dowd's column. It wasn't THAT Hillary cried. I have no problem with that at all; it was a genuine moment, and I don't think it was orchestrated at all.

It was the reason for the tears: the country doesn't understand how much they need me. It was very Clinton.

And no one has talked about how that moment was followed immediately by an attack on Obama.

Regardless, it may be that people look upon that moment as the defining moment of the Dem campaign. Without it, I'm not sure she takes NH, and without taking NH, I think her chances would have gotten very slim.

Another Dowd classic: fabricating motives and attacking people based on the fabricated motive. Neither Maureen Dowd nor you nor I have any idea whatsoever what motivated Clinton to well up. None at all. Yet, you fabricate this theory based on your distaste for Clinton and then use that fabrication to reinforce your negative views of her.

If you think I'm full of shit that this is classic Dowd do a google search for: Wesley Clark argyle sweater.
My wife & I were saying the same thing about her tears before I even read Dowd's column.

Read what she is saying while she welled up, and what she said immediately afterwards. Exhaustion is part of it, I'm sure, but there is no denying her comments. It's all about her.
again with the different standards for a woman.
you morons think the Mcain & Obama are not in it because they have monsterous ego's.
I don't know; what you are all saying is not what I took from Dowd's column. It wasn't THAT Hillary cried. I have no problem with that at all; it was a genuine moment, and I don't think it was orchestrated at all.

It was the reason for the tears: the country doesn't understand how much they need me. It was very Clinton.

And no one has talked about how that moment was followed immediately by an attack on Obama.

Regardless, it may be that people look upon that moment as the defining moment of the Dem campaign. Without it, I'm not sure she takes NH, and without taking NH, I think her chances would have gotten very slim.

Not that my opinion matters but I heard the clip one time and that was the impression I got, she was upset because the country has issues, she's the best person to handle them and that she was losing.
My wife & I were saying the same thing about her tears before I even read Dowd's column.

Read what she is saying while she welled up, and what she said immediately afterwards. Exhaustion is part of it, I'm sure, but there is no denying her comments. It's all about her.

bottom line is that Hillary believed the inevitability hype

I believe Hillary played the sympathy card too soon...she will not fair well in the South...McCain,Huckabee and Edwards will be toe to toe for the south nod...Obama and Hillary will be left in the dust! imho RP may also gain some south favor as well!