Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin

Yep. Thankfully I'm sure multiple people downloaded it before it got scrubbed. People have gotten wise.
Probably...everything of his is is deleting people commenting on the videos being related to the tragedy....
I watched about a minute of it earlier when it was still here...just unintelligible garbage...
I put up two videos of his rap what a couple of hours ago, one is already gone...Youtube yanked it....the other will be gone by the time I wake up.

I warned you fuckers....this is a Revolution.
MathBoi Fly (his rap name)

“Learned no taught behavior so when we start back Knokin white people out iOS wanna hear it’s the old white people KNOCK DEM TF OUT!!!

Nice, right?
Interesting. One of the youtube videos of his one of his songs another member posted late last night was there when he posted it. Now in the morning a few hours later it is GONE. 50 bucks says it had anti white lyrics or some other incriminating lyrics in it . Youtube trying to clean up evidence for a fellow Scumbag. You see what has been going on here folks?

I put up two videos of his rap what a couple of hours ago, one is already gone...Youtube yanked it....the other will be gone by the time I wake up.

I warned you fuckers....this is a Revolution.

YouTube is owned by Jews.

Does anybody have faith in the direction the USA would go according to Guno who's half Jewish & half Black?
The MSM now has blood on their hands.

They intentionally lied to the public made that whole Kyle Rittenhouse case about race, and got their idiot Darrell Brooks to get revenge.
MathBoi Fly (his rap name)

“Learned no taught behavior so when we start back Knokin white people out iOS wanna hear it’s the old white people KNOCK DEM TF OUT!!!

Nice, right?

Awful lyrics from a sick corrupt mind.
The MSM now has blood on their hands.

They intentionally lied to the public made that whole Kyle Rittenhouse case about race, and got their idiot Darrell Brooks to get revenge.

CNN ran a picture of Rittenhouse holding his gun all day yesterday with a header that read something like......." Violent White people are now the biggest threat"
YouTube is owned by Jews.

Does anybody have faith in the direction the USA would go according to Guno who's half Jewish & half Black?

IMO there are many good Jews in the world. But there is no doubt a certain sect of them, even mentioned in the Bible, Pure evil. They worship the old evil one from the beginning.
The MSM now has blood on their hands.

They intentionally lied to the public made that whole Kyle Rittenhouse case about race, and got their idiot Darrell Brooks to get revenge.

BLM riots were engineered by the media too.
By covering Blacks killed by cops & ignoring the higher numbers of Whites killed by cops.
BLM riots were engineered by the media too.
By covering Blacks killed by cops & ignoring the higher numbers of Whites killed by cops.

And thats just the tip of the iceberg. The CONSTANT lies and misinfo. They truly are enemy of the people.
CNN ran a picture of Rittenhouse holding his gun all day yesterday with a header that read something like......." Violent White people are now the biggest threat"

The only way that CNN can raise their viewers above 12 people is to incite riots, assaults and murders of whites.
IMO there are many good Jews in the world. But there is no doubt a certain sect of them, even mentioned in the Bible, Pure evil. They worship the old evil one from the beginning.

They are very eccentric & Left wing.

My impression is they are far more mentally ill than most people.

Evince acts like a typical Jew.
They are very eccentric & Left wing.

My impression is they are far more mentally ill than most people.

Evince acts like a typical Jew.

I dont know,....I do know that there is a sect talked about in the Bible. Baal worshipers. They have been behind much of the worlds troubles from the beginning.
They are very eccentric & Left wing.

My impression is they are far more mentally ill than most people.

Evince acts like a typical Jew.

Rev 2:9

"I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."