Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin

This POS is one

And one that Kyle killed was one

That's two. Based on two you want to kill them all? WTF kind of stupidass logic is that?

Trump was clearly a pedo. You keep claiming Joe is a pedo. By your logic all older white guys are pedos.

So are you a fucking hypocrite or do you want to kill all older white guys too?
The commie media is trying SO hard to claim that this guy was just fleeing the scene of another crime and didn't want to get caught..well here is the problem..literally NO ONE was chasing him at the time..NOT ONE PERSON, not ONE COP CAR was chasing him..and even Stevie Wonder could have seen people in front of him, he could have stopped!
That's two. Based on two you want to kill them all? WTF kind of stupidass logic is that?

Trump was clearly a pedo. You keep claiming Joe is a pedo. By your logic all older white guys are pedos.

So are you a fucking hypocrite or do you want to kill all older white guys too?

All real pedos are bad and should be strung up by the balls. Joe Biden is one of them.

Trump is not clearly one.
They want us to believe that was the only street in town.

Nothing but BS, he chose that street because he wanted to kill white folks just like he rapped about.
On the first two pages of this thread we saw JPP's cultist magtards blame this incident on Muslims, China, the woke, BLM, and Antifa.

Is there any sane person left who doesn't blame our current state of atrocious affairs on these assholes?

nope......all the sane people are content with blaming the Muslims, China, the woke, BLM and antifa.........
Because this is a terrorist modus operandi that these Islamist animals have used a number of times in European cities, like London.

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !
Proving, once again, that you can't find your fat bogan ass with both hands much less understand global politics and terrorism.
Yes it does. There have been Muslim Christmas attacks every year now.

America should not allow all ANY Muslims to migrate to the US; because they CANNOT take the "Oath of Allegiance" to become US Citizens, in good faith.

The reason is that they are all Islamists.

The Koran and the other sacred Scriptures of Islam, teach Muslims that White Americans are infidels who must EITHER convert to Islam or "die by the sword". There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. So-called moderate Muslims are indoctrinated to hate the US and Americans (and they do - if they do not, they are simply not Muslims), and, while they may not actually be the actual suicide bombers or knifemen who kill non-Islamic Americans, they aid and support these extremists by refusing to alert US police to terrorist plots , etc, that they have prior knowledge of.

Trump was 100% right to slap a travel ban on violent Muslim-majority states. If I were him I would have extended it to ALL foreign Muslims, because basically they are nothing more than 7th-century barbarians.

England learned their lesson the hard way, so did Sweden and Norway.


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !