Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin

:laugh::laugh: "We don't know the dude's name. We have no idea who he is. We have no idea what happened. But goddammit, this was a Muslim/BLM/woke/Antifa/Revolution terrorist attack. I know it."

All of you people are fucking morons.

why don't you know his name?......they released it last night.......
And ""IF"" he was fleeing a crime scene, this is why u shoot people trying to flee in a car, so they don't kill people!

murder weapon in the background.....
All real pedos are bad and should be strung up by the balls. Joe Biden is one of them.

Trump is not clearly one.

Trump is the first Pedo in the White House. I credit Melania from getting Trump to stop his pedo ways in 2005. Kudos to Melania! :thup:


The commie media is trying SO hard to claim that this guy was just fleeing the scene of another crime and didn't want to get caught..well here is the problem..literally NO ONE was chasing him at the time..NOT ONE PERSON, not ONE COP CAR was chasing him..and even Stevie Wonder could have seen people in front of him, he could have stopped!

not only that, but don't they realize the fact he was fleeing the scene of another crime and didn't want to get caught makes what he did WORSE rather than better?.........
yeah, everyone knows suburban soccer moms are public enemy #1, right crt boy?

If you weren't such a pitiful dweeb you'd realize those Soccer Moms can be a lot of fun for someone who worked Fridays through Mondays.

Did your mom seem a lot happier Tuesday through Thursday than the rest of the week when you were growing up?

/shrugs......all you have to do is read post #193 and they will see that your fly is open and your dick is hanging out........its rather silly for you to deny it when its right there for everyone to see.....

but why make everyone's what you claim is false......

Quote Originally Posted by Stone View Post
You suck dick and take it in the ass and are proud of it.
Better than being a trumpper, by a long shot.

now, why did YOU think it was relevant, Mr. Trial Lawyer?.......
This is a nutter

They easily could have plowed the entire band down

There were certain people they seemed to drive arround and then went down only one row of people

This is an insane person

I wonder how well this post is going to age.
If you weren't such a pitiful dweeb you'd realize those Soccer Moms can be a lot of fun for someone who worked Fridays through Mondays.

Did your mom seem a lot happier Tuesday through Thursday than the rest of the week when you were growing up?

so why did the school board association use federal political power to have them targetted as domestic terrorists?