Caroline Kennedy....The Democrat's Sarah Palin...

Because she did in fact know that Africa was a continent based on comments about Darfur and other countries and/or regions in Africa.

This is a spurious and fictional "source" later given an equally fictional "name" by another group. Either the source is fictional, or the account was.

The point is that based on her inability to speak intelegent on many subjects, the story was beliveable to many. "I can see Russia from my house"!
I know that quote was made by Tina Fey, but the root of the quote was from Palin herself.

Something about how she watched when Putin reard his head in Alasken Air Space.
The point is that based on her inability to speak intelegent on many subjects, the story was beliveable to many. "I can see Russia from my house"!
I can see Russia from my house was uttered by a character on Saturday Night Live, not Sarah.

You can't even keep reality from fiction when it is directly before your face, how can I expect you to have any sort of good judgment regarding the "youknow" lady?
Well, now see there is the rub. But I dont think Palin is hot.

I don't think Palin is hot either. Not a bad looking gal but not hot unless you compare her to Shuffles McCain.

I just think it is both humurous and revealing how dems react to Kennedy vs how Repubs reacted to Palin.
"As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border." --Sarah Palin, explaining why Alaska's proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience, interview with CBS's Katie Couric, Sept. 24, 2008
"As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border." --Sarah Palin, explaining why Alaska's proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience, interview with CBS's Katie Couric, Sept. 24, 2008

Oh and now she blames Couric for making her look bad!
I can see Russia from my house was uttered by a character on Saturday Night Live, not Sarah.

You can't even keep reality from fiction when it is directly before your face, how can I expect you to have any sort of good judgment regarding the "youknow" lady?

Dude... pointless battle. Jarod can't (or doesn't want to) understand CK's analogy. And doesn't want to say anything negative about Kennedy so you will get this argument over and over and over.
Prantsusmaal on tänapäeval vähem sõpru, liiga vähe lapsi, liiga vähe relvi ja liiga vähe liitlasi. Võtkem õpetust kaotatud lahingust. Nüüd on meid tabanud õnnetus. Ma olin teie juures kuulsuspäevadel, kuid ka praegustel süngetel päevadel jään ma teie juurde

Phillipe Pétain
Because she did in fact know that Africa was a continent based on comments about Darfur and other countries and/or regions in Africa. Prove it.

This is a spurious and fictional "source" later given an equally fictional "name" by another group. Either the source is fictional, or the account was. Either way it is just fictional rubbish that didn't happen. Wrong, what happened, is that some comedians claimed that one of them was this "source" who they made up out of whole cloth, and parts of the media believed it. That was the hoax. But it was made crystal clear; this was in no way tied to Fox's original story or had anything to do with THEIR source inside of the McCain campaign.

Much like the "I can see Russia from my porch." rubbish. That was also stated by a fictional character. Yes, but Jarod has already posted the actual Palin quote, which is just as bad.

Kennedy is trying to be appointed Senator.

Palin was gov of Alaska and was trying to be elected Vice President.

Say what you want, but a VP is very likely to become president and have access to the button and have access to more power than just about anyone in the world. A sennator is merely one of 50 votes.

actually, a Senator is 1 of 100 votes.

As for the VP becoming President due to the death or incapacitation of the President... why do you say that is very likely? How many Presidential terms have ended early to where the VP has had to take over?
actually, a Senator is 1 of 100 votes.

As for the VP becoming President due to the death or incapacitation of the President... why do you say that is very likely? How many Presidential terms have ended early to where the VP has had to take over?

McCain would have been the oldest person ever elected for a first term, and, he's had reoccuring cancer. I think you can throw the old stats out.
"We believe that the best of America is not all in Washington, D.C. ... We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard working very patriotic, um, very, um, pro-America areas of this great nation." --Sarah Palin
And nobody ever became the "source" it was made up and the comedians who made up the character were actually credited in a story.

The source is as fictional as the character the comedians made up.

And I agree it was foolish to attempt to say she had foreign policy experience because she was near to Russia. It would have been better to just say, "Well, I am a quick study, much like the Democratic nominee."
And nobody ever became the "source" it was made up and the comedians who made up the character were actually credited in a story.

The source is as fictional as the character the comedians made up.

And I agree it was foolish to attempt to say she had foreign policy experience because she was near to Russia. It would have been better to just say, "Well, I am a quick study, much like the Democratic nominee."

It is my understanding that the allegations occurred independently of the made-up advisor, but were attributed to him by the comedians as a way to raise their character's media profile.
It is my understanding that the allegations occurred independently of the made-up advisor, but were attributed to him by the comedians as a way to raise their character's media profile.
Yup, but both were fictional. It became a miserable muckup of fictional reporting based on innuendo and what they hoped to believe.