Caroline Kennedy....The Democrat's Sarah Palin...

Yup, but both were fictional. It became a miserable muckup of fictional reporting based on innuendo and what they hoped to believe.

The attribution to the fictional cheractor was made up. The allegations may or may not have been made up, we dont know.
Yup, but both were fictional. It became a miserable muckup of fictional reporting based on innuendo and what they hoped to believe.

Really, well Damo, the Fox reporters who reported being told this by McCain advisors have NEVER said it was "fictional". YOU have said it.

At least make that much clear.
The attribution to the fictional cheractor was made up. The allegations may or may not have been made up, we dont know.
Seriously, you may as well just buy your Priest uniform and start your new career as a Priest of the Church of the Democratic Party.

You are an apologist as much as the catholics they train for the job.

You know very well it is suggestive innuendo and wishes that suggests to you that it could have been real. It's total rubbish.
"Ohh, good, thank you, yes." --Sarah Palin, after a notorious Canadian prank caller complimented her on the documentary about her life, Hustler's "Nailin Paylin," Nov. 1, 2008
And nobody ever became the "source" it was made up and the comedians who made up the character were actually credited in a story.

The source is as fictional as the character the comedians made up.

And I agree it was foolish to attempt to say she had foreign policy experience because she was near to Russia. It would have been better to just say, "Well, I am a quick study, much like the Democratic nominee."

This post is completely false, period.

We'll talk about this again tomorrow when you are thinking more clearly, and at that time, I will get the actual reporting on this, and we will go through it one more time, afterwhich, if you ever bring it up again, you will be sorry because I will flip the fuck out mister!
"Well, let's see. There's ― of course in the great history of America there have been rulings that there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American, and there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So, you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but ―" --Sarah Palin, unable to name a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with other than Roe vs. Wade, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008

BTW, Caroline Kennedy co-wrote a book about an entire line of Supreme Court cases.
This post is completely false, period.

We'll talk about this again tomorrow when you are thinking more clearly, and at that time, I will get the actual reporting on this, and we will go through it one more time, afterwhich, if you ever bring it up again, you will be sorry because I will flip the fuck out mister!

I give Damo lots of credit, if nuthing else he is usually accurate about facts, but I agree with you on this one... COMPLETLY FALSE.
I give Damo lots of credit, if nuthing else he is usually accurate about facts, but I agree with you on this one... COMPLETLY FALSE.

He's pissed, as in, three sheets to the wind, I have been saying this all day. It's totally understandable. Everyone should get piss drunk or stoned or whatever they want, on their birthday.

But his posts will have to be corrected tomorrow.
This post is completely false, period.

We'll talk about this again tomorrow when you are thinking more clearly, and at that time, I will get the actual reporting on this, and we will go through it one more time, afterwhich, if you ever bring it up again, you will be sorry because I will flip the fuck out mister!
Oh noes... How would that be different than any normal day?


Seriously, it is my opinion that reporters who wanted to make the news instead of report it made up a source and started on about it. I believe the "source" is make-believe and wishes and only believed by hopeless partisan hacks. I believe that people who try to perpetuate such false and unsubstantiated "rumors from unnamed sources" are pressing what they want, not what they actually believe.
The best of all time...

"If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media." --Sarah Palin, getting First Amendment rights backwards while suggesting that criticism of her is unconstitutional, radio interview with WMAL-AM, Oct. 31, 2008

She even confused the famous DIXIE with this one!
Like the idiots who kept saying that Obama thinks there are 57 states.

Exactly, except if you consider Obama's body of interviews and intelegent discussions on many many subjects as well as consider that he was editor of the Harvard Law Review, and was a US Senator... One should assume he made a mistake in his statement.

If you consider Palin and her history of interviews, consider her past experience and consider that she went to 5 colleges in 4 years... You would be more inclined to belive that she really did not know about Africa.
Exactly, except if you consider Obama's body of interviews and intelegent discussions on many many subjects as well as consider that he was editor of the Harvard Law Review, and was a US Senator... One should assume he made a mistake in his statement.

If you consider Palin and her history of interviews, consider her past experience and consider that she went to 5 colleges in 4 years... You would be more inclined to belive that she really did not know about Africa.
Hence I consider the many interviews I had seen from Palin before and after the campaign.

While most had never seen anything from her, some here will remember that I brought up her name more than six months before we even knew that McCain would be the candidate for the Rs. It wasn't based on just guesswork. I had seen her interview and saw tapes of her debates. She is way better than what I saw on the campaign.

While she isn't perfect and is inexperienced, she is not the person you were led to believe.

I base what I know and what I believe on more than your inane suggestions of Tina Fey's remarks being believable.

I also think that if the left continues to overlook her, she will take some people by surprise.
Hence I consider the many interviews I had seen from Palin before and after the campaign.

While most had never seen anything from her, some here will remember that I brought up her name more than six months before we even knew that McCain would be the candidate for the Rs.

While she isn't perfect and is inexperienced, she is not the person you were led to believe.

Um she's a delusional, narcissistic, whack job, and every thing she has said, and every stunt she has pulled since the election has ended, have only reinforced this.

She's done for. Not because anyone has been "led to believe" anything. But because she's a delusional, narcissistic, whack job.
Um she's a delusional, narcissistic, whack job, and every thing she has said, and every stunt she has pulled since the election has ended, have only reinforced this.

She's done for. Not because anyone has been "led to believe" anything. But because she's a delusional, narcissistic, whack job.

In other words a perfect Republican that the party will back?