Cellphone Cancer Warning

This will hack off the cell phone companies who are making phones for kids. My daughters constantly beg me for one every time I'm in the cell phone shop. Thankfully that only happens about once per year.
some things are just blatantly obvious and people refuse to accept them without some perfect smoking gun evidence. Some of these things are

1) Global warming
2) Cellphone dangers
3) smoking risks (finally proven)
4) vaccine dangers
5) list goes on and on
Vaccine dangers. People who go and don't get their kids vaccinated because of this stupid idea deserve to catch whatever diseases they're not protecting their kids from.
i dont have a problem with risking for a deadly disease but for the flu or chickenpox type category give me a break. its a pharmaceutical money making scheme to the point that some state are forcing them by law. Your support of that is similar to tops support of big oil. are u an employee of Merck or something?
i dont have a problem with risking for a deadly disease but for the flu or chickenpox type category give me a break. its a pharmaceutical money making scheme to the point that some state are forcing them by law. Your support of that is similar to tops support of big oil. are u an employee of Merck or something?

No, but I do make drugs for a living.

Honestly. They're required by law for kids who attend public schools to keep disease from spreading. That's the way it should be.
And our govt gave the vaccine companies immunity from defective products liability a few years back.

Just like they gave verizon immunity from illegal information disclosure.

And they will give them immunity from cell phone liabliity as well..
Vaccine dangers. People who go and don't get their kids vaccinated because of this stupid idea deserve to catch whatever diseases they're not protecting their kids from.

There's no effin' way I'd let my child be filled up the amount of vaccines that they are giving young kids today. Especially for vaccines that allegedly prevent illnesses that aren't deadly. Forcing them to get something like a flu vaccine or HPV vaccine when they are young and not at risk is stupid on its face.
I have never had a flu vaccine.

The pox vaccines might not be so bad since the pox seems to be linked to shingles later in life. Very bad stuff.
Btw shared diseases among children greatly increase costs. Even if not bad a DR visit is required for School absences here now.
How much does that boost medical costs. And 20% of children here are on medicaid. so who pays ?
I have never had a flu vaccine.

The pox vaccines might not be so bad since the pox seems to be linked to shingles later in life. Very bad stuff.

I'd be comfortable with spreading them out more and giving them some of the non essentials later on once their nervous system is more developed. Kids are getting like twice the vaccines by half the age as they used to and we're seeing dramatic increases in autistism cases.

For me, the writing is on the wall, if people want to be naysayers and put their heads in the sand and wait for researchers to be able to prove the obvious then by all means, but I've been sharing my fears about cell phones for years and this another situation. The proof is written on the walls.
I'd be comfortable with spreading them out more and giving them some of the non essentials later on once their nervous system is more developed. Kids are getting like twice the vaccines by half the age as they used to and we're seeing dramatic increases in autistism cases.

For me, the writing is on the wall, if people want to be naysayers and put their heads in the sand and wait for researchers to be able to prove the obvious then by all means, but I've been sharing my fears about cell phones for years and this another situation. The proof is written on the walls.

We're also seeing a sharp rise in nationalism. Do vaccines cause nationalism?
We're also seeing a sharp rise in nationalism. Do vaccines cause nationalism?

Feel free to ignore the obvious if you'd like. There are direct correllations and accounts by parents that support this theory. But don't worry in ten years when the research catches up to what insightful people already know and we're still on whateverpolitics.com, I'll be there to remind you that I'm right and you're wrong.

A couple of years ago there was no scientific evidence to support the theory that cancer could be caused by excessive cellphone use and looks like that is shaping up to be exactly what people with common sense have known along.

"The warning from Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, is contrary to numerous studies that don't find a link between cancer and cell phone use, and a public lack of worry by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Herberman is basing his alarm on early unpublished data. He says it takes too long to get answers from science, and he believes that people should take action now, especially when it comes to children."
Direct correlations by accounts of parents.

A study would show that the correlation was direct. Personal experiences are not proof or even solid evidence.
Naah LadyT, just keep em on talking on their cell phone while living under a high Tension electric line in a lead painted house.

What happened to your WOC anyway ? going soft ?