
Why doesn't anyone tell me then? I expect it is really my 'race' (100 yards). Long live American freedom from spying, prisons and free speech! :)
Why doesn't anyone tell me then? I expect it is really my 'race' (100 yards). Long live American freedom from spying, prisons and free speech! :)

It's a user feature. Sorry if your brits don't like freedom of association.
You mean it's like keeping Jews out of the Country Club?

you'll need to take that up with the person that threadbanned you. any user on here can prevent any other user from posting in their threads. this is usually done to keep trolls out jerks from messing up threads. I guess someone just didn't want you around.
Why am I being banned from discussing the commercialisation of being allowed to live in the US?

If the discussion is in APP, you need to ask for the correct user status to be able to post up there. This is so we can be assured you recognize the new rules.
The English are proud of having raped the Welsh, Scottish, and Irish. They're like Otters that way. Some Irish even caught Stockholm Syndrome and abandoned Ireland to become British.

Here is something you probably didn't know. Even after 1922 the Irish never needed any documentation to come to England to settle. Even in the dark days of the Troubles in Northern Ireland that never changed.
If the discussion is in APP, you need to ask for the correct user status to be able to post up there. This is so we can be assured you recognize the new rules.

Easier to go on being baffled and accept that some reactionary shits prefer to talk to themselves, I suppose.