
Okay, I know this story will cause me to catch some flack from the bleeding hearts, but what the hell...

The other night, I stopped at a gas station to get some liquid gold for my car, it was a little after midnight. For whatever reason, maybe because this is the state capitol, there are a large number of bums at almost every convenience store or gas station in Montgomery, harassing people for money. I never give them anything, and I usually start telling them "nope" as I see them approaching, as I already know what their question is. They never break stride, they just walk on by me and go on to the next schmuck, who's usually a liberal, who usually gives them a buck or two, which encourages their continued entrepreneurial panhandling.

Well, the other night, this one bum snuck up on me from behind, so I couldn't watch the expression on his face when I turned him down before he even had a chance to humiliate himself with the beg. He says... "Excuse me buddy, can you spare some change?"

To which I responded... Oh, sorry, I have no change, but I've heard it is coming in November!

...the look on his face was priceless!
what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
Okay, I know this story will cause me to catch some flack from the bleeding hearts, but what the hell...

The other night, I stopped at a gas station to get some liquid gold for my car, it was a little after midnight. For whatever reason, maybe because this is the state capitol, there are a large number of bums at almost every convenience store or gas station in Montgomery, harassing people for money. I never give them anything, and I usually start telling them "nope" as I see them approaching, as I already know what their question is. They never break stride, they just walk on by me and go on to the next schmuck, who's usually a liberal, who usually gives them a buck or two, which encourages their continued entrepreneurial panhandling.

Well, the other night, this one bum snuck up on me from behind, so I couldn't watch the expression on his face when I turned him down before he even had a chance to humiliate himself with the beg. He says... "Excuse me buddy, can you spare some change?"

To which I responded... Oh, sorry, I have no change, but I've heard it is coming in November!

...the look on his face was priceless!

He probably had no idea what you were talking about.

Most homeless people are insane, unable to hold a job, and were thrown out of institutions because of Reagan's tax cuts for the rich.
Dixie kinda thinks of himself as legendary.

The new guy doesnt know you even 1/3rd as well as all of us Dixie.
Dixie you CLAIM to be a Christian so let me ask you, if your lord and savior was standing at the car when the BUM came up and ask for change, What Would Jesus Do?

For how so ever you treat the least of these, you treat me.
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"Dixie you CLAIM to be a Christian so let me ask you, if your lord and savior was standing at the car when the BUM came up and ask for change, What Would Jesus Do?"

Oh, he'd definitely make some sort of wisecrack that only he thought was hilarious, and then describe the bum's expression as "priceless."

What a prick.
"Dixie you CLAIM to be a Christian so let me ask you, if your lord and savior was standing at the car when the BUM came up and ask for change, What Would Jesus Do?"

Oh, he'd definitely make some sort of wisecrack that only he thought was hilarious, and then describe the bum's expression as "priceless."

What a prick.

He would get out and take the guy somewhere to teach him how to fish. Or whatever the equivilence of that liberating skill is in today's society...
Dixie you CLAIM to be a Christian so let me ask you, if your lord and savior was standing at the car when the BUM came up and ask for change, What Would Jesus Do?

For how so ever you treat the least of these, you treat me.

I don't recall ever claiming to be Christian. I am a Spiritualist. I don't subscribe to any particular denomination, although I can respect and appreciate the values taught by the Christians. Jesus would have probably given the bum money, as I've heard he was a Liberal. Now, go pull at someone elses heart string with your liberal guilt trip.

I used to feel a little sorry for these people, until one day when I worked for the newspaper, and one of our reporters wanted me to go with them on a story. They had seen this bum outside walmart with a 'work for food' sign, and felt compelled to investigate his situation from a journalistic point of view. The reporter was a female liberal, of course. Anyway, we get to where this guy is, and start 'interviewing' him. The first question she asked, "Do you have a place to stay tonight? it is going to be below freezing." He says, "Yeah, I gotta room paid up through the week, up the street at the Town & Country Inn!" Next question, "do you have food?" reply: "yeah, got this bag full of hamburgers someone gave me." During the 10 minutes we spent 'interviewing' him, about 6 people stopped to 'donate' to his cause. I told the reporter when we left, I bet he made more money during that interview than we made the whole day. He was also offered two legitimate jobs, but turned them down because, "he had a bad back", you see.
He probably had no idea what you were talking about.

Most homeless people are insane, unable to hold a job, and were thrown out of institutions because of Reagan's tax cuts for the rich.

Insane? No, that would entail being split from reality or something, wouldn't it? Unable to hold a job? Well, yeah, that's why they are bums. 'Thrown out' of institutions because of tax cuts? When did this happen? I don't recal Reagan ever kicking out insane people from federal institutions or ever cutting their budget, can you provide a link to this fabrication?

No, this guy knew very well what he was doing. He had been practicing his 'line' all day, right there in front of the store, and with every man woman and child who came within 100 feet of him. I don't have much compassion for panhandlers, they lack basic self-dignity and manners, in my opinion. I have been so broke, I had to buy bologna for .99 and a loaf of bread, to feed myself for the next week. I never begged! My father went 6 months in his family without any meat, and when they DID have meat, it was fried fat from a pig. They never begged. Some people are just raised with different values, I guess. But I have no sympathy or compassion for those who are so uncouth as to prey on 'regular' people for their change. ...Reminds me of Obama Libs!
Deinstitutionalization began under Kennedy, and has always been a big liberal fantasy, FYI.

Oh, and Dixie, you think you could change your avitar to something more patriotic? Its just as unAmerican to fly the Barz & Starz as it is the Swastika or the Hammer & Popsickle...
Deinstitutionalization began under Kennedy, and has always been a big liberal fantasy, FYI.

Oh, and Dixie, you think you could change your avitar to something more patriotic? Its just as unAmerican to fly the Barz & Starz as it is the Swastika or the Hammer & Popsickle...

Uh, let me think-NO!

Unlike the Swastika and Hammer & 'Popsicle', Americans died fighting under my flag. There is nothing more patriotic than paying tribute to Americans who died in war. Besides, it gives me good insight into who is judging me by symbols or stereotypes, rather than content of my character. I have found that people who judge me by my moniker or avatar, are not capable of judging me by my character, they are bigoted in their view based on a prejudice they have.
Uhm, yes.

You're thinking of schizophrenia, which in Greek means "split mind". It has nothing to do with multiple personality disorder, BTW. There are a lot of mental illness's, most don't literally disconnect a person from reality but seriously distort it.
Uh, let me think-NO!

Unlike the Swastika and Hammer & 'Popsicle', Americans died fighting under my flag. There is nothing more patriotic than paying tribute to Americans who died in war. Besides, it gives me good insight into who is judging me by symbols or stereotypes, rather than content of my character. I have found that people who judge me by my moniker or avatar, are not capable of judging me by my character, they are bigoted in their view based on a prejudice they have.

Maybe you're proud of the confederacy Dixie. I am not.
Maybe you're proud of the confederacy Dixie. I am not.

Don't you mean that traitors died fighting against their country? I thought you were a patriot Dixie? None of my ancestors were Traitors.....though my great, great, great, great uncle was hanged for stealing a horse.