
Dixie you're pathetic. Most the bums out there panhandling either have serious drug dependencies or are mentally ill. I don't give them money either but I do that knowing they won't use the money to buy food and that giving them money will delay them getting help, but it sure does break this bleeding heart to see someone in need of help and knowing I have a duty as a Christian to help them.
You're thinking of schizophrenia, which in Greek means "split mind". It has nothing to do with multiple personality disorder, BTW. There are a lot of mental illness's, most don't literally disconnect a person from reality but seriously distort it.

Waterhead, perhaps you didn't realize this, but you specifically said "insane" and that is not the same thing and "mentally ill", as they are two entirely different things. Do you think all mentally ill people are insane?
Don't you mean that traitors died fighting against their country? I thought you were a patriot Dixie? None of my ancestors were Traitors.....though my great, great, great, great uncle was hanged for stealing a horse.

No, I mean Americans just like you and I, fought and died under that flag for what they believed. It was the bloodiest and most costly war of our history, and it pitted brother against brother for four long years and tore this nation apart. You are certainly welcome to view the outcome of the war however you like, but the American men who bravely gave their lives for a cause, are not forgotten.
Waterhead, perhaps you didn't realize this, but you specifically said "insane" and that is not the same thing and "mentally ill", as they are two entirely different things. Do you think all mentally ill people are insane?

Dix, in my generation, "insane" has become basically synonymous with "mentally ill". I'm sorry for the confusion.
Hey, I used to think conservatives were cool, until I met one guy who said he was a conservative, and he wasn't cool. So I no longer think conservatives are cool.
Dix, in my generation, "insane" has become basically synonymous with "mentally ill". I'm sorry for the confusion.

Insanity is a severe mental illness, most often noted by the person's inability to distinguish or rationalize reality. There are not many "insane" people wandering the streets, most are institutionalized. To my knowledge, our government has never cut funding for this type of indigent care. In fact, I don't believe Reagan or any president, has ever cut funding for treatment of the mentally ill, much less the insane. I know this may be a myth you believe in the world you live in with your pink care bear, but it's just not the truth.

The revelation that "your generation" doesn't understand the difference between "insane" and "mentally ill" is a testament to the pathetic shape of public education, and nothing more.
Hey, I used to think conservatives were cool, until I met one guy who said he was a conservative, and he wasn't cool. So I no longer think conservatives are cool.

And this admission is telling of your inner-prejudices and bigotry. You judge people, not by the content of their character, but by a label you have formed a stereotype for. You are essentially no different than a sheet-wearing klansman, or a swastika-waving Nazi.
And this admission is telling of your inner-prejudices and bigotry. You judge people, not by the content of their character, but by a label you have formed a stereotype for. You are essentially no different than a sheet-wearing klansman, or a swastika-waving Nazi.

I was making fun of you, because your example was incredibly stupid.
My example? Of what??? And why would it prompt you to make a completely prejudiced and bigoted remark in an attempt to be "funny?"

That you "used to kind of feel sorry" for the homeless, until you met "a guy" who was apparently living high on the hog, and it changed your whole outlook & caused you to pretty much generalize about every other homeless person out there.

That was really one of the more pathetic things I ever read. It's an excuse people use to avoid caring or thinking about these people; oh, I met one guy once, and he wasn't so bad off, so logically, they all must be just like him & not so bad off.

Par for the course for you; you have one of the most simplistic minds I've ever encountered.
Hey, I used to think conservatives were cool, until I met one guy who said he was a conservative, and he wasn't cool. So I no longer think conservatives are cool.
I used to think Democrats were sane, until I met one that wasn't....
That you "used to kind of feel sorry" for the homeless, until you met "a guy" who was apparently living high on the hog, and it changed your whole outlook & caused you to pretty much generalize about every other homeless person out there.

That was really one of the more pathetic things I ever read. It's an excuse people use to avoid caring or thinking about these people; oh, I met one guy once, and he wasn't so bad off, so logically, they all must be just like him & not so bad off.

Par for the course for you; you have one of the most simplistic minds I've ever encountered.

I haven't generalized anything, I still have genuine concern and compassion for people who are victims of circumstances beyond their control and become homeless. The ones I have no regard for, are the panhandlers who beg for money at the gas station. They have more money than I have, most of the time. They aren't really 'homeless' as they are living in hotels, complete with daily maid service and continental breakfast. Nine times out of ten, they aren't even going to be straight with you, they will lie to your face and tell you the biggest bullshit story, in order to make you feel sorry for them and give them money. They don't want to "work for food" at all, they want to beg for money, because it is a lot easier than working and generates far more revenue.

I just got finished paying the monthly bills for a struggling single mom, to keep her from being truly homeless, through no fault of her own, other than the circumstances she has been dealt. This has nothing to do with my compassion for people in need, it is about my disdain for people with no manners or dignity.
Hi Dixie, heard you had a breakdown or something trying so hard to defend the worst administration in modern history? I gotta admit in my wildest moonbat heart I could not have scripted this bunch of conservative, republican fools. Hope you are well.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

[ame=""] Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America's Class War: Joe Bageant: Books[/ame]
Insanity is a severe mental illness, most often noted by the person's inability to distinguish or rationalize reality. There are not many "insane" people wandering the streets, most are institutionalized. To my knowledge, our government has never cut funding for this type of indigent care. In fact, I don't believe Reagan or any president, has ever cut funding for treatment of the mentally ill, much less the insane. I know this may be a myth you believe in the world you live in with your pink care bear, but it's just not the truth.

The revelation that "your generation" doesn't understand the difference between "insane" and "mentally ill" is a testament to the pathetic shape of public education, and nothing more.

It's not a matter of "understanding" it's a matter of colloquial synonymity. I'm kind of amazed you can't understand the distinction. "Insanity" doesn't only mean something that can pass the insanity defense. The insanity defense is restricted to extremely or ridiculously weird and rare insanities. No psychologist uses the legal definition because it's so restrictive. Most psychologists refuse to even use the word "insane" now a days because of morons like you.
No, I mean Americans just like you and I, fought and died under that flag for what they believed. It was the bloodiest and most costly war of our history, and it pitted brother against brother for four long years and tore this nation apart. You are certainly welcome to view the outcome of the war however you like, but the American men who bravely gave their lives for a cause, are not forgotten.
It pitted Americans against former Americans, who rose up in open rebellion, under the command of treasonous officers. Part of healing was reconciliation, but I don't have to do that shit cause I don't care what anyone there thinks. The south was treasonous. We should have rounded up the officers and hung them summarily for committing acts of treason against the US. We should have burned the south, then blockaded the ports and then given them their freedom. After one generation we could have then offered to take their well humbled asses back. Fuck the South of the civil war.
It pitted Americans against former Americans, who rose up in open rebellion, under the command of treasonous officers. Part of healing was reconciliation, but I don't have to do that shit cause I don't care what anyone there thinks. The south was treasonous. We should have rounded up the officers and hung them summarily for committing acts of treason against the US. We should have burned the south, then blockaded the ports and then given them their freedom. After one generation we could have then offered to take their well humbled asses back. Fuck the South of the civil war.

Britian should've treated the treasonous Americans with no less compassion. Fuck America of the revolutionary war.
It pitted Americans against former Americans, who rose up in open rebellion, under the command of treasonous officers. Part of healing was reconciliation, but I don't have to do that shit cause I don't care what anyone there thinks. The south was treasonous. We should have rounded up the officers and hung them summarily for committing acts of treason against the US. We should have burned the south, then blockaded the ports and then given them their freedom. After one generation we could have then offered to take their well humbled asses back. Fuck the South of the civil war.

No, it pitted Federalist Americans against Confederate Americans, who rose up in rebellion under the command of generals fighting for a confederating of the union states. The issue of "states rights" is still alive today, and the civil war didn't resolve the issue. You can view it however you like, the Constitution we all live by, guarantees us the right to take up arms and defend the Constitution, and that is precisely what the South did. Because they did not prevail, and victors get to write the history books, doesn't make the men who fought any less American, and they certainly weren't traitors to America. They did defy Federalized America, and fought for Confederation, but they were still Americans.
Britian should've treated the treasonous Americans with no less compassion. Fuck America of the revolutionary war.

Ironically, other than the outcome, it is really not much different. We defied the King of England, and declared Constitutional independence from our government. We were rebels in the Revolution.