Check out the new Headers.

kiss Code Pinks ass all ya want...give it a rest Damo..this is just anti-military anti-white bs....propogated by darla,us cit,lady t...are you even aware of what it is you are falling for...stir the race card bs again! I thought Libertarians were for the US not affilliated with CPUSA...think have bought the rhetoric hook,line and sinker!
It's a header dude, with pictures relevant to politics on a politics site.

Even "anti-military" would be something about politics. So would "pro-military" and "pro-US", hence the flag and the Constitution.

Occasionally I will change up the pictures, this is just the first version. I'll keep it for a while and when I have some time I'll change it up with new pictures.
Damo, don’t you get it? You have pics of black people up there.

And this guy was a cop.

:321: you Communist pig...this has nothing to do with civil are using the play book right from the Communist agenda of the only works with people like Damo! Those who are sensitive but lack experience with your ilk!
Whatever Damo...!

It's a header dude, with pictures relevant to politics on a politics site.

Even "anti-military" would be something about politics. So would "pro-military" and "pro-US", hence the flag and the Constitution.

Occasionally I will change up the pictures, this is just the first version. I'll keep it for a while and when I have some time I'll change it up with new pictures.

You have bitten from the tree of life..the apple has gotten to you...enjoy!
Damo, don’t you get it? You have pics of black people up there.

And this guy was a cop.
I didn't even notice until somebody said something. That is a picture of testing electronic voting machines. I thought it appropriate as we have spent so much time talking about it.

Now our fifth columnists have hoodwinked the fool, Damocles, into adopting the header of the proletariat, the hour is nigh and we unleash the next phase of our plan for global communist revolution.


Death to the bourgeoisie.

Now our fifth columnists have hoodwinked the fool, Damocles, into adopting the header of the proletariat, the hour is nigh and we unleash the next phase of our plan for global communist revolution.


Death to the bourgeoisie.

Comrade, I have spent the afternoon planting organic vegetables for the collective.

I told you the fool, Damocles, would do anything we told him to, once I flashed him some "codepinko" if you take my meaning.

The most important piece of the global communist revolution is now in place; mind-controlling headers on JPP. Nothing can stop us now. We march!

Now our fifth columnists have hoodwinked the fool, Damocles, into adopting the header of the proletariat, the hour is nigh and we unleash the next phase of our plan for global communist revolution.


Death to the bourgeoisie.

A+ job this time charver
Apparently the Flag produces an effect on Liberals similar to the effect Garlic produces in Vampires.

I would tear the logic behind this idiotic statement apart, but that would be to easy, and it would wreck fun.

So all I will say is that to anyone with sense a US flag pasted everywhere just looks tacky. Conservatives do not have sense. Therefore, you would not understand. Sadly, this feeling of non-understanding will come to you many times in your life, however, it's just something you'll have to get used to as a conservative. It is unnacaptable to directly take it out on black people in this age, however, black welfare recipients are fair game.
Comrade, I have spent the afternoon planting organic vegetables for the collective.

I told you the fool, Damocles, would do anything we told him to, once I flashed him some "codepinko" if you take my meaning.

The most important piece of the global communist revolution is now in place; mind-controlling headers on JPP. Nothing can stop us now. We march!

I remember when first started out this mission. You were one of the nay sayers that said it couldn't be done. Now look at us. The revolution lives! Damocles is now one of us and Grind hates white people. Its a new day America. Its a new day.

vive la resistance!!!!!