Cheney says ‘behind the scenes’ many Republicans are thanking her ‘for what you’re do

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Cheney, one of the most well-known and vocal members of a small group of GOP lawmakers and leaders opposed to the former president, is one of only two Republicans serving on a special committee organized by House Democrats to investigate Trump’s role in inciting the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol by right-wing extremists.

"It’s a real reflection of the times in which we live that privately and behind the scenes, there are many Republicans who say, 'Thank you for what you’re doing. We wish we could be more public,’" Cheney told Fox News on Tuesday. "People who understand that what the former president is saying is dangerous, is not true, and who know that our party’s got to be a party based on truth, that we can’t embrace the lie."
Cheney is a profile in courage - but on the other side, MOST Republicans are a profile in cowardice.

They're a disgrace. They are afraid to oppose, or even disagree with, a pathologically lying TV reality host.
Cheney, one of the most well-known and vocal members of a small group of GOP lawmakers and leaders opposed to the former president, is one of only two Republicans serving on a special committee organized by House Democrats to investigate Trump’s role in inciting the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol by right-wing extremists.

"It’s a real reflection of the times in which we live that privately and behind the scenes, there are many Republicans who say, 'Thank you for what you’re doing. We wish we could be more public,’" Cheney told Fox News on Tuesday. "People who understand that what the former president is saying is dangerous, is not true, and who know that our party’s got to be a party based on truth, that we can’t embrace the lie."

And Hillary landed under sniper fire!:laugh:
She is a democrat wolf, in sheep clothing!

shows how fucking stupid you are. have some passing third grader read to you her voting record. she is to the right of trump and almost all other repubs on most issues, except she IS NOT A GODDAMN CHICKENSHIT AFRAID TO STAND UP TO TRAITORS.
Cheney, one of the most well-known and vocal members of a small group of GOP lawmakers and leaders opposed to the former president, is one of only two Republicans serving on a special committee organized by House Democrats to investigate Trump’s role in inciting the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol by right-wing extremists.

"It’s a real reflection of the times in which we live that privately and behind the scenes, there are many Republicans who say, 'Thank you for what you’re doing. We wish we could be more public,’" Cheney told Fox News on Tuesday. "People who understand that what the former president is saying is dangerous, is not true, and who know that our party’s got to be a party based on truth, that we can’t embrace the lie."

Cheny's a fake like you.
you can't even spell her name right, dickhead. just how stupid are you? has your mother taken you to a doctor to have any tests run? you might win some sort of prize.

You can't capitalize sentences and now trying to be the spelling Nazi. Go back to nursery school, you little faggot.
You can't capitalize sentences and now trying to be the spelling Nazi. Go back to nursery school, you little faggot.

i can capitalize, when i need to, bitch. but you cannot spell better than a first grader on your best day. see the difference, stupid fuck chickenshit who needs his ass kicked?
Cheney is a profile in courage - but on the other side, MOST Republicans are a profile in cowardice.

They're a disgrace. They are afraid to oppose, or even disagree with, a pathologically lying TV reality host.

Seeing so many RepubliQans sell their soul to Trump to get re-elected is a fucking disgrace. I don't know if I could ever vote republican again after watching them grovel at Trump's feet and kiss Trump's fat ass.
Cheny's a fake like you.


Sez the coward who never served just like your kids and your daddy
THere are a lot of Swamp R's who are currently afraid of the voters, as they should be, because they have betrayed us over and over again.
Cheney, one of the most well-known and vocal members of a small group of GOP lawmakers and leaders opposed to the former president, is one of only two Republicans serving on a special committee organized by House Democrats to investigate Trump’s role in inciting the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol by right-wing extremists.

"It’s a real reflection of the times in which we live that privately and behind the scenes, there are many Republicans who say, 'Thank you for what you’re doing. We wish we could be more public,’" Cheney told Fox News on Tuesday. "People who understand that what the former president is saying is dangerous, is not true, and who know that our party’s got to be a party based on truth, that we can’t embrace the lie."

There are undoubtedly many Deplorables here on JPP who privately know Trump was an utter moron who should never have been allowed within a kilometer of the oval office.
In her speech, Cheney emphasized that "political leaders who sit silent in the face of these false and dangerous claims are aiding the former president, who’s at war with the rule of law and the Constitution."