Cher Suddenly Doesn’t Support Mass Immigration After Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’


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Cher Suddenly Doesn’t Support Mass Immigration After Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Threat

Pop icon has a dramatic change of heart.

Pop icon Cher has suddenly had a dramatic change of heart on mass immigration after President Trump threatened to dump illegals in the “sanctuary city” where she lives.

Imagine my shock.

On Friday, Trump said his administration was considering the idea of releasing immigrants into sanctuary cities, partly in retaliation to Democrats’ support for open borders.

Previously, Cher had demanded, “Anyone who can must take a dreamer in2 their home & protect them!! I’m ready 2 do this & others in my business will do the same!! Sanctuary.”

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However, she rapidly reversed her feelings on the matter following Trump’s threat to place those “dreamers” in her city.

In a tweet posted Sunday, Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

She went on to urge that more focus be put on native homeless people than illegal immigrants.

Wow, it’s almost like Cher’s concern for illegal immigrants suddenly disappeared when she feared there could be a deluge of them in her own back yard!

Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

Cher, It’s not just about your city. It’s about the entire nation.
Cher Suddenly Doesn’t Support Mass Immigration After Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Threat

Pop icon has a dramatic change of heart.

Pop icon Cher has suddenly had a dramatic change of heart on mass immigration after President Trump threatened to dump illegals in the “sanctuary city” where she lives.

Imagine my shock.

On Friday, Trump said his administration was considering the idea of releasing immigrants into sanctuary cities, partly in retaliation to Democrats’ support for open borders.

Previously, Cher had demanded, “Anyone who can must take a dreamer in2 their home & protect them!! I’m ready 2 do this & others in my business will do the same!! Sanctuary.”

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However, she rapidly reversed her feelings on the matter following Trump’s threat to place those “dreamers” in her city.

In a tweet posted Sunday, Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

She went on to urge that more focus be put on native homeless people than illegal immigrants.

Wow, it’s almost like Cher’s concern for illegal immigrants suddenly disappeared when she feared there could be a deluge of them in her own back yard!

Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

Cher, It’s not just about your city. It’s about the entire nation.
Read your post, and then tell us why your analogy is bogus.
Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

Who's fault is that? There's not a Republican politician within about a hundred miles of LA, is there?
Cher Suddenly Doesn’t Support Mass Immigration After Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Threat

Pop icon has a dramatic change of heart.

Pop icon Cher has suddenly had a dramatic change of heart on mass immigration after President Trump threatened to dump illegals in the “sanctuary city” where she lives.

Imagine my shock.

On Friday, Trump said his administration was considering the idea of releasing immigrants into sanctuary cities, partly in retaliation to Democrats’ support for open borders.

Previously, Cher had demanded, “Anyone who can must take a dreamer in2 their home & protect them!! I’m ready 2 do this & others in my business will do the same!! Sanctuary.”

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However, she rapidly reversed her feelings on the matter following Trump’s threat to place those “dreamers” in her city.

In a tweet posted Sunday, Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

She went on to urge that more focus be put on native homeless people than illegal immigrants.

Wow, it’s almost like Cher’s concern for illegal immigrants suddenly disappeared when she feared there could be a deluge of them in her own back yard!

Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

Cher, It’s not just about your city. It’s about the entire nation.

Oh fuck! I just shit myself on what Cher thinks!

Fucking idiot. :rofl2:
Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

Who's fault is that? There's not a Republican politician within about a hundred miles of LA, is there?

the most hilarious thing is this is what trump has been saying the whole time. Help our own first.
Its BRILLIANT Trump outtrumps them again! I dont believe that President Trump had any plan on sending these people to sanctuary cities, I think he just wanted to expose how these people are total hypocrites
Cher Suddenly Doesn’t Support Mass Immigration After Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Threat

Pop icon has a dramatic change of heart.

Pop icon Cher has suddenly had a dramatic change of heart on mass immigration after President Trump threatened to dump illegals in the “sanctuary city” where she lives.

Imagine my shock.

On Friday, Trump said his administration was considering the idea of releasing immigrants into sanctuary cities, partly in retaliation to Democrats’ support for open borders.

Previously, Cher had demanded, “Anyone who can must take a dreamer in2 their home & protect them!! I’m ready 2 do this & others in my business will do the same!! Sanctuary.”

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However, she rapidly reversed her feelings on the matter following Trump’s threat to place those “dreamers” in her city.

In a tweet posted Sunday, Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

She went on to urge that more focus be put on native homeless people than illegal immigrants.

Wow, it’s almost like Cher’s concern for illegal immigrants suddenly disappeared when she feared there could be a deluge of them in her own back yard!

Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

Cher, It’s not just about your city. It’s about the entire nation.


You poor cunts have nothing better than revenge versus a fix.

You really think this pathogically lying cocksucker is going to follow through?


It is not revenge to give sanctuary cities the illegals that they have been wanting. Lefties have been fighting to get illegals, and now they can finally have what they fought for. Nothing even close to revenge. Think of them as a trophy that you guys fought for.