Chinese property hunters to raid US

Kamala Trump

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Chinese property hunters to raid US
By Geoff Dyer in Beijing

Published: December 5 2008 20:10 * Last updated: December 5 2008 20:10

Chinese bargain hunters are preparing to descend on American cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, where homeowners have suffered some of the steepest price falls in the US.

SouFun, the biggest real estate website in China, is organising a trip next month to look at properties in California and possibly Nevada. Liu Jian, the company’s chief operating officer, said about 300 people had expressed interest in the idea in the three days since it was advertised, though the company would take only a small group on the first trip.

The globalists have put america on sale to enhance their relationship with totalitarian chinese, who's (sp?) philosophy they admire most.

With leadership like this, who needs enemies?
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I am POSITIVE not a single conservative is worried about this or denounces it since it was under your hero Reagan that we began treating the Chinese like they were better than cuba. And then it was Bush I that really pushed MFN status. This is the conservative dream come true. This is what all you wanted. To open our markets up to the chinese. Well open they are.
The same panic happened when the japanese were buying properties left & right years ago. That turned out to be nothing.

But please tell us, isn't the free market the answer to our economic woes? Isn't this an example of the free market?

And you conservatives that are whining about this, please tell me why a property owner who is unable to sell his property should refuse to sell it to the chinese?

Do you expect them to cut it out of the landscape and carry it back to china?

This is bullshit reactionism from the same people who scream about government intervention.
Is it just the Chinese you're after or is it foreigners in general who shouldn't buy American property?

(BTW i'm not buying.)
I didn't know conservatives were screaming about this? I haven't seen any on this thread. We used to ban blacks from buying properties in certain neighborhoods should we do the same with non-American chinese? Should we ban those from Latin Americans from buying property in Miami?
Please, if a liberal can throw a fit about having wind turbines in the ocean off of his palatial estate, i can easily see him whining about chinese buying american least if it would make him his neighbor.
Look up the Fangs of San Fransico...

they are busy here, there and everywhere!

Lots of money, lots and lots!
I didn't know conservatives were screaming about this? I haven't seen any on this thread. We used to ban blacks from buying properties in certain neighborhoods should we do the same with non-American chinese? Should we ban those from Latin Americans from buying property in Miami?

Do you know the Fangs?
I am POSITIVE not a single conservative is worried about this or denounces it since it was under your hero Reagan that we began treating the Chinese like they were better than cuba. And then it was Bush I that really pushed MFN status. This is the conservative dream come true. This is what all you wanted. To open our markets up to the chinese. Well open they are.

I dunno about that. I had a leftist poli sci professor who is really into China, and has sour grapes toward American foreign policy for the way we isolated them politically, and treated "Taiwan as the true representative for x million Chinese people."

He's one of those guys that has a soft spot for Nixon on this issue.
Fear the yellow people...

I dunno about that. I had a leftist poli sci professor who is really into China, and has sour grapes toward American foreign policy for the way we isolated them politically, and treated "Taiwan as the true representative for x million Chinese people."

He's one of those guys that has a soft spot for Nixon on this issue.

I fully agree with Nixon's policy on China. I just wish we extended it to Cuba as well.
Some Chinese company was wanting to buy GM. Should we let the market prevail and let the Chinese solve our problem with GM ?