Chinese property hunters to raid US

I fully agree with Nixon's policy on China. I just wish we extended it to Cuba as well.
Nixon's China policy was based upon the breakdown of relations between the USSR and China, which began in 1953 with the death of Stalin and resulted in the emergence of Khrushchev-- who dissed the great leader in his first address to the Kremlin (he criticized the harsh, brutal nature of the regime)-- and spiked after he "wimped out" during the Cuban Missile Crisis. By the end of the 60s, the two nations were actually skirmishing along the border. Nixon's strategy was to cozy up to China, thereby causing the antagonism of the two nations to grow dramatically.

Since Cuba was not sparring politically with Russia, it played no part in the grand scheme of things.

Ohh I thought The Simpsons was our first reality show ?

The Simpsons is real.
I am POSITIVE not a single conservative is worried about this or denounces it since it was under your hero Reagan that we began treating the Chinese like they were better than cuba. And then it was Bush I that really pushed MFN status. This is the conservative dream come true. This is what all you wanted. To open our markets up to the chinese. Well open they are.

Wrong. Many conservatives are not globalists, it's just globalists have hijacked the party, the media, and set about smearing anyone who doesn't agree with their selloutism.
The same panic happened when the japanese were buying properties left & right years ago. That turned out to be nothing.
Things aren't always the same. Have you ever heard that before?
But please tell us, isn't the free market the answer to our economic woes?
Free markets operated inside a framework of other considerations and concerns can be beneficial. Allowing the profit motive to dictate all social values is a big mistake.
Isn't this an example of the free market?
It's an example of enabling and incentivizing human slavery, to the detriment of free people around the world.
And you conservatives that are whining about this, please tell me why a property owner who is unable to sell his property should refuse to sell it to the chinese?
Chinese businesses are not really separate from the chinese government in any meaningful way. The chinese government and society is totalitarian. I believe selling property to foreign fascist governments is the plan for destroying america and reducing america to a totalitarian society similar to china.
Do you expect them to cut it out of the landscape and carry it back to china?
No. Fascist governments should not be allowed to buy property in america.
This is bullshit reactionism from the same people who scream about government intervention.

It's not reactionism. Is a valid concern of thinking people who value freedom.
Some Chinese company was wanting to buy GM. Should we let the market prevail and let the Chinese solve our problem with GM ?

What a nitwit. Do you think all of this 'bailout' money just grows on fucking trees out back of the Treasury Department? Want to take a half-ass educated guess at where a country that is $10 trillion in debt, might find $700 billion, or another $30 billion to bail out the auto industry? That's right, the Chinese are already "solving our problem", and at a pretty hefty interest rate, I might add.

What's more, have you read some of the left-wing lunacy just on this board, regarding ways to spend money we don't have on things we don't need? There is no doubt in my mind, within the next 4 years, 300 Chinese buying property isn't going to be any big deal.
Hey asshat, all joking aside come buy my crib from me before some chinaman does so we can keep it real homeboy...

Overpay me sir before them colored folk do. The Chinese are taking over.... everybody run...
Hey asshat, all joking aside come buy my crib from me before some chinaman does so we can keep it real homeboy...

Overpay me sir before them colored folk do. The Chinese are taking over.... everybody run...

Congratulations on your dumbness.
What a nitwit. Do you think all of this 'bailout' money just grows on fucking trees out back of the Treasury Department? Want to take a half-ass educated guess at where a country that is $10 trillion in debt, might find $700 billion, or another $30 billion to bail out the auto industry? That's right, the Chinese are already "solving our problem", and at a pretty hefty interest rate, I might add.

What's more, have you read some of the left-wing lunacy just on this board, regarding ways to spend money we don't have on things we don't need? There is no doubt in my mind, within the next 4 years, 300 Chinese buying property isn't going to be any big deal.

Yep, medical care. Totally unnecessary.
The same panic happened when the japanese were buying properties left & right years ago. That turned out to be nothing.

But please tell us, isn't the free market the answer to our economic woes? Isn't this an example of the free market?

And you conservatives that are whining about this, please tell me why a property owner who is unable to sell his property should refuse to sell it to the chinese?

Do you expect them to cut it out of the landscape and carry it back to china?

This is bullshit reactionism from the same people who scream about government intervention.

Wow best post I've ever seen from Solitary. Yep I remember the 80's and the fearmongering over the big bad Japanese buying everything, the left really got that one wrong.
There are plenty of American owners and companies in China, so we see a little of the reverse, whooped-de-dee.

If anyone REALLY doesn't like then for God's sake start cutting government spending and get us out of debt.
What a nitwit. Do you think all of this 'bailout' money just grows on fucking trees out back of the Treasury Department? Want to take a half-ass educated guess at where a country that is $10 trillion in debt, might find $700 billion, or another $30 billion to bail out the auto industry? That's right, the Chinese are already "solving our problem", and at a pretty hefty interest rate, I might add.

What's more, have you read some of the left-wing lunacy just on this board, regarding ways to spend money we don't have on things we don't need? There is no doubt in my mind, within the next 4 years, 300 Chinese buying property isn't going to be any big deal.

I do reacll 8 yeears or right wing lunacy of spending a few trillion we did not have.
I have been against "the Bailout" from the start.

I am for helping the individuals. Lets have some trickle up for a while.
I do reacll 8 yeears or right wing lunacy of spending a few trillion we did not have.
I have been against "the Bailout" from the start.

I am for helping the individuals. Lets have some trickle up for a while.

Except for when you and Waterhead are pissing your pants, things don't trickle up. I see you suffer from the same problem as Solitary, you are angry and bitter over Bush spending money on the war in Iraq, so your answer is, to spend even more money on things we don't need. Oh, but you are opposed to 'bailouts' because that is like a tax break for the rich, and you are against anything that might actually stimulate the economy and generate revenue... like reducing the cap gains tax, or eliminating the death tax. Heaven forbid we should give corporate tax breaks to encourage new business and jobs, it's far better for us to just keep borrowing money from China to pay for this idiotic "trickle up" theory of yours, huh?
Except for when you and Waterhead are pissing your pants, things don't trickle up. I see you suffer from the same problem as Solitary, you are angry and bitter over Bush spending money on the war in Iraq, so your answer is, to spend even more money on things we don't need. Oh, but you are opposed to 'bailouts' because that is like a tax break for the rich, and you are against anything that might actually stimulate the economy and generate revenue... like reducing the cap gains tax, or eliminating the death tax. Heaven forbid we should give corporate tax breaks to encourage new business and jobs, it's far better for us to just keep borrowing money from China to pay for this idiotic "trickle up" theory of yours, huh?

I see you are still trying to put words into other people's mouths and whining that they do this to you.
Except for when you and Waterhead are pissing your pants, things don't trickle up. I see you suffer from the same problem as Solitary, you are angry and bitter over Bush spending money on the war in Iraq, so your answer is, to spend even more money on things we don't need. Oh, but you are opposed to 'bailouts' because that is like a tax break for the rich, and you are against anything that might actually stimulate the economy and generate revenue... like reducing the cap gains tax, or eliminating the death tax. Heaven forbid we should give corporate tax breaks to encourage new business and jobs, it's far better for us to just keep borrowing money from China to pay for this idiotic "trickle up" theory of yours, huh?

Is it better to keep borrowing from china for your 'trickle down' fascism?

Let's give the people money and make the corporations compete for it. What wrong with that? Competition increases value to the consumer.
Except for when you and Waterhead are pissing your pants, things don't trickle up. I see you suffer from the same problem as Solitary, you are angry and bitter over Bush spending money on the war in Iraq, so your answer is, to spend even more money on things we don't need. Oh, but you are opposed to 'bailouts' because that is like a tax break for the rich, and you are against anything that might actually stimulate the economy and generate revenue... like reducing the cap gains tax, or eliminating the death tax. Heaven forbid we should give corporate tax breaks to encourage new business and jobs, it's far better for us to just keep borrowing money from China to pay for this idiotic "trickle up" theory of yours, huh?

Unfortunately, when they piss down, it does hit me, and none of what hits me is money.
Except for when you and Waterhead are pissing your pants, things don't trickle up. I see you suffer from the same problem as Solitary, you are angry and bitter over Bush spending money on the war in Iraq, so your answer is, to spend even more money on things we don't need. Oh, but you are opposed to 'bailouts' because that is like a tax break for the rich, and you are against anything that might actually stimulate the economy and generate revenue... like reducing the cap gains tax, or eliminating the death tax. Heaven forbid we should give corporate tax breaks to encourage new business and jobs, it's far better for us to just keep borrowing money from China to pay for this idiotic "trickle up" theory of yours, huh?

Ohh I am for reduced capital gains taxes on a graduated scale, ie if less than 30 days 50% if 1 year 25%,,,,down to none after 15 years.

Promotes stability and true investments not casino wall street mentality.

things do trickle up. If people buy cars GM does well or not ?
Idiot! 2/3 of our economy is based on consumer spending.
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Except for when you and Waterhead are pissing your pants, things don't trickle up. I see you suffer from the same problem as Solitary, you are angry and bitter over Bush spending money on the war in Iraq, so your answer is, to spend even more money on things we don't need. Oh, but you are opposed to 'bailouts' because that is like a tax break for the rich, and you are against anything that might actually stimulate the economy and generate revenue... like reducing the cap gains tax, or eliminating the death tax. Heaven forbid we should give corporate tax breaks to encourage new business and jobs, it's far better for us to just keep borrowing money from China to pay for this idiotic "trickle up" theory of yours, huh?

But tax breaks don't create American jobs when work is done overseas.
Does anybody remember back when the Japanese were taking us over by buying property?

yes... and I also recall how pissed they were when they had to sell it back to us at big discounts.

by the way, just so we are all clear... which conservatives are pissed about this?