Christianity: Conservative or Socialist?


Finally, someone, answers the question biblically and intelligently.
By Dr. Brian Lee

Both the Christian Right and the Christian Left get the question of Christianity and politics wrong. Christianity is not politically conservative or politically liberal — though Christians may be either. Christianity is not political at all. It is in a sense politically agnostic. But in another sense it calls into question the basis of every earthly power, including politics.

Those looking to dig into the Bible and find a political platform are going to be sorely disappointed. It’s not there. That is for the simple reason that it is not a book about politics, but about God, and how He is saving His people through Jesus Christ. This distinguishes Christianity from Old Testament Judaism and modern day Islam, both of which contain detailed political agendas. Well-meaning Christians that want to outline a detailed “Christian” agenda of their own, however, will simply not find one.

When opponents tried to trap Jesus between his fidelity to oppressed Israel or oppressor Rome, he asked whose picture was on the coin, and taught us to render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar (Matt 22:15-22). When on trial before Caesar, he admitted to being the King of the Jews, but in the same breath asserted “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:33-37).

Rest of the article here
Finally, someone, answers the question biblically and intelligently.
By Dr. Brian Lee

Both the Christian Right and the Christian Left get the question of Christianity and politics wrong. Christianity is not politically conservative or politically liberal — though Christians may be either. Christianity is not political at all. It is in a sense politically agnostic. But in another sense it calls into question the basis of every earthly power, including politics.

Those looking to dig into the Bible and find a political platform are going to be sorely disappointed. It’s not there. That is for the simple reason that it is not a book about politics, but about God, and how He is saving His people through Jesus Christ. This distinguishes Christianity from Old Testament Judaism and modern day Islam, both of which contain detailed political agendas. Well-meaning Christians that want to outline a detailed “Christian” agenda of their own, however, will simply not find one.

When opponents tried to trap Jesus between his fidelity to oppressed Israel or oppressor Rome, he asked whose picture was on the coin, and taught us to render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar (Matt 22:15-22). When on trial before Caesar, he admitted to being the King of the Jews, but in the same breath asserted “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:33-37).

Rest of the article here

Anyone who finds it necessary to announce to anyone who will listen that they are a 'Christian' cannot be a follower of christ.
Did he not say: By their fruits shall ye know them? - well someone in the bible said it.
I would find it difficult to believe that ANYONE here is a christian. Most of the intelligent posters are non believers and those that express their beliefs and wear them like protective clothing cannot be.
Anyone who finds it necessary to announce to anyone who will listen that they are a 'Christian' cannot be a follower of christ.
Did he not say: By their fruits shall ye know them? - well someone in the bible said it.
I would find it difficult to believe that ANYONE here is a christian. Most of the intelligent posters are non believers and those that express their beliefs and wear them like protective clothing cannot be.

WTF ???
Thats about as pinheaded as saying that "Anyone who finds it necessary to announce to anyone who will listen that they can dance cannot be a dancer...."

What a moron.
Anyone who finds it necessary to announce to anyone who will listen that they are a 'Christian' cannot be a follower of christ.
Did he not say: By their fruits shall ye know them? - well someone in the bible said it.
I would find it difficult to believe that ANYONE here is a christian. Most of the intelligent posters are non believers and those that express their beliefs and wear them like protective clothing cannot be.

Jesus also said that His followers will not be ashamed of Him and the Gospel (Luke 9:26). But then, it is clear that you've never read the Bible nor do you possess even the most basic understanding of Christianity.

Of course there are hypocrites in Christianity, which also happens to be the case in every other religion -- and yet, I'm absolutely certain you would not apply that same standard to Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, etc. Why do secular progressives consistently single out Christians?
Jesus also said that His followers will not be ashamed of Him and the Gospel (Luke 9:26). But then, it is clear that you've never read the Bible nor do you possess even the most basic understanding of Christianity.

Of course there are hypocrites in Christianity, which also happens to be the case in every other religion -- and yet, I'm absolutely certain you would not apply that same standard to Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, etc. Why do secular progressives consistently single out Christians?

What is the title of the thread?
Personally I cannot talk about Buddhists, Sikhs or Muslims because the culture that raised me had christianity as its major faith.
However I will repeat, for as long as necessary, that most (many) people who call themselves christian do not deserve the title. AND if I may say so, American evangelical 'christians' must take a good part of the blame for this.
Only from americans have I heard the belief that Catholics are not christian, for example. I mean what kind of ignorance, what kind of faith, what kind of evil makes someone who professes to follow Jesus spew such crap.
Read the bible? Yup. Understanding of Christianity? Yup. Understanding of logic and secularism? Yup. Anything else you would like to know?
Take care my friend, I am sure you are well meaning enough but you are showing more ignorance than would sit with comfort on the shoulders of most.
WTF ???
Thats about as pinheaded as saying that "Anyone who finds it necessary to announce to anyone who will listen that they can dance cannot be a dancer...."

What a moron.

Hardly an insult when from your delicate little fingers, sailor. Mwah mwah.

If you wish people to know that you are a christian SHOW it by your treatment of others. SHOW it by the way you behave. SHOW it to the being you consider as your god.
Pinhead? Moron? Don't make me fucking laugh, sailor.
I would think the whole, spreading the word, part, kind of dictates naming oneself a Christian... I don't usually make a big deal about it, because society has conditioned me to view it as awkward, and I don't want leftists to get all butthurt by it, either...
I would think the whole, spreading the word, part, kind of dictates naming oneself a Christian... I don't usually make a big deal about it, because society has conditioned me to view it as awkward, and I don't want leftists to get all butthurt by it, either...

There you go acting all logical and stuff~
There you go acting all logical and stuff~

Evangelism is, perhaps, the worst aspect of any religion. Persuade by example but do not endeavour to persuade by fear.
Someone, an american evangelist as it happens, once told me there was a special place for me in hell.
I said: Prepare ye the way... and make sure the beer is cold before I get there.
Evangelism is, perhaps, the worst aspect of any religion. Persuade by example but do not endeavour to persuade by fear.
Someone, an american evangelist as it happens, once told me there was a special place for me in hell.
I said: Prepare ye the way... and make sure the beer is cold before I get there.

your paint paintbrush of christians and evangilism shows you're nothing but an ignorant bigot
Yeah, I don't recall the Acts of the Apostles talking about spreading the word via fear. Mostly, there were miracles, and appeals to the old prophets such as Isaiah...
I've personally never met a non-Catholic Christian who get's their religion straight from Jesus and the Apostles (except Eastern Orthodox, and they accect us as brothers, these days), so forgive me if I don't really take any non-orthodox Christians seriously who question the veracity of Catholicism. No, Church equals no Bible, and no faith.
It was the Roman Catholic church that proclaimed "anathema" on Protestant's at the council of Trent. The disagreement centered on what has come to be known as the 5 solas. That estrangement is rarely discussed in modern times, though the differences that exist between that of Catholisism and Protestantism have never been resolved.
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The Indulgence, pulled out of thin air by John Tetzel, a corrupt monk, and Pope Leo X, also known as "the Pagan Pope," was the final straw for Martin Luther. Keep in mind that Luther's intention was never to form a new church, but to clean up the Catholic church, which had become perverse and rotten to the core.
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What is the title of the thread?
Personally I cannot talk about Buddhists, Sikhs or Muslims because the culture that raised me had christianity as its major faith.
However I will repeat, for as long as necessary, that most (many) people who call themselves christian do not deserve the title. AND if I may say so, American evangelical 'christians' must take a good part of the blame for this.
Only from americans have I heard the belief that Catholics are not christian, for example. I mean what kind of ignorance, what kind of faith, what kind of evil makes someone who professes to follow Jesus spew such crap.
Read the bible? Yup. Understanding of Christianity? Yup. Understanding of logic and secularism? Yup. Anything else you would like to know?
Take care my friend, I am sure you are well meaning enough but you are showing more ignorance than would sit with comfort on the shoulders of most.

Your post doesn't address the title of the thread in any capacity and doesn't begin to defend the stupidity of your first post (#2)....
And your treatment of others or the way you behave doesn't define you as a Christian any more than it defines you as a Muslim or any other faith....

Only an arrogant fool would say treating people in a respectable manner shows you're a Christian as opposed to some other faith, or maybe even no faith....