Christianity: Conservative or Socialist?

What about his comment that some don't consider Catholics to be Christian?

I know that for a fact. I've met those people who call Catholicism a cult.
And there are those that call Mormons a cult...and Jehovah's, and others....whats your point.....the world is full of people with differing views...even among so-called Christians...
The Indulgence, pulled out of thin air by John Tetzel, a corrupt monk, and Pope Leo X, also known as "the Pagan Pope," was the final straw for Martin Luther. Keep in mind that Luther's intention was never to form a new church, but to clean up the Catholic church, which had become perverse and rotten to the core.

Tetzel came up with the idea of selling Indulgences for the purpose of fundraising. He didn't invent Indulgences themselves.
Tetzel came up with the idea of selling Indulgences for the purpose of fundraising. He didn't invent Indulgences themselves.
The Vatican, Rome was more about money, power, and politics in the 16 century.....quite a turbulent time for "Catholicism" and "Christianity" in general........
Pope Leo wasn't even a priest when elected Pope....
Its an interesting time for those interested in that stuff....
Those two are a break in the old joke about Christianity:

When it came to Greece, it became a philosophy
When it came to Rome, it became an empire
When it came to Europe, it became a civilization
When it came to America, it became a business

Apparently there were some European businessmen drifting about...
Yeah, after about 900, as the Carolingian Renaissance took off, and Europe began emerging from the Dark Ages and entered the Medieval Period, the Papacy became a highly politicized office, and rather than elect priests and bishops, outsiders got thrust in. That's primarily why the College of Cardinals was formed.
The Vatican, Rome was more about money, power, and politics in the 16 century.....quite a turbulent time for "Catholicism" and "Christianity" in general........
Pope Leo wasn't even a priest when elected Pope....
Its an interesting time for those interested in that stuff....

Which is one reason I am baffled by how some Catholics continue to vilify Martin Luther. The Reformation led to positive changes within their church (took a couple hundred years, but it happened) and, ultimately, the world itself.
It was the Roman Catholic church that proclaimed "anathema" on Protestant's at the council of Trent. The disagreement centered on what has come to be known as the 5 solas. That estrangement is rarely discussed in modern times, though the differences that exist between that of Catholisism and Protestantism have never been resolved.

????...actually, the problems that prompted the Protestant Reformation were mostly eliminated by the Catholic Reformation fifty years later......
Which is one reason I am baffled by how some Catholics continue to vilify Martin Luther. The Reformation led to positive changes within their church (took a couple hundred years, but it happened) and, ultimately, the world itself.

He was a colorful character....strongly anitsemitic stating that Jewish homes should be destroyed, their synagogues burned, money confiscated and liberty curtailed.
I was relatively familiar with Catholics and some of their teachings and never heard him "vilified"...thats a pretty strong term....but I'm sure no expert.
Which is one reason I am baffled by how some Catholics continue to vilify Martin Luther. The Reformation led to positive changes within their church (took a couple hundred years, but it happened) and, ultimately, the world itself.

Could you elaborate on that? I never heard of any Catholics continuing to vilify Luther, which is not to say it can't be happening.
And there are those that call Mormons a cult...and Jehovah's, and others....whats your point.....the world is full of people with differing views...even among so-called Christians...

My point is that people who criticize religions other than their own just because of differences in dogma are not true representatives of Christ and have no business boasting about their Christianity.
Your post doesn't address the title of the thread in any capacity and doesn't begin to defend the stupidity of your first post (#2)....
And your treatment of others or the way you behave doesn't define you as a Christian any more than it defines you as a Muslim or any other faith....

Only an arrogant fool would say treating people in a respectable manner shows you're a Christian as opposed to some other faith, or maybe even no faith....

1. I am not a christian nor do I have any faith as such. If you want to know my general attitude towards religion you might be interested in the writings of Richard Dawkins.
2. In many respects I am sure you are right to call me an ignorant fool. Ignorant because I do not know everything, but am quite at peace with that and a fool because sometimes I like to amuse people. You may count yourself as an exception.... NOT, however, exceptional.
3. Voltair brought the non Christian faiths into the discussion as I remember but the title of the thread specifically mentions Christianity. Therefore my comment was correct.
Something about Christianity seems to make you quite angry, sailor. You need to get out more.
Here's a little quote for you, you may not agree, but whatever floats your boat, sailor.
Historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr. characterized prejudice against the Catholics as "the deepest bias in the history of the American people"[2] and conservative Peter Viereck once commented that (in 1960) "Catholic baiting is the anti-Semitism of the liberals." [3] Historian John Higham described anti-Catholicism as "the most luxuriant, tenacious tradition of paranoiac agitation in American history".[

Take a chill pill, man. And IF you are a christian - of any hue -

My point is that people who criticize religions other than their own just because of differences in dogma are not true representatives of Christ and have no business boasting about their Christianity.

I am often distainful of the non-orthodox sects, because I believe the sacraments are absolutely crucial in a person's life.

As for Luther, I think there is a lot of respect for him because his arguments were largely against corruption, although he did continue to change his theology over time. Personally, I absolutely loathe Henry VIII because no decent human being can do other (haha), and I have to respect Calvin a little, because I tend to think like him (not really paying him or me a compliment in that). Luther and his church have done far less damage to Christianity, though, than any of the other reformers such as Calvin, Zwingli, and Henry VIII/Edward VI, etc. Its why Lutherans are often derided as "Catholic Lite." And, as others have aluded to, he led to the Catholic Reformation and Trent.
Religion is the most mind warping batch of stupidity ever conceived, stunting rational thought and creating apathy to support the worldly status quo of power relationships between humans.
And there are those that call Mormons a cult...and Jehovah's, and others....whats your point.....the world is full of people with differing views...even among so-called Christians...

[ame=""]YouTube - The Secret World of Mormonism - Mormon Cartoon[/ame]

LOL, pure comedy gold.