Christianity on JPP, and nationally


Verified User
If everyone actually lived and approached each day in a way consistent w/ Christ's teachings, this board would be a beautiful place. The world would be a beautiful place.

But, we don't see that. Some posters here & many of the more vocal people nationally who profess themselves to be Christians and advocate for that religion on many issues express themselves in ways that are close to the opposite of that. They spew vile hatred every day.

When it comes to their agendas about LGBTQ & abortion, they're all about "Christianity" and how they interpret that religion. But that's about it.

How do they reconcile that? Are they even aware of it? I get the whole "we're all sinners" thing, and that everyone tries but doesn't always succeed. But I don't see many trying, at all. Every day is the same thing. Hate upon hate upon hate.

What's the scoop?
If everyone actually lived and approached each day in a way consistent w/ Christ's teachings, this board would be a beautiful place. The world would be a beautiful place.

But, we don't see that. Some posters here & many of the more vocal people nationally who profess themselves to be Christians and advocate for that religion on many issues express themselves in ways that are close to the opposite of that. They spew vile hatred every day.

When it comes to their agendas about LGBTQ & abortion, they're all about "Christianity" and how they interpret that religion. But that's about it.

How do they reconcile that? Are they even aware of it? I get the whole "we're all sinners" thing, and that everyone tries but doesn't always succeed. But I don't see many trying, at all. Every day is the same thing. Hate upon hate upon hate.

What's the scoop?

Excellent post. Fully agree. The most hateful people on this forum are self described Christians.
Selfhood is always an unfinished project. The effort to live an authentic life is fraught with difficulty and moral ambiguity.

What is offensive are the self professed Christians who don't even try to improve or make a minimal effort to emulate the example of Jesus.

It's a high bar to clear, but the fact that lots of people don't clear the bar does not diminish it's value to humanity.

If humans don't look to the teachings of Bhudda, Jesus, Ghandi, Confucious, the Dali Llama as the bar to clear, where are they going to look? Even the irreligious adopt those teachings, if only through cultural osmosis. There are no German philosophy professors, atheist intellectuals, scientists with that kind of accepted moral authority to really replace it.
I follow the Golden Rule as a matter of principle- Well, up until someone attacks me first- Then I follow the eye-for-an eye rule with those that attack me.

I'm no Jesus, and no, I do not intend to be nailed to some cross and just die for other people's sins or amusement!
If everyone actually lived and approached each day in a way consistent w/ Christ's teachings, this board would be a beautiful place.
I'm not so sure about this. What was Christ's teachings about casting stones while hiding behind a "no true Scotsman" fallacy? I think there would still be self-loathers on this site who can only feel better about themselves when they are virtue-signaling from behind some sort of fallacy, and the "no true scotsman" fallacy is very commonplace.

Some posters here & many of the more vocal people nationally who profess themselves to be Christians and advocate for that religion on many issues express themselves in ways that are close to the opposite of that.
I see that you are trying to make yourself feel better about yourself by virtue-signaling from behind a "no true Scotsman" fallacy. Is this because you aren't following Christ's teachings or because you are showing that this site wouldn't necessarily be a great place if everybody followed Christ's teachings?

They spew vile hatred every day.
Guess who is spewing vile HATRED right now. C'mon, take a guess. You can have three guesses. C'mon, who do you think is spewing vile HATRED right now?

When it comes to their agendas about LGBTQ & abortion, they're all about "Christianity" and how they interpret that religion. But that's about it.
You're too late. All of this has been hashed out in many previous threads. I'll summarize for you. Only vile, dishonest, virtue-signaling HATERS pretend to speak for countless others and dishonestly assign to them bogus positions that they do not hold, just to have something they can attack in order to make their self-loathing selves feel better ... for a fleeting moment at least.

How do you reconcile this? Are you even aware of it? I get the whole "I'm so virtuous and THEY are all Satanic virgin-raping sinners" thing, and that everyone but you is evil. But I don't see you trying, at all. Every day is the same thing. Hate upon hate upon hate.

What's the scoop?
I follow the Golden Rule as a matter of principle-
Do you treat Donald Trump as you expect to be treated?

Well, up until someone attacks me first
Wait, it's how you expect to be treated. It's how you BEG to be treated.

btw, between the two of us, you were the first to attack me personally, just because you disagreed with my political position. You are a liar. You stand poised to attack anyone, visciously, over mere political differences.
Selfhood is always an unfinished project.
Didn't that project complete upon conception?

The effort to live an authentic life is fraught with difficulty and moral ambiguity.
I read on Wikipedia that the only unauthentic part of selfhood is the "inventing undefined buzzwords" chapter.

What is offensive are the self professed Christians who don't even try to improve or make a minimal effort to emulate the example of Jesus.
Even more offensive are the virtue-signaling, self-loathing HATERS who hide behind "no true Scotsman" fallacies. Even worse are those who copy-paste their virtue-signaling from the internet.

It's a high bar to clear, but the fact that lots of people don't clear the bar does not diminish it's value to humanity.
Overcoming self-loathing is a high bar to clear, but the fact that lots of people don't clear the bar does not diminish it's value to humanity.

If humans don't look to the teachings of Bhudda, Jesus, Ghandi, Confucious, the Dali Llama as the bar to clear, where are they going to look?
Many, such as I, don't need to look anywhere. I don't need anyone to do my thinking for me. If more people thought rationally, independently and dispassionately while applying critical reasoning, no bars would be too high to clear.

Even the irreligious adopt those teachings,
... perhaps because they are the results of rational, independent thought with applied critical reasoning.

There are no German philosophy professors, atheist intellectuals, scientists with that kind of accepted moral authority to really replace it.
There is no such thing as any "moral authority."
The most hateful people on this forum are self described Christians.
Nope. The most hateful people are leftists, by far. What do they HATE the most? All who disagree with the stupid and humanity-HATING positions that the leftist collective is ordered to adopt.

Have you told anyone to "Go kill yourself" lately?
If everyone actually lived and approached each day in a way consistent w/ Christ's teachings, this board would be a beautiful place. The world would be a beautiful place.

But, we don't see that. Some posters here & many of the more vocal people nationally who profess themselves to be Christians and advocate for that religion on many issues express themselves in ways that are close to the opposite of that. They spew vile hatred every day.

When it comes to their agendas about LGBTQ & abortion, they're all about "Christianity" and how they interpret that religion. But that's about it.

How do they reconcile that? Are they even aware of it? I get the whole "we're all sinners" thing, and that everyone tries but doesn't always succeed. But I don't see many trying, at all. Every day is the same thing. Hate upon hate upon hate.

What's the scoop?
There is nothing Christian about the JPP MAGAt's approach to gays, trans and abortion. They always go Old Testament when those subjects come up.

They are liars and hypocrites.
Selfhood is always an unfinished project. The effort to live an authentic life is fraught with difficulty and moral ambiguity.

What is offensive are the self professed Christians who don't even try to improve or make a minimal effort to emulate the example of Jesus.

It's a high bar to clear, but the fact that lots of people don't clear the bar does not diminish it's value to humanity.

If humans don't look to the teachings of Bhudda, Jesus, Ghandi, Confucious, the Dali Llama as the bar to clear, where are they going to look? Even the irreligious adopt those teachings, if only through cultural osmosis. There are no German philosophy professors, atheist intellectuals, scientists with that kind of accepted moral authority to really replace it.
Agreed their behavior is offensive. The fact they don't even try proves they are not Christians regardless of what they choose to label themselves. Christianity is all about redemption. One cannot be redeemed if one isn't willing to repent and change their ways. "Repent on Sunday and sin all week" is not Christian behavior. It's lip-service behavior.
If everyone actually lived and approached each day in a way consistent w/ Christ's teachings, this board would be a beautiful place. The world would be a beautiful place.

But, we don't see that. Some posters here & many of the more vocal people nationally who profess themselves to be Christians and advocate for that religion on many issues express themselves in ways that are close to the opposite of that. They spew vile hatred every day.

When it comes to their agendas about LGBTQ & abortion, they're all about "Christianity" and how they interpret that religion. But that's about it.

How do they reconcile that? Are they even aware of it? I get the whole "we're all sinners" thing, and that everyone tries but doesn't always succeed. But I don't see many trying, at all. Every day is the same thing. Hate upon hate upon hate.

What's the scoop?

why do atheists always feel the need to preach the superiority of their beliefs?.......I don't recall the followers of any other belief system starting a thread on JPP extolling how much better they are than others, except for the atheists.......
why do atheists always feel the need to preach the superiority of their beliefs?.......I don't recall the followers of any other belief system starting a thread on JPP extolling how much better they are than others, except for the atheists.......

Because Christians on this forum are the most hate filled people.
why do atheists always feel the need to preach the superiority of their beliefs?.......I don't recall the followers of any other belief system starting a thread on JPP extolling how much better they are than others, except for the atheists.......
QED on a MAGAt who claims to be a Christian but never acts like one.

Agreed their behavior is offensive. The fact they don't even try proves they are not Christians regardless of what they choose to label themselves. Christianity is all about redemption. One cannot be redeemed if one isn't willing to repent and change their ways. "Repent on Sunday and sin all week" is not Christian behavior. It's lip-service behavior.

There seems to be a huge difference between those who just manage to attend church service, but then spend the rest of the week calling women internet posters 'cunts', and those who at least attempt to emulate the example of Jesus.
There's very few Christians on this forum and they don't hate anyone. Add that all, except Leaningright, are Biden voters. Ooooh the irony!


It's pretty clear from the New Testament that God is on the side of the oppressed, the poor, the marginalized. It's hard to reconcile that with having an affinity for Trump, Newt Gingrich, Matt Gaetz, et al.
There seems to be a huge difference between those who just manage to attend church service, but then spend the rest of the week calling women internet posters 'cunts', and those who at least attempt to emulate the example of Jesus.
Agreed. Another reason those who only go through the motions are MAGAts rather than rising above the scum and following in the footsteps of Jesus.

why do atheists always feel the need to preach the superiority of their beliefs?.......I don't recall the followers of any other belief system starting a thread on JPP extolling how much better they are than others, except for the atheists.......

I'm not an atheist, and this OP has literally nothing to do w/ "superiority of beliefs." I'm not even comparing Christianity to anything.

I'm wondering why many who profess to be Christians act generally in a way that is close to the opposite of his teachings, at least in their public expressions on here & nationally.