Christianity on JPP, and nationally

I'm not an atheist, and this OP has literally nothing to do w/ "superiority of beliefs." I'm not even comparing Christianity to anything.

I'm wondering why many who profess to be Christians act generally in a way that is close to the opposite of his teachings, at least in their public expressions on here & nationally.
Because, like PmP, they are minions of Satan.

bye troll
The most hateful people are leftists, by far. What do they HATE the most? All who disagree with the stupid and humanity-HATING positions that the leftist collective is ordered to adopt.

Have you told anyone to "Go kill yourself" lately?
It's pretty clear from the New Testament that God is on the side of the oppressed, the poor, the marginalized.
Your official position is the God takes sides, and has both preferred people and undesired people. Your official position is that God takes sides in the minutia of our politics, and He always takes your side and whatever side your thoughtmasters order the leftist collective to take, right?

Cypress says that God is a HATER who HATES his undesired people and He clearly HATES Trump. We are fortunate to have Cypress to inform us of these things.
False assumption. Christians don't do this. Your question is invalid.
A Satanist, who commits Onanism while posting and follows the Orange Jesus minion of Satan.

Sybil wouldn't know a Christian even if a busload of nuns ran over him while he was jerking off in the middle of the street.

I'm not an atheist, and this OP has literally nothing to do w/ "superiority of beliefs."

obviously it has everything to do with criticizing the beliefs of others besides may feel free to pretend you aren't posing as superior but that doesn't mean we have to be stupid enough to believe you........
We are fortunate to have Cypress to inform us of these things.
^^^ This MAGA moron is as ignorant of the New Testament as she is of physics, chemistry, and biology.:laugh:

It has nothing to do with what I say, it's what's written in the NT:

Jesus, Sermon on the Plain:
Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the Sons of God.

Saint Paul, Acts:33-35
I have not coveted anyone’s silver or gold or clothing. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”

I am a troll :orang:, plagiarizer, bad-faith poster, and scientific illiterate.

Yes you are, as the links and posts below prove.

CLICK HERE to see how IBDumbass fantasizes that he has deeply original, profound insights about science and religion, but he is actually just plagiarizing and paraphrasing insights that other posters have already had for many years

CLICK HERE To See Why IBDumbass Doesn't Post in Good Faith - He hounds me with what he imagines is a 'gotcha!' question, but when it blows up in his face he runs away from the thread like a little girl

Darwin's theory of evolution is not science
hint: energy and matter are not interchangeable
Wave-Particle duality is classical physics.
There is no such thing as an accelerating reference frame!!

obviously it has everything to do with criticizing the beliefs of others besides may feel free to pretend you aren't posing as superior but that doesn't mean we have to be stupid enough to believe you........

I haven't criticized ANY beliefs.

Can you provide the words that I wrote that indicate that I am criticizing the actual beliefs of Christians?

I'm asking why many Christians do not seem to adhere to those beliefs. I'm not criticizing the beliefs, at all. I believe in what Christ said - and try to live that way every day.
If everyone actually lived and approached each day in a way consistent w/ Christ's teachings, this board would be a beautiful place. The world would be a beautiful place.

But, we don't see that. Some posters here & many of the more vocal people nationally who profess themselves to be Christians and advocate for that religion on many issues express themselves in ways that are close to the opposite of that. They spew vile hatred every day.

When it comes to their agendas about LGBTQ & abortion, they're all about "Christianity" and how they interpret that religion. But that's about it.

How do they reconcile that? Are they even aware of it? I get the whole "we're all sinners" thing, and that everyone tries but doesn't always succeed. But I don't see many trying, at all. Every day is the same thing. Hate upon hate upon hate.

What's the scoop?

When Christian Nationalists talk about "religious freedom" what they're talking about it the freedom to discriminate against protected classes like gay people and other minorities.
There seems to be a huge difference between those who just manage to attend church service, but then spend the rest of the week calling women internet posters 'cunts', and those who at least attempt to emulate the example of Jesus.

I think its sad the cunts think I'm only talking about women......