Christianity on JPP, and nationally

Why do you HATE patriotic Christians? Do they make you look bad for HATING your country?

What do you HATE most, your country or patriots?

Projection alert. Your entire maga movement is fueled by hatred. Hatred of immigrants, hatred of Jews, hatred of gay people, etc.

A little bird told me you're suspended on another forum. Just can't keep it together, can you?
what do you call a lack of a brain......
Oh yeah, the technical term for that is "PostmodernProphet", aka "troll", aka "dumbass", aka "moron".

Projection alert.
Nope. Rebuttal ... to which you have no response, obviously.

Your entire maga movement is fueled by hatred.
the entire MAGA movement is fueled by the desire to make America great again. Shit-for-brains, such as you, can't quite pick up on that nuance.

Your TDS, however, is fueld by ignorance-induced gullibility that allows others to mind-fuck you, resulting in irrational HATRED. You are not capable of being rational on this topic. Watch ...

Give me one reason, per the official duties of the Presidency (not tweets or campaign ads or pretense that you can somehow read his mind) that Trump wasn't the best US President ever. Just one.

Hatred of immigrants,
Trump doesn't hate immigrants. He never did.

hatred of Jews,
Trump is the US' most pro-Jewish President, ever. He formally recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moved the American embassy to Jerusalem.

hatred of gay people, etc.
Trump is the US' most openly pro-LGNTQIAMIPPOLPSWC+ ever. He made that point abundantly clear when he attended Elton John's wedding, and continued in that same vein thereafter. Guess who can't provide a single anti-LGNTQIAMIPPOLPSWC+ speech from Trump.

So, all you have fueling your irrational tirades is HATRED and dishonesty ... and ignorance and confusion. I get it.

A little bird told me you're suspended on another forum.
Correct. DebatePolitics. I won't be returning. I had left years ago because it's just another leftist safe-space. The censors quash conservative views. I had forgotten about Debate Politics and returned to debate a few items. It wasn't until one of the censors was sent to quash my conservative views that I remembered why I had left long ago. It's still another YAP. I'm happy to not be associated with that site and I'm somewhat embarrassed for having returned, if but briefly.
Nope. Rebuttal ... to which you have no response, obviously.

the entire MAGA movement is fueled by the desire to make America great again. Shit-for-brains, such as you, can't quite pick up on that nuance.

Your TDS, however, is fueld by ignorance-induced gullibility that allows others to mind-fuck you, resulting in irrational HATRED. You are not capable of being rational on this topic. Watch ...

Give me one reason, per the official duties of the Presidency (not tweets or campaign ads or pretense that you can somehow read his mind) that Trump wasn't the best US President ever. Just one.

Trump doesn't hate immigrants. He never did.

Trump is the US' most pro-Jewish President, ever. He formally recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moved the American embassy to Jerusalem.

Trump is the US' most openly pro-LGNTQIAMIPPOLPSWC+ ever. He made that point abundantly clear when he attended Elton John's wedding, and continued in that same vein thereafter. Guess who can't provide a single anti-LGNTQIAMIPPOLPSWC+ speech from Trump.

So, all you have fueling your irrational tirades is HATRED and dishonesty ... and ignorance and confusion. I get it.

Correct. DebatePolitics. I won't be returning. I had left years ago because it's just another leftist safe-space. The censors quash conservative views. I had forgotten about Debate Politics and returned to debate a few items. It wasn't until one of the censors was sent to quash my conservative views that I remembered why I had left long ago. It's still another YAP. I'm happy to not be associated with that site and I'm somewhat embarrassed for having returned, if but briefly.

Oh, you are such the victim. Cry us a river.
Apparently you can't keep your posts straight. Are you new at this internet thing?

What is it you think I missed? Also, my posts must seem pretty meaningful to you because of all the time you spend responding to them. Sure won't hurt my feelings if from now on, you just scroll on by.

I just read a comment section for an article about Garth Brooks - he was talking about his decision to serve Bud Light at his bar in Nashville, and said, "Let's try love - it's a good place."

The vast majority of comments talked about him like he was a terrible person, with the concept of Christianity coming up often. Things like (paraphrasing) "he needs to stop shoving his unChristian values down our throat."

Like, really? "Let's try love" is an unChristian value?

Kind of what I was talking about w/ the OP. A lot of modern, political Christians see the religion as being more about intolerance, and opposing things like homosexuality. To think that "Let's try love" is unChristian is a perspective that has completely lost sight of the values that Christ espoused.
There seems to be a huge difference between those who just manage to attend church service, but then spend the rest of the week calling women internet posters 'cunts', and those who at least attempt to emulate the example of Jesus.

For many Christians, attending church is just a celestial slate cleaning for what they did the previous week and what they know they're going to do in the upcoming week....which is not act like a Christian.

If all the self-proclaimed Christians actually acted like Christians, the country would be much better off.
If everyone actually lived and approached each day in a way consistent w/ Christ's teachings, this board would be a beautiful place. The world would be a beautiful place.

But, we don't see that. Some posters here & many of the more vocal people nationally who profess themselves to be Christians and advocate for that religion on many issues express themselves in ways that are close to the opposite of that. They spew vile hatred every day.

When it comes to their agendas about LGBTQ & abortion, they're all about "Christianity" and how they interpret that religion. But that's about it.

How do they reconcile that? Are they even aware of it? I get the whole "we're all sinners" thing, and that everyone tries but doesn't always succeed. But I don't see many trying, at all. Every day is the same thing. Hate upon hate upon hate.

What's the scoop?

For one to believe the “we’re all sinners” thing, they have to buy into the reward and punishment kind of a god. That’s childish superstition.
For one to believe the “we’re all sinners” thing, they have to buy into the reward and punishment kind of a god. That’s childish superstition.

Oh, for sure. I was more trying to go by what the modern interpretation of Christianity is, at least w/ most of the adherents to the "organized" aspect of that religion.

It's a separate topic, but of course no one is punished after their lifetime, or judged. Hell was a medieval concept to get people to go to church. There is no hell.

Earth is a classroom, not a courtroom.
Oh, for sure. I was more trying to go by what the modern interpretation of Christianity is, at least w/ most of the adherents to the "organized" aspect of that religion.

It's a separate topic, but of course no one is punished after their lifetime, or judged. Hell was a medieval concept to get people to go to church. There is no hell.

Earth is a classroom, not a courtroom.

I can’t speak to how they reconcile their beliefs, since I don’t buy into any of it.

Jesus never claimed he was the son of God. Never claimed any of the sort. Nor, during his lifetime, was he ever thought of as such. He was made into a deity long after his death.

“Love the sinner but hate the sin” is so much bogus bullshit. Goes back to the superstitious aspect of sin. Most responses to your question by “Christians” will probably come down to that, however. Relying on OT bullshit written by ancient goatfuckers meant to keep their tribes in line.
Like, really? "Let's try love" is an unChristian value?
Nope. Bud Light has joined the leftist WOKE crowd and decided to bind their product with non-Christian values. Brooks' attempt to cajole Christians into embracing unChristian values was the complaint.

Kind of what I was talking about w/ the OP.
Nope. You were trying to say that Christians are somehow unChristian if they don't embrace unChristian values. That's a pretty stupid position for you to have.

A lot of modern, political Christians see the religion as being more about intolerance,
Nope. They understand that WOKE is all about intolerance. They understand that "diversity" is all about intolerance. They understand that leftists are completely intolerant.

... and opposing things like homosexuality.
Nope. They're against homosexual sex. Christians don't appreciate having homosexual sex and other unChristian values being forced upon them. When was the last time you read/heard a news article about Christians demanding that homosexual sex be outlawed? They aren't trying to impose Christianity on homosexuals. Homosexuals are simply trying to screw with Christians, because homosexuals, for the most part, are HATERS in that regard, and they are second to American Jews in claiming eternal victim status.

To think that "Let's try love" is unChristian
To think that you would pretend to speak for Christians and then totally mischaracterize their position, it's rather dishonest of you.

Homosexuals, for the most part, are sniveling HATERS. They shouldn't be confused as to why nobody cares about anything they have to say.
Christians are the most persecuted of all the religions in this country. Yet, despite that fact, they are the most charitable.