Christians are anti-science.

No, you weren't 'just giving advice'
Yes, I was. You can verify this by noticing the advice I gave you. You Brits aren't all too quick on the uptake I see.

You ASSumed you caught me in a "gotcha" blunder,
I noticed a minor grammatical error on your part to which I directed your attention. You immediately became irrational and defensive. That initial defensiveness has taken on a life of its own. Regardless of the extent you wish to convince this board that you are perfect and inerrant you nonetheless made a minor grammatical error and I simply brought it to your attention.

The burden is on you to provide links to any reputable body of peer reviewed scientific literature demonstrating the theory of evolution by natural selection has been debunked.
Owing to the fact that you aren't too quick on the uptake, I will outline several necessary tasks you must accomplish if you are to be coherent:

1. Keep your conversations straight. I am not the one claiming that Natural Selection has been falsified. I claim that Natural Selection is unfalsifiable and has thus never been falsified.

2. Learn what "peer review" means. You haven't the vaguest clue and you sound really stupid, even for a Brit. Hint: "Peer Review" has nothing to do with science; it has to do with publishing only.

3. Only he who makes an affirmative claim bears any burden of support. You need to specify what affirmative claim you assert that I am making.

4. Following from #3 above, you bear the full burden to support your affirmative claim that Darwin's theory of Natural Selection is somehow falsifiable science. It is no one else's responsibility to prove it false.

At the moment you are gibbering nonsense. You are writing Jabberwocky II.
Yes, I was. You can verify this by noticing the advice I gave you. You Brits aren't all too quick on the uptake I see.

I noticed a minor grammatical error on your part to which I directed your attention. You immediately became irrational and defensive. That initial defensiveness has taken on a life of its own. Regardless of the extent you wish to convince this board that you are perfect and inerrant you nonetheless made a minor grammatical error and I simply brought it to your attention.

Owing to the fact that you aren't too quick on the uptake, I will outline several necessary tasks you must accomplish if you are to be coherent:

1. Keep your conversations straight. I am not the one claiming that Natural Selection has been falsified. I claim that Natural Selection is unfalsifiable and has thus never been falsified.

2. Learn what "peer review" means. You haven't the vaguest clue and you sound really stupid, even for a Brit. Hint: "Peer Review" has nothing to do with science; it has to do with publishing only.

3. Only he who makes an affirmative claim bears any burden of support. You need to specify what affirmative claim you assert that I am making.

4. Following from #3 above, you bear the full burden to support your affirmative claim that Darwin's theory of Natural Selection is somehow falsifiable science. It is no one else's responsibility to prove it false.

At the moment you are gibbering nonsense. You are writing Jabberwocky II.

So you deny evolutionary biology and climate science.

The funny thing is I knew you idiots would deny COVID-19 as soon as it made news.
All people who can't read say that.

Tell me how exactly Global Warming causes the earth to spontaneously increase in temperature without additional energy. Way too funny.

Do you know why Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system? Because the thick atmosphere captures a lot of heat.

I don't know how much more this can simplified for you people. When you're cold, you get under a blanket because it heats you up. Correct? Well, as the we increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, heat escapes at an increasingly slower rate.
Do you know why Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system? Because the thick atmosphere captures a lot of heat.

I don't know how much more this can simplified for you people. When you're cold, you get under a blanket because it heats you up. Correct? Well, as the we increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, heat escapes at an increasingly slower rate.
It's irrational to try and rationalize with an irrational person. Into the Night/IBDa/gfm/etc is intelligent (at least a 100 IQ) but he has mental issues as proved by his irrationality and actions such as his fake forum and use of sock puppets.

FWIW, one of the best ways for a person to protect their rights under the Constitution is to arm themselves and proficient in its use. It's a deterrent but it needs to be a credible deterrent. Left Wing Loonies seeking to ban guns than hand over the reins of government to a populist like Trump are asking for the US to be turned into a Third World shithole.
In addition to being gullible and uneducated, are there any more things at which you excel?
You have so much stupidity in your signature.

Agreed but maybe not for the reasons you mean. He telegraphs overcompensation with both his signature and his postings on his fake forum. It's an insight into his mind just as reading Ted Kaczynski's manifesto is an insight into an intelligent but mentally ill mind.

Compare this:

To this: and the rest of his website.
Do you know why Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system?
The temperature of Venus is unknown. It is not possible to measure it or the temperature of any planet (including Earth). We don't have enough thermometers. You are denying statistical math.
Because the thick atmosphere captures a lot of heat.
It is not possible to trap heat. Heat has no temperature. Obviously, you have no idea what 'heat' is, and you have so far ignored the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. You also seem to have a problem with the 0th law of thermodynamics, which defines the concept of 'temperature'. The 2nd law defines the concept of 'heat'.
I don't know how much more this can simplified for you people.
1st law of thermodynamics: E(t+1)=E(t)-U where E is energy, 't' is time, and 'U" is work. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
2nd law of thermodynamics: e(t+1) >= e(t) where 'e' is entropy, and 't' is time. You cannot reduce entropy in any system. You cannot trap heat. You cannot heat a warmer surface with a colder gas.
When you're cold, you get under a blanket because it heats you up. Correct?
Incorrect. Your body temperature remains the same, as regulated by your own body as it converts chemical energy into thermal energy. Putting a blanket on a dead body or on a rock will not heat them up. Blankets work by reducing heat.
Well, as the we increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, heat escapes at an increasingly slower rate.

You are now ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law, which states: r = C*e*t^4 where 'r' is radiance (electromagnetic energy, or light), 'C' is a natural constant, 'e' is a measured constant of emissivity', and 't' is temperature in kelvins. You cannot trap light. You cannot trap heat. There is no frequency component to this equation. There is no sequence.

Everything you are stating comes from the Church of Global Warming. No gas or vapor is capable of warming the Earth (or Venus, or any other planet). You can't create energy out of nothing. You can't compare two different systems as if they are the same system. You can't create energy out of nothing. You can't reduce entropy. You can't trap heat or light. You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.

Obviously, you never learned physics or statistical mathemematics.

Oh...I am Christian BTW. I am correcting you.
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It is not that physics proves God does not exist. It just plays no role in cosmology. can't state any theory of science. You can only claim your religion is True, and the Christian religion is false.

No argument presented. You are free to believe what you believe, but that is not science.