Christians are anti-science.

FFS. Everyone knows what science is except for you.
YOU are the one who doesn't know what science is... The moment that you start blathering about "consensus" is the moment that I know that you are completely clueless about what science is and the purpose of it.

Science very much relies on consensus. It's an integral part of the process.
Nope. There is no consensus in science. Science is not anyone's (or any group's) opinion. You are now speaking of religion, politics, etc...

Global warming is real.
Satan is real.

COVID-19 is real.
Indeed, it was created in a lab in Wuhan. A Chinese whistle-blower has since corroborated this.

Evolution is real.
The Christian God is real.

Stop being a twat.
Burn in hell.
YOU are the one who doesn't know what science is... The moment that you start blathering about "consensus" is the moment that I know that you are completely clueless about what science is and the purpose of it.

Nope. There is no consensus in science. Science is not anyone's (or any group's) opinion. You are now speaking of religion, politics, etc...

Satan is real.

Indeed, it was created in a lab in Wuhan. A Chinese whistle-blower has since corroborated this.

The Christian God is real.

Burn in hell.

Maybe you didn't reach high school. Maybe all the Sunday school hindered your ability to think critically.
Rattling off a few fallacies doesn't mean I'm using them,
I'm noting some of them as you commit them... Instead of choosing to whine about it, you could choose to learn about what they are, how you are committing them, and how to avoid committing them...

nor does stating something make it true.
If you wish to learn about the logic, science, mathematics, etc. behind the statements that I make, then just ask me instead of whining...

I'd rather not waste top notch Wisconsin cheese on your low quality whine...
I have a question...

In the last 300 years which group / society that predominately follows which religion, has made the most scientific advances on the planet?
I'm noting some of them as you commit them... Instead of choosing to whine about it, you could choose to learn about what they are, how you are committing them, and how to avoid committing them...

If you wish to learn about the logic, science, mathematics, etc. behind the statements that I make, then just ask me instead of whining...

I'd rather not waste top notch Wisconsin cheese on your low quality whine...

You know nothing about critical thought or about science. You're not fooling anyone.
Maybe you didn't reach high school. Maybe all the Sunday school hindered your ability to think critically.
You are not thinking critically. Now you are grabbing shit out of Wikipedia as your argument. Wikipedia summarily dismissed as a source. It's articles are too often incomplete, biased, or just plain wrong.
Nope. Wikipedia does not define science. Science uses no consensus. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. There is no voting bloc in science.
Nope. You cannot define 'climate change' with 'climate change'. You cannot define a word with itself. Circular definition. Try again.