Christians... everyone else.

Roman Catholics are Christians.
The argument could be made that they are the oldest and most original Christians. A tradition that precedes Protestants and Evangelicals by over one thousand years.

Is anyone but me surprised at how often those who wear Christianity on their sleeves are most often the ones that do not really understand Christianity or Christian history?

Evangelicals will make people facepalm, more then most. They have a stick up their ass, just over Catholics. I'm pretty sure some of them would make a saint, push their fingers in their eyes.
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Christians: The terrorists are the true Muslims. They are the ones who are correctly interpreting and following the Quran.
Everyone else: You can't say that. You're not Muslim. You're an outsider. You don't know what you're talking about... blah blah blah...

Christians: Catholics and Christians are very different. They have radically differing belief systems.
Everyone else: Even though we're not Catholic or Christian, we're experts on both religions. We know more than you. Both are Christian. You don't even know your own religion... blah blah blah...

If you cannot see the blatent hypocrisy here, then I question your intelligence.

Horse sh*t...…

Ignorance and hate puts you on ISIS team.
Who finalized it? The entity that would eventually become the Catholic church.

The term "catholic" just meant the entire
body of believers in Jesus Christ.. It means universal..

Catholic with a capital C came later.

Sure are a lot of insecure people hell bent on trashing the religion of others.
Sources? Even if that was true, there is no supporting Scripture for it. Try again.

Also, Christians were the ones responsible for abolishig slavery.

You are a poorly educated dunce, on an anonymous message board, whose opinion is not worth more than a bucket of warm piss.

It doesn't matter that you think Catholics are not Christians. Your opinion has no influence on anybody.

Educated people, people of genuine faith, and scholarly theologians all understand that Christianity encompasses the Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox traditions. Your opinion is meaningless and inconsequential
You are a poorly educated dunce, on an anonymous message board, whose opinion is not worth more than a bucket of warm piss.

It doesn't matter that you think Catholics are not Christians. Your opinion has no influence on anybody.

Educated people, people of genuine faith, and scholarly theologians all understand that Christianity encompasses the Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox traditions. Your opinion is meaningless and inconsequential

The Bible is the final authority on that. Catholicism teaches many things that are contrary to Scripture. Therefore, it is a false religion and has nothing to do with the Christian faith.
You are a poorly educated dunce, on an anonymous message board, whose opinion is not worth more than a bucket of warm piss.

It doesn't matter that you think Catholics are not Christians. Your opinion has no influence on anybody.

Educated people, people of genuine faith, and scholarly theologians all understand that Christianity encompasses the Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox traditions. Your opinion is meaningless and inconsequential

He's just a typical Evangelical hater. Considering his brand encompasses more cafeteria style Christians, then any other Christian denomination. It's always funny to watch him have a tizzy, and go on an old fogey style rant. His attitude towards Catholics, is un-Christ like in, and of itself. God, save the fools.
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The Catholic Church once made it a crime to posses an English translation of the Bible. And you think they are Christians? Lolol. Catholics also claim that the Pope, a man, is our intermediary with God. Wrong again. Catholics had a scam where you had to talk a priest and pay money to have your sins forgiven. Catholics are Not Christians.

Denominations means nothing,true Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit.
The latest numbers on Wiki state there are currently 2.3 billion Christians. 1.3 billion are Catholic, with 260 million being Eastern Orthodox and 86 million being Oriental Orthodox. 920 million are heretics.
The Bible is the final authority on that. Catholicism teaches many things that are contrary to Scripture. Therefore, it is a false religion and has nothing to do with the Christian faith.

The Bible says that the Church was built upon Peter, and that he was given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Bible is the final authority on that. Catholicism teaches many things that are contrary to Scripture. Therefore, it is a false religion and has nothing to do with the Christian faith.

Tepid assertions.

You are not a graduate of a Divinity school or seminary, you do not have an advanced degree in theology, you have no scholarly training or education in comparative religion or religious history; in fact you give the impression of someone who has never even set foot in a college class room or theology school.

You do not have the training or education that would even give me pause to think I should take your opinion on Catholics seriously.
The Bible says that the Church was built upon Peter, and that he was given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.


Such ignorance. This event occurred when Jesus ask Peter..."Who am I"? Peter replied..."You are the Christ. The Son of God". Also, the word rock used for Peter meant a stone or a pebble. Also, when Jesus said I will build my church on this Rock (boulder), he was referring to Peters belief in the identity of Christ. You know nothing. Go away troll.
The latest numbers on Wiki state there are currently 2.3 billion Christians. 1.3 billion are Catholic, with 260 million being Eastern Orthodox and 86 million being Oriental Orthodox. 920 million are heretics.

Jesus said "straight is the gate that leads to life, and few find it." Perhaps you should adjust that number downward a bit. Just because someone says they're a Christian means nothing. I would be surprised if even ten percent of those living are Christians.
Such ignorance. This event occurred when Jesus ask Peter..."Who am I"? Peter replied..."You are the Christ. The Son of God". Also, the word rock used for Peter meant a stone or a pebble. Also, when Jesus said I will build my church on this Rock (boulder), he was referring to Peters belief in the identity of Christ. You know nothing. Go away troll.

Of course he meant pebble or rock. Stone is used as a foundation, heretic.
Jesus said "straight is the gate that leads to life, and few find it." Perhaps you should adjust that number downward a bit. Just because someone says they're a Christian means nothing. I would be surprised if even ten percent of those living are Christians.

Exactly. All of the heretics who have popped-up in the past 500 years, from Martin Luther to Charles Russell, are no more correct than the Aryans and gnostics, despite having swelled in ranks to 920 million.