Christians Oppressed in The US

Where'd God come from?

People with degrees in theology are all idiots. There's no more dumbed down discipline, besides sociology (the study of communism).

Wow. watermark got so stupid he came out the other side and is now a genius. Theology and SOciology as taught in an academic setting are worthless and dumb.
Watermark's wholesale dismissal of entire areas of academic study is the kind of intellectual revolutionary attitude this country needs!

Watermark for president!
Pete Stark is a Unitarian Universalist. His district breakdown is something weird like 30% nonreligious, 20% new age, 20% buddhist hindu and Muslim, and the rest christian. They didn't care when he revealed that he was a nonbeliever.

I'm absolutely 100% positive that at least 10% of the Congress is secretly atheist or agnostic, but Stark is the only one with a district safe enough to say so out loud. In polls and actual elections, Americans have consistently indicated their willingness to elect felons, adulturers, embezzlers, and homosexuals long before they would consider electing an atheist.
Where'd God come from?

People with degrees in theology are all idiots. There's no more dumbed down discipline, besides sociology (the study of communism).

But an atom and a molecule with 30 strands of enzyme simply existing is believable? Especially when they should have to conform to the laws of the physical universe?
But an atom and a molecule with 30 strands of enzyme simply existing is believable? Especially when they should have to conform to the laws of the physical universe?

Everything confirms to the laws of the physical universe. We just may not fully understand all the laws yet.
Everything confirms to the laws of the physical universe. We just may not fully understand all the laws yet.

Am I the only person that finds this funny?

"God exists, we just can't explain him"

"No he doesn't! You can't prove it!"

"You can't prove [x] about [x] part of science..."

"We just don't know how it works yet."
The best that can humanity can ever hope to achieve, when it comes to an accurate description of reality, is acceptance of what seems to be most likely, given that deception has been eliminated from the equation.

Unfortunately, the bulk of humanity is emotionally unequipped for such activities.
The best that can humanity can ever hope to achieve, when it comes to an accurate description of reality, is acceptance of what seems to be most likely, given that deception has been eliminated from the equation.

Unfortunately, the bulk of humanity is emotionally unequipped for such activities.

And the rest of humanity is too pretentious to admit they might be wrong.
Gonzo, you're just acting out because you know that you fall into the category of the emotionally unequipped. You accept whatever you WANT to be real as reality, and find the need to justify your nonsense by dishonest means. You're a joke.
Gonzo, you're just acting out because you know that you fall into the category of the emotionally unequipped. You accept whatever you WANT to be real as reality, and find the need to justify your nonsense by dishonest means. You're a joke.

Yes, how did you know!?!

Clearly relying on the logic of thousands of years worth of theologists and philosophers rather than a scientific theory that is scarcely two hundred years old makes me the lunatic.
Yes, how did you know!?!

Clearly relying on the logic of thousands of years worth of theologists and philosophers rather than a scientific theory that is scarcely two hundred years old makes me the lunatic.

So, if something is more barbaric it makes it right?

Then why don't we get out the women and gang-rape them, and then give them lashes for allowing themselves to be gang-raped. It's not like we should try to go beyond the barbarism and ignorance of the past.
Guys, this crazy "world is sperical" shit is getting out of hand. I'm relying on 10,000 years of common sense here, and a few guys come up with fancy schmancy theories complicated theories about the shape of the world and you abandon it?
Guys, this crazy "world is sperical" shit is getting out of hand. I'm relying on 10,000 years of common sense here, and a few guys come up with fancy schmancy theories complicated theories about the shape of the world and you abandon it?

You realise that the idea of the world as flat is completely exaggerated, right? History does not back up that view--- ever since the use of higher level mathematics and geometry people have been saying that the Earth is round, as far back as the Ancient Greeks, if not further.

The "world is flat" argument is one based on historical myth, not historical fact, so if I were you I would find a new means of mocking me.
People in the Enlightenment made up a lot of bs about the "ignorance" of the Middle Ages. Granted, people believed that the sun revolved around the Earth and that the Earth was the center of the universe, but the flat Earth line was an unnecessary libel on the part of the Enlightenment folk...
You realise that the idea of the world as flat is completely exaggerated, right? History does not back up that view--- ever since the use of higher level mathematics and geometry people have been saying that the Earth is round, as far back as the Ancient Greeks, if not further.

The "world is flat" argument is one based on historical myth, not historical fact, so if I were you I would find a new means of mocking me.

It's a metaphor. If you feel so strongly about it replace it with the old belief that the sun circled the Earth.
People in the Enlightenment made up a lot of bs about the "ignorance" of the Middle Ages. Granted, people believed that the sun revolved around the Earth and that the Earth was the center of the universe, but the flat Earth line was an unnecessary libel on the part of the Enlightenment folk...

Yes, TD, people like you would condemn the enlightenment and praise the middle ages.
Well, hey, the Enlightenment has been roundly condemned since the middle of the last century, H20. Don't pin that on me. For some reason fewer people appreciate Enlightenment rationalism anymore. Personally, I like it, along with Natural Rights philosophy...

Enlightenment comes at the prongs of a Tazer. :eek:

another Freudian slip....USC...did you not mean in surgery for your male to female transformation...or was that darlas thingee...y'all get me

'Play it again Sam'.........

Then click on my sig line link...'everybody has heard about the bird'...:321:

Fact of life....from me and Friends to all Code
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