Christians Relieved To Find Out Hell Is Real

see, this is why we aren't're a fucking idiot and I'm not......

Written like a good Satanist spreading the hate. Your master should be pleased.

Dude, you and I both know you wear Christianity as a mask so you can play the pious person. Your actions belie your words which means you are a liar. The complete antithesis of a Christian.

It's so great to be me...pious without the aid of religion.

I fully expect to be one of the few atheists canonized as a saint. I certainly deserve it.
Written like a good Satanist spreading the hate. Your master should be pleased.


Making a guess that "hubeings" is a Klues Klucks duh Klans abbreviation for human beings just as SCOTUS interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" only applies to Islam fabricated medical pseudoscience in human reproduction virgin Mary immaculate Jesus the Christ conception "serve the Pope or die" Christiananlity pedophilia of this Christian Nation as "man is God" evidenced with those crooks on Capital Hill malfeasance in fabricated Islam misnomers & immaculate drug conceptions for the Bicentennial granting standing to thieving National Archives purchased US Constitutions - old glory - old testament - Declaration of Independence - Israel flag - absentee voting ballots arsonists just as SCOTUS granting standing to Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate Arab "death to the infidels" flying carpet terrorists 9/11 health care plan patriot act with continuing congressional malfeasance in use of WW II Nazi concentration camp Mengele "Angel of Death" pseudoscience medical economics for the current Islamidiotocracy.
In a huge win for Evangelical Christianity, it has been determined that hell is in fact real, and that potentially billions of people will spend eternity in its flames. This news may come as a huge shock to non-Christians and Universalists alike, but for the good majority of Evangelicals, it is a welcomed relief.

“This is fantastic news,” said Karen Edwards-Piper, wife of Zion, Illinois megachurch pastor Rhett Piper. “We’ve been hoping some of our ex friends and former loved ones would taste God’s white-hot wrath and now we’ve got proof. Honestly, I haven’t stopped smiling in a week.”

Proof came last Wednesday, when self-proclaimed “prophet” Wesley Richardson had a vision of the afterlife. He saw his non-believing grandparents, along with all of his ex-girlfriends, writhing in pain due to the unbearable heat, which can easily get into the triple digits on average.

Bullshit or not, Evangelical Christians are celebrating. In fact, there is growing momentum to make “Hell Is Real Day” a nationally recognized holiday where in which Christians will mockingly laugh at all the people they’re convinced will not make it into heaven.

Evangelical has become a trip word for Republicans whose Messiah is Trump!607746832030277ec967697e.jpg
:laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

The irony is that if there really IS a Hell, most of them will be spending eternity there. I hope that the megachurches millionaires and those asshat prosperity preaches get the hottest section, along with the purveyors of COVID b.s.

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If this isn't Hell there is none.