Christofacists at it again

Just bringing up my point of view :) I sure don't dare put an "I am an atheist" sticker on my car. I would probably be the victim of Christian road rage.

Which is why I have always said, I will NOT put a "fish" on my car or any bumper sticker that ID's me as a Christian. A flying finger does not a good witness make. ;)

Properly speaking, that's the distinction between an atheist and an agnostic.

noooooooooooooo, I thought an Agnostic believes in God, a Creator of some sort and ackowledges this but does not belong to any kind of church or synagogue or mosque or temple etc....or subscribe to any specific religious beliefs, he just acknowledges that there is a

an Athiest does not believe in God, nor does he believe that God could exist or does exist in any way, shape or form....

The Capital A, is an athiest that religiously tries to convert others to his way of thinking! :) imo
Labels, merely labels. I am just me :) And I like it that way.
So little and Agnostics are the same thing ? I wonder why churches did not teach me any of this stuff ;)
noooooooooooooo, I thought an Agnostic believes in God, a Creator of some sort and ackowledges this but does not belong to any kind of church or synagogue or mosque or temple etc....or subscribe to any specific religious beliefs, he just acknowledges that there is a

No Care that is not Agnosticism. Agnosticism is the belief that man is incapable of knowing if a deity exists or not because of his inherent limitations.

What you described is simply a non aligned theist. Its also close to being a deist but deists have some beliefs on top of that as well.

I am a pantheist semi deist.
We can't use the same argument we always have? Because I said so?

I think you are comparing women to children, and I dislike that.

You misunderstand me. Beyond that children are full citizens. Citizenship becomes effective after either being born here or naturalized here. It has nothing to do with age.

Actually what I had in mind when I said this is having the drinking age be 21. So we aren't talking about children. So is this unconstitutional? Hmm. After your State's age of consent, probably so, but it saves so many of their lives I'm willing to live with it. I mean, when you consider that they can be drafted at 18 but can't drink until 21, that's outrageous on its face, but my preferred solution would be to up the draft age, rather than lower the drinking age.

And I don't deny that your argument has won thus far. But I am awaiting with interest the big one, and that is going to be the draft. You know full well we can no longer, with any sense of fairness at all, draft men and not women. I think most of us understand this. That's going to be challenged as soon as the draft is instituted again, and if you're paying attention, and I think you are, you can't deny that there is every chance this is going to happen within the next 2 years.

Darla I actually disagree with you about the draft. As foolish as this Admin appears to be I don't think they are that foolish. You can fully expect huge draft riots and civil disorder if a draft is instituted. People will not accept a draft to fight in Iran or Syria. The only way there could be a draft is if the government fabricated an attack against us like Pearl Harbor. Yes, exactly. That is the only way.
Plausible but not likely. We will see. I don't think we will have a draft too soon. We'll have to wait on that one. I will say that if the court does rule that women excluded from the draft is unconstitutional that would be revolutionary and I think the question I asked about age will be immediately asked. How will the justices respond. However they do it will be weak and I will be sure to be castigating them with the cliched term of activist judges.
I think they will respond with the obvious, that they are ruling on those above the common age of consent, not on children, and say that you are comparing apples to oranges. And first let me make clear, I want to see NO draft, ever, however, if there is one, it is no longer in way fair to only draft men.
I am a pantheist semi deist.

umm, I can't really figure that out, I will defer to Any or someone else :)
It sure does mess with the Jehovas Witnesses minds when you tell them you are a Deist though :)
I am a pantheist semi deist.

umm, I can't really figure that out, I will defer to Any or someone else :)
It sure does mess with the Jehovas Witnesses minds when you tell them you are a Deist though :)
I keep telling you guys: put up prayer flags. They're to JW's as garlic is to vampires. KC and I are the only people in our neighborhood who never get bothered. ;)
Hmm. After your State's age of consent, probably so, but it saves so many of their lives I'm willing to live with it. I mean, when you consider that they can be drafted at 18 but can't drink until 21, that's outrageous on its face, but my preferred solution would be to up the draft age, rather than lower the drinking age.

I'm all for age specific laws. I want them to stay in place. Thats why I'm leary of using the 14th for sex because it creates a good argument for using it for age.

I think they will respond with the obvious, that they are ruling on those above the common age of consent, not on children, and say that you are comparing apples to oranges. And first let me make clear, I want to see NO draft, ever, however, if there is one, it is no longer in way fair to only draft men.

That'll work with some child labor laws and certain criminal statutes but it won't work with drinking or even driving age laws. It is also conceivable this can be used on the other end of the spectrum like the retirement age.
I actually feel a bit bad about having gotten more hard nosed on the Jehovas witnesses. I now ask them if they would let their child die if a blood transfusion would keep him alive ?
They seem to leave pretty quickly after that.
I hate, I believe that in GA (bible belt) 14 is the age of consent for sex.
Truckers really love to stop there for that reason :(
I actually feel a bit bad about having gotten more hard nosed on the Jehovas witnesses. I now ask them if they would let their child die if a blood transfusion would keep him alive ?
They seem to leave pretty quickly after that.

Don't feel bad they need to hear it.
No I differentiate between those who just don't believe but don't make a religion of it and those who don't believe and think that you shouldn't either. All the way to the point where they go to meetings to learn more about Atheism, the arguments "for" it above that of religion (usually Logos v. Pathos), and to learn about how to promote their belief throughout society and thus end various "problems" we have such as words in a Pledge that nobody is forced to say....
Damo, I think those who attend Atheist meetings do not truely understand and are still trying to fill a void in their mind with something.