Chuck Schumer Says Donald Trump's Victory Is 'Not a Mandate'


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This clown does not have a mandate?!!

correct in itself. incorrect in terms of control of both the legislative and executive branch. who needs a mandate?
Schemer is irrelevant.

Democrats will vote with republicans and the filibuster is gone. Thank Harry Reid

We warned you fuckers. Now deal with it
Schemer is irrelevant.

Democrats will vote with republicans and the filibuster is gone. Thank Harry Reid

We warned you fuckers. Now deal with it

President Tweetie. Gotta love it.

The Philippines engage Russia and we see a "Dumbshit Duterte" tweet.
ok you can pretend it's not a mandate and feel good about yourselves as trump works with a majority republican congress and senate and puts conservatives on the supreme court.
ok you can pretend it's not a mandate and feel good about yourselves as trump works with a majority republican congress and senate and puts conservatives on the supreme court.

It is amazing to watch them lie to themselves.

Of course we do have to worry about shit bags like McShamnesty
" Chuck Schumer Says Donald Trump's Victory Is 'Not a Mandate' "
"who needs a mandate?" #2
Schumer need not state it was a necessity to observe that it isn't one.

"Words mean things." Rush Limbaugh

So let's consider what the word "mandate" (a key word in the Schumer quotation) means.
mandate (màn´dât´) noun
1.An authoritative command or instruction.
2.A command or an authorization given by a political electorate to its representative.
3.a. A commission from the League of Nations authorizing a member nation to administer a territory. b. A region under such administration.
4.Law. a. An order issued by a superior court or an official to a lower court. b. A contract by which one party agrees to perform services for another without payment.

verb, transitive
mandated, mandating, mandates
1.To assign (a colony or territory) to a specified nation under a mandate.
2.To make mandatory, as by law; decree or require: mandated desegregation of public schools.

[Latin mandâtum, from neuter past participle of mandâre, to order.]
- man´da´tor noun

Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and distribution in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.
Technically future minority leader Schumer may have made a factually false comment.

BUT !!

Trump has AUTHORITY because of an archaic quirk in our supreme law of the land.
What Trump does NOT have is majority approval.

He can obscure that by calling it a "mandate". What Trump may have is an electoral college, popular vote loss victory (reported as a 1.5 million popular vote defeat).

In this case, "mandate" is a synonym for "duty"; not for "popular approval". Election results prove Trump has popular DISapproval, by more than a reported million vote margin.
"I earned capital in the campaign, political capital. And now I intend to spend it." U.S. President Bush (younger) November 4, 2004
We know George.
We read the papers.
We know how that turns out.
Thanks a lot.

Wanna know how badly you scorched the Bush family name George?
“back in the business of creating a more peaceful world.” [audience non-responsive] “Please clap.”
JEB! in his 2016 campaign for the presidency, where he was widely rejected, and was forced to drop out of the race entirely
Hillary Clinton’s Popular Vote Lead Increases to Almost 1.7 Million

Hillary Clinton’s lead in the popular vote over President-elect Donald Trump keeps growing and currently stands at 1.677 million votes. On Election Day, Clinton received 63,541,056 votes compared to Trump’s 61,864,015 while other candidates received 7,034,595 votes, according to the latest numbers published by the Cook Political Report. So far the numbers show Clinton obtained 48 percent of the popular vote, compared to Trump’s 46.7 percent.

The numbers mean that Clinton’s lead in the popular vote is, so far at least, much greater than Al Gore’s advantage when he won the most number of votes but still did not become president. In 2000, Gore received 50,996,582 votes compared to 50,456,062 for George W. Bush—an advantage of 540,520 votes.

No mandate exactly .. and no one even has to respect Trump and his minions if they choose not to.
This clown does not have a mandate?!!

Nothing more amusing than smug sanctimonious losers like Schumer trying to trivialize the massive loss Democrats were handed after their idiotic smug predictions of a Hillary landslide.

You useless twits on the left can't even eat crow with dignity. No surprise to me.
Hillary Clinton’s Popular Vote Lead Increases to Almost 1.7 Million

Hillary Clinton’s lead in the popular vote over President-elect Donald Trump keeps growing and currently stands at 1.677 million votes. On Election Day, Clinton received 63,541,056 votes compared to Trump’s 61,864,015 while other candidates received 7,034,595 votes, according to the latest numbers published by the Cook Political Report. So far the numbers show Clinton obtained 48 percent of the popular vote, compared to Trump’s 46.7 percent.

The numbers mean that Clinton’s lead in the popular vote is, so far at least, much greater than Al Gore’s advantage when he won the most number of votes but still did not become president. In 2000, Gore received 50,996,582 votes compared to 50,456,062 for George W. Bush—an advantage of 540,520 votes.

No mandate exactly .. and no one even has to respect Trump and his minions if they choose not to.

:rofl2: Leftist twits think they are still winning.
Hillary Clinton’s Popular Vote Lead Increases to Almost 1.7 Million

Hillary Clinton’s lead in the popular vote over President-elect Donald Trump keeps growing and currently stands at 1.677 million votes. On Election Day, Clinton received 63,541,056 votes compared to Trump’s 61,864,015 while other candidates received 7,034,595 votes, according to the latest numbers published by the Cook Political Report. So far the numbers show Clinton obtained 48 percent of the popular vote, compared to Trump’s 46.7 percent.

The numbers mean that Clinton’s lead in the popular vote is, so far at least, much greater than Al Gore’s advantage when he won the most number of votes but still did not become president. In 2000, Gore received 50,996,582 votes compared to 50,456,062 for George W. Bush—an advantage of 540,520 votes.

No mandate exactly .. and no one even has to respect Trump and his minions if they choose not to.

Obama went out and encouraged Illegals to vote. Their 3 million doesn't count.
I wonder how Chuck U Schumer feels about Harry Reid's changes to the filibuster now? We warned you, but you didn't want to listen. Now you must pay the price
Nothing more amusing than smug sanctimonious losers like Schumer trying to trivialize the massive loss Democrats were handed after their idiotic smug predictions of a Hillary landslide.

You useless twits on the left can't even eat crow with dignity. No surprise to me.

Massive loss? The Dems picked up 2 or 3 Senate seats and their candidate received 1.5+million more votes. Is that your version of massive? What a hack fool you are.
Massive loss? The Dems picked up 2 or 3 Senate seats and their candidate received 1.5+million more votes. Is that your version of massive? What a hack fool you are.

State Governorships
State Legislators
US House of Representatives
US Senate

That ought to be enough.....
Massive loss? The Dems picked up 2 or 3 Senate seats and their candidate received 1.5+million more votes. Is that your version of massive? What a hack fool you are.

we were basing it on the hemorrhaging done by liberals on election night and was YUUUUUGE.......