Chuck Schumer Says Donald Trump's Victory Is 'Not a Mandate'

leave aside the presidency. Anyone who thinks that 2-3 seat pick up is a victory for the dems GIVEN THE SEATS UP FOR ELECTION should not be commenting in politics.

In 2018 if democrats pick up 2-3 seats it will not only be a defeat for the GOP but a crushing defeat, most likely one of their worst ones. But no one expects that. I can call 3-5 of the races now if you want. In 2016 democrats picking up 2-3 seats is the GOP holding serve.
We might be in a recession around then & they will blame him for it............ Dems might get lucky.:D
You have the serve, asshole. You won't do a thing with it.

save this quote for later. Democrats will lose at least 4 seats in 2018 ND, WV, MT, and IN

You will probably also lose one off MO and OH and gain one of AZ and NV for a total of +3-4 gop.
dems will be competing in states where trump won by literally 40 points :)

As well as states he won by a razors edge, as they say..........

You know what is gonna happen & they will blame it on him~no matter what he does/does not do.........:dunno:
Schumer need not state it was a necessity to observe that it isn't one.

"Words mean things." Rush Limbaugh

So let's consider what the word "mandate" (a key word in the Schumer quotation) means.

Technically future minority leader Schumer may have made a factually false comment.

BUT !!

Trump has AUTHORITY because of an archaic quirk in our supreme law of the land.
What Trump does NOT have is majority approval.

He can obscure that by calling it a "mandate". What Trump may have is an electoral college, popular vote loss victory (reported as a 1.5 million popular vote defeat).

In this case, "mandate" is a synonym for "duty"; not for "popular approval". Election results prove Trump has popular DISapproval, by more than a reported million vote margin.

We know George.
We read the papers.
We know how that turns out.
Thanks a lot.

Wanna know how badly you scorched the Bush family name George?

If you want to know what a mandate is, watch the comedy I Love You, Man, starring Paul Rudd, Jason Siegel, and Rashida Jones.
T #47

Or, look it up.
mandate (màn´dât´) noun
1.An authoritative command or instruction.
2.A command or an authorization given by a political electorate to its representative.
3.a. A commission from the League of Nations authorizing a member nation to administer a territory. b. A region under such administration.
4.Law. a. An order issued by a superior court or an official to a lower court. b. A contract by which one party agrees to perform services for another without payment.

verb, transitive
mandated, mandating, mandates
1.To assign (a colony or territory) to a specified nation under a mandate.
2.To make mandatory, as by law; decree or require: mandated desegregation of public schools.

[Latin mandâtum, from neuter past participle of mandâre, to order.]
- man´da´tor noun

Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and distribution in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.
Wrong, asswipe. It's you RW morons with your collective tits in the wringer about who's in the next stall.

well I have to admit, there's a concern that you might be peeking out of the next stall in a woman's bathroom......for that matter we should probably worry about you peeking in the men's bathroom as well......
We might be in a recession around then & they will blame him for it............ Dems might get lucky.:D

Yep; because Dems can't win by being honest and actually running on their records right BillyBob? Dumb.

It is pretty sad when one has to wish harm on others in order to get their idiots elected.
Wrong, asswipe. It's you RW morons with your collective tits in the wringer about who's in the next stall.

As well as states he won by a razors edge, as they say..........

You know what is gonna happen & they will blame it on him~no matter what he does/does not do.........:dunno:

what? Do you even know which states are up for election?