Chuck Schumer Says Donald Trump's Victory Is 'Not a Mandate'

Massive loss? The Dems picked up 2 or 3 Senate seats and their candidate received 1.5+million more votes. Is that your version of massive? What a hack fool you are.

Dear dunce; the Dems control nothing at the Federal level and only 5 of 50 state houses. Moron.
I can live with that actually......sticks and stones may break my bones, but for the next four years they're going to be breaking yours......

What the hell is that even supposed to mean?

I've had it w/ the stupidity. Your posts are ridiculously insipid. Devoid of anything clever or insightful. You & Trump deserve each other.
State Governorships
State Legislators
US House of Representatives
US Senate

That ought to be enough.....

I could give a shit about what your legislature and governor do. The national election was not "massive".

You have the majority. Let's see what you do with it. I seem to recall all the big shit your were going to do after that last midterms. What the fuck happened?

I seem to recall all the great things that were going to happen with the Teabaggers in office. What the fuck happened?


The best we can hope for with President Orangetweet is that he and his majority don't fuck things up beyond repair. I had low expectations for GW and things turned out worse than imagined. Orangetweet here has skills FAR less than Bush.

"Believe me".
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how could he have a mandate when over 1.5 million more voters voted for hilary than 4 trump

he may have won the electoral vote but he certainly did not win the popular a lot
Because Hillary won a plurality (not majority) of the votes, you know what that means......
What the hell is that even supposed to mean?

I've had it w/ the stupidity. Your posts are ridiculously insipid. Devoid of anything clever or insightful. You & Trump deserve each other.
sorry.....I forgot there were Democrats in the audience......the tighter rules about filibuster will be used against YOUR party for the next four years even though they were designed by the Democrats to prevent Republicans from filibustering.....I will try to keep things at a seven year old level from here on so you can keep up......
You have the majority. Let's see what you do with it. I seem to recall all the big shit your were going to do after that last midterms. What the fuck happened?
was it too complicated for you to understand.....let me try.....there's this thing called a veto......presidents get it.....
What the hell is that even supposed to mean?

I've had it w/ the stupidity. Your posts are ridiculously insipid. Devoid of anything clever or insightful. You & Trump deserve each other.

how could he have a mandate when over 1.5 million more voters voted for hilary than 4 trump

he may have won the electoral vote but he certainly did not win the popular a lot

WTF is this idiot talking point about the popular vote. You leftist twits are going to trot this one out every time you lose a Presidential election. Yes, there are 1.5 million morons living in BLUE cities in California and New York City; we get that. It doesn't make your smarmy stupidity look any less stupid.

Mandate = White House, the Congress and 2/3rds of State Houses. To suggest that it isn't what it obviously is, well that is moronic and mere denial.
sorry.....I forgot there were Democrats in the audience......the tighter rules about filibuster will be used against YOUR party for the next four years even though they were designed by the Democrats to prevent Republicans from filibustering.....I will try to keep things at a seven year old level from here on so you can keep up......

The only protection from filibuster is cabinet and federal judiciary positions. Let Orangetweet have his cabinet.
Did I miss it? Where did Trump say he was elected by a mandate?
I know he said he had a mandate in the primaries from his supporters.
Massive loss? The Dems picked up 2 or 3 Senate seats and their candidate received 1.5+million more votes. Is that your version of massive? What a hack fool you are.

leave aside the presidency. Anyone who thinks that 2-3 seat pick up is a victory for the dems GIVEN THE SEATS UP FOR ELECTION should not be commenting in politics.

In 2018 if democrats pick up 2-3 seats it will not only be a defeat for the GOP but a crushing defeat, most likely one of their worst ones. But no one expects that. I can call 3-5 of the races now if you want. In 2016 democrats picking up 2-3 seats is the GOP holding serve.
how could he have a mandate when over 1.5 million more voters voted for hilary than 4 trump

he may have won the electoral vote but he certainly did not win the popular a lot



NOUN official order or commission to do something

synonyms: instruction · directive · decree · command · order ·

2.the authority to carry out a policy or course of action, regarded as given by the electorate to a candidate or party that is victorious in an election

synonyms: authority · approval · acceptance · ratification ·

Donald Trump has a mandate.
leave aside the presidency. Anyone who thinks that 2-3 seat pick up is a victory for the dems GIVEN THE SEATS UP FOR ELECTION should not be commenting in politics.

In 2018 if democrats pick up 2-3 seats it will not only be a defeat for the GOP but a crushing defeat, most likely one of their worst ones. But no one expects that. I can call 3-5 of the races now if you want. In 2016 democrats picking up 2-3 seats is the GOP holding serve.

You have the serve, asshole. You won't do a thing with it.