
What is the old saying about "those who like sausage and laws should never watch either being made"?

I think all of politics falls under this category.

Haha, I can agree with that statement. Anyone who has ever seen sausage being made knows what you are talking about. I think it is showing up in the polls that what McCain [his campaign] is doing is providing no traction for him but I don't think it is going to get Obama killed. Campaigners are worried and are trying anything that might work. Might work. Rabid supporters are seeing the handwriting on the wall that Obama is going to be the next president and they are saying stupid things. Yes, it is ugly.
I went to three anti-war protests/rallies in San Francisco during the run up to Iraq and there were protestors holding up Death to Bush signs. I equate it to the position not Bush's or Obama's race.

Are there racists that would like to shoot Obama because he's black? I'm sure there are. But I don't buy that someone leaving a McCain/Palin rally is going to be so fired up they decide they are now going to go attempt to shoot Obama.

Ok, there's a big difference, but all I can say is that I hope that no one does try and kill him. I see Palin's negatives rising and her positives falling, so her shit isn't going over well with most Americans, and that's good. But i consider her to be a piece of shit, along with McCain who has now so sullied his reputation it is irreversable.

I think that what is ironic about this election, has been that you had two people who really believed they were not only destined to be President, but it was coming to them. Coming to them.

Those two people were McCain and Clinton of course. And both were just rabid that this guy would dare to take it away from the. It's not his time. It's their time! It's coming to them.

I think Hillary has and will continue to redeem her reputation, though of course, she did not go anywhere near as low. I don't think McCain is going to recover.
Thanks for proving that it's a con-founded organization, but there was no need, I don't think even your scum friends have tried to dispute that - they just, like you, haven't mentioned it. Well, tell me who your friends are, right? LOL

Tell you what Kath, why don't you go get a list of the people who served on that board, and then you can admit which ones were Republicans, because as you know, but don't want to talk about, there are a lot of them.

I know that. You know that. Admit it. Or, keep lying. I don't care. You're gonna lose Kath, and you're gonna spend the next four years, probably 8 years, coming up with one "he's a terrorist!" conspiracy theory after another and doing all kinds of funny things to try and prevent anyone from calling you racist.

And still, you'll be writing: President Obama.

Wow, seems like you think that it's 'shameful' for a conservative founded foundation to award grants based on the proposal, rather than the writer of the proposal. :eek: Now that would be hypocritical, but you are inferring that is wrong?

You were the one who said that Obama & Ayers were joined on the Commission, by conservatives, which is confusing, as CAC was the Annenberg Challenge, while the only 'foundation' regarding this in Chicago, would have been the Woods Foundation, also unlikely to have many 'Conservatives' on it.

So your point would be?

As for Obama winning, I figure that's a done deal. I won't be crazy about that, I hope for the best. If he does a great job, I'll be happy. While I hope that the election is fair, I won't be bitching about the results after the fact. Once it's over, it's over. As you said, I will refer to him as President Obama, for that would be his title, something many should have kept in mind over the past years.
Wow, seems like you think that it's 'shameful' for a conservative founded foundation to award grants based on the proposal, rather than the writer of the proposal. :eek: Now that would be hypocritical, but you are inferring that is wrong?

You were the one who said that Obama & Ayers were joined on the Commission, by conservatives, which is confusing, as CAC was the Annenberg Challenge, while the only 'foundation' regarding this in Chicago, would have been the Woods Foundation, also unlikely to have many 'Conservatives' on it.

So your point would be?

As for Obama winning, I figure that's a done deal. I won't be crazy about that, I hope for the best. If he does a great job, I'll be happy. While I hope that the election is fair, I won't be bitching about the results after the fact. Once it's over, it's over. As you said, I will refer to him as President Obama, for that would be his title, something many should have kept in mind over the past years.

You have no idea what you're talking about on this, and that's why you never should have been talking.

but you have never stopped. Since Wright and Ayers.

And you know why that is?

I hope some day you are honest enough, within yourself, to figure it out.

And we can all tell how much you're "hoping".
I think Hillary has and will continue to redeem her reputation, though of course, she did not go anywhere near as low. I don't think McCain is going to recover.

Ok, I have to know... what exactly has McCain done that Hillary didn't do?

It is quite telling that you think SHE will be able to redeem herself but not poor McCain. No, only a DEM could possibly redeem themselves from a shitty campaign. Or is it that she is a woman?
Ok, I have to know... what exactly has McCain done that Hillary didn't do?

It is quite telling that you think SHE will be able to redeem herself but not poor McCain. No, only a DEM could possibly redeem themselves from a shitty campaign. Or is it that she is a woman?

Well, she never had people yelling out "terrorist!" and "kill him!" at her stump speeches. Which may have something to do with her never accusing him of being a terrorist, or "palling around with terrorists"? But I'm not sure, you're the smart one, do you see a coincidence? Or do you say it's not about the stump speeches but about who attends them, and the Republicans attract a more deranged, hateful, and violent element?

Let us know.
Well, she never had people yelling out "terrorist!" and "kill him!" at her stump speeches. Which may have something to do with her never accusing him of being a terrorist, or "palling around with terrorists"? But I'm not sure, you're the smart one, do you see a coincidence? Or do you say it's not about the stump speeches but about who attends them, and the Republicans attract a more deranged, hateful, and violent element?

Let us know.

1) Actions/statements by idiots in the audience are a reflection on those idiots, not on the politicians.

2) Show me the reference of McCain accusing Obama of being a terrorist.

3) As for the "palling around"... yeah, that is like really harsh. Funny especially since it was Hillary who brought up the issue, but hid behind the 'well here is the attack the Reps will use and gee golly I just don't know how Obama can withstand it'.

4) Go to a Dem rally... you will see deranged hateful idiots there as well... who wish death upon the President, etc.... Not that it makes it right, just pointing out that there are deranged lunatics on both fringes... not limited to those on the right as you suggested.
Back when Dan Quayle was the VP, I had a friend who was dating a secret service agent.

He told us the joke that was floating around the Secret Service at the time was that if anything were to happen to President Bush, they were ordered to shoot Dan Quayle immediately.

I thought it was funny then and I still do.

Not as serious as the allegations and accusations flying around this thread, but worth sharing anyway.
1) Actions/statements by idiots in the audience are a reflection on those idiots, not on the politicians.

2) Show me the reference of McCain accusing Obama of being a terrorist.

3) As for the "palling around"... yeah, that is like really harsh. Funny especially since it was Hillary who brought up the issue, but hid behind the 'well here is the attack the Reps will use and gee golly I just don't know how Obama can withstand it'.

4) Go to a Dem rally... you will see deranged hateful idiots there as well... who wish death upon the President, etc.... Not that it makes it right, just pointing out that there are deranged lunatics on both fringes... not limited to those on the right as you suggested.

Maybe you should watch the video that I started this thread with? You are using the same technique you have used, for over five years, to deny that Bush lied about the war. You want a videotape of Bush and Cheney laughing over the one they pulled over on us.

Has McCain pointed at Obama and said "He's a terrorist"? No. But as anyone who has been watching his stump speeches, and interviews (including the one that I helpfully placed right at the start of this for your viewing ease SF), can see, he has been accusing Obama of having this "association" with a terrorist. Or, terrorists.

Everyone says that if you go to any dem rally you can view people yelling out the same things, and one has been able to provide any tape of anyone at a dem rally screaming "KILL HIM!" "TERRORIST" "OFF WITH HIS HEAD" "N*GGER", now have they?

I doubt you are so ignorant or hate filled that you don't know that there is a significant miniority of Americans who did not believe that Obama could be elected president, or that they are just now realizing that, or that there was a atmosphere of hate when Bobby Kennedy was killed too. You can pretend that doesn't matter, but don't ever ask me to.

As for Hillary bringing up the issue, I don't think she was the first one to do so, if I remember correctly, but she certainly did bring it up. She did not however incite crowds as Palin is doing, and you know she is doing.
Too true, but still we must enjoy our interactions with the Darla's and Cindy Sheehan's of the world. They keep balance. :cool:

Yeah so anyway, I guess you didn't have time to read about the article from Republicans for Obama, but hopefully you have bookmarked it for when you are finished winking at people and throwing in digs at me.
Yeah so anyway, I guess you didn't have time to read about the article from Republicans for Obama, but hopefully you have bookmarked it for when you are finished winking at people and throwing in digs at me.

Digs at you? LOL! I've never said the things you have towards me. Nor will I.
You're wasting your time SF.

What's he trying to do, convince you to give any weight, never mind equal weight, to Palin's connections to radical Separatists, one of whom said that he hates this country and wouldn't be buried under its flag?

Yeah, that would be a waste of time.

She's a radical anti-choicer.

So what would you care?

Let's get back to Obama, and the committee he sat on, founded and funded by repukes, which repukes also sat on.

Cause that's what's important. Round in these here parts, Darla, someone like you wouldnt understnd, but we don't take that witch hunting stuff seriously, we is far more likely to be concerned when someone says goddamn america...less that someone is white and the politician he is cozy with is an anti-choice radical, thens we don't mind. You wouldn't know that not being from these parts darla.
Digs at you? LOL! I've never said the things you have towards me. Nor will I.

Oh I despise you. I'm very open about it.

Anyway, how about that Republican sitting on that committe, the same committee an UNREPENTANT TERRORIST was on??

And now he is giving money to McCain? John McCain is accepting donations from someone who pals around with an UNREPENTANT TERRORIST!
Oh I despise you. I'm very open about it.

Anyway, how about that Republican sitting on that committe, the same committee an UNREPENTANT TERRORIST was on??

And now he is giving money to McCain? John McCain is accepting donations from someone who pals around with an UNREPENTANT TERRORIST!

This may come as a shock to you and our faithful readers, I'm not crazy in love with you, either.

Which Republican would that be? You've yet to make any of that clear.
This may come as a shock to you and our faithful readers, I'm not crazy in love with you, either.

Which Republican would that be? You've yet to make any of that clear.

No, it's no shock. That was my whole point. I see it went over your head, much like what I posted about the committee in question. No matter.
No, it's no shock. That was my whole point. I see it went over your head, much like what I posted about the committee in question. No matter.

You said foundation, not committee. I pointed out the problem there, but of course as always, no response. Nothing new here, on the train wreck that are our posts.

You added zip, nada, nothing.
You said foundation, not committee. I pointed out the problem there, but of course as always, no response. Nothing new here, on the train wreck that are our posts.

You added zip, nada, nothing.

I posted an article about the other members, and the contributions some of them have been giving to McCain, dumbass.

You live in a world you want to live in, where the scary muslim is going to be President. You make me sick.

But, go wallow in it.