
I posted an article about the other members, and the contributions some of them have been giving to McCain, dumbass.

You live in a world you want to live in, where the scary muslim is going to be President. You make me sick.

But, go wallow in it.

I'll look for it.
1. I've never thought or said Obama was a muslim.
2. I don't think he's scary in being 'unAmerican', just not my idea of what I'd like. Last I checked, that's what the vote is about. I understand my way will probably not prevail.
3. When my 'side' loses, which is more likely than not. I hope he does well.
4. If he becomes president and things do not go well, I recognize it will hurt all of us, not just those who supported him or not.
Ok, which is what I said. The Annenberg Foundation did not limit grants/gifts to right wing/Republican applicants. They did what they stated to do, or at least make an attempt to make our society better. What is your point?

OMG. Forget it, I have no point. Obama is a terrorist.
What's he trying to do, convince you to give any weight, never mind equal weight, to Palin's connections to radical Separatists, one of whom said that he hates this country and wouldn't be buried under its flag?

Yeah, that would be a waste of time.

She's a radical anti-choicer.

So what would you care?

Let's get back to Obama, and the committee he sat on, founded and funded by repukes, which repukes also sat on.

Cause that's what's important. Round in these here parts, Darla, someone like you wouldnt understnd, but we don't take that witch hunting stuff seriously, we is far more likely to be concerned when someone says goddamn america...less that someone is white and the politician he is cozy with is an anti-choice radical, thens we don't mind. You wouldn't know that not being from these parts darla.

OK, I've had some time today and have tried to find something substantive to the Palin/seperatist connection. So far all I can find anything on are lefty rags or blogs. No matter. My point on this thread remains the same:

"I think [the mistake] is showing up in the polls that what McCain [his campaign] is doing is providing no traction for him but I don't think it is going to get Obama killed. Campaigners are worried and are trying anything that might work. Might work. Rabid supporters are seeing the handwriting on the wall that Obama is going to be the next president and they are saying stupid things. Yes, it is ugly."

As to Obama's alleged association with Ayers....I don't think you'll find me making that of great importance. I honestly don't think it was anything more than a "we were on the same committee" type of deal. I have a couple of cousins in prison for murder...I hope that people don't judge me by them just because we have the same last name. I can extend that line of thinking to others as well.

As to your last paragraph, I think you are still under the misconception that I will be voting for the McCain/Palin ticket. You couldn't be more wrong. Love they way you worded it though. Kind of shows that attitude that we're just a bunch of dumb hicks here. Fine, if you like to think that but consider this....thinking that and displaying that is why over 40% of the democrats here will be voting for McCain. It is the "angrily clinging to their guns and religion" type of comments that turns people off.
Obama, no. Not in the sense of blowing something up. A radical? Yes. The associations confirm that, which was my point all along. Thanks.

A person is a radical based on their views. A few random "associations" that you might find questionable does not make someone a radical.

This is the whole desperate narrative right now; trying to make Obama's work with Ayers more than it is...trying to make it a complete acceptance of everything Ayers has ever stood for. It's completely dishonest; it's a lie. Trying to push that BS propoganda is an instant credibilty nosedive, and - fortunately for us - no one is buying it. Since McCain started pushing it, his polls #'s are down. People are hurting, and are finally waking up to this kind of crap.

"The associations confirm that." You should be ashamed.
A person is a radical based on their views. A few random "associations" that you might find questionable does not make someone a radical.

This is the whole desperate narrative right now; trying to make Obama's work with Ayers more than it is...trying to make it a complete acceptance of everything Ayers has ever stood for. It's completely dishonest; it's a lie. Trying to push that BS propoganda is an instant credibilty nosedive, and - fortunately for us - no one is buying it. Since McCain started pushing it, his polls #'s are down. People are hurting, and are finally waking up to this kind of crap.

"The associations confirm that." You should be ashamed.

Here's where we disagree, my take is that his actions, associations, sources of income that coincide with his beliefs, make him a radical. I have nothing to be ashamed of, I just disagree with your point of view.
Obama, no. Not in the sense of blowing something up. A radical? Yes. The associations confirm that, which was my point all along. Thanks.

What the article confirms is that there were republicans also serving on the Republican-founded and funded committee, with Obama and with Ayers. At least one of them has contributed a significant amount of money to McCain. So, going by your standards, then the former Nixon-adminstration member, is also a radical, and therefore, John McCain is now accepting campaign contributions from radicals who are pallen around with terrorists.

There's one difference:

The Republican is white.

And that's the only difference.

So you see what you have set yourself up for, and it's not pretty.
A person is a radical based on their views. A few random "associations" that you might find questionable does not make someone a radical.

This is the whole desperate narrative right now; trying to make Obama's work with Ayers more than it is...trying to make it a complete acceptance of everything Ayers has ever stood for. It's completely dishonest; it's a lie. Trying to push that BS propoganda is an instant credibilty nosedive, and - fortunately for us - no one is buying it. Since McCain started pushing it, his polls #'s are down. People are hurting, and are finally waking up to this kind of crap.

I agree 100%
Here's where we disagree, my take is that his actions, associations, sources of income that coincide with his beliefs, make him a radical. I have nothing to be ashamed of, I just disagree with your point of view.

You are either insane, or a an outright racist.

Or, plain stupid.

Frankly, I think it's the last, with a sprinkling of the first two.
Here's where we disagree, my take is that his actions, associations, sources of income that coincide with his beliefs, make him a radical. I have nothing to be ashamed of, I just disagree with your point of view.

Which actions?

Which associations?

Which "sources of income?" (the federal government is a hot bed of radicalism? University of Chicago? State of Illinois? Book royalties?)

Which beliefs?
Which actions?

Which associations?

Which "sources of income?" (the federal government is a hot bed of radicalism? University of Chicago? State of Illinois? Book royalties?)

Which beliefs?

Well people, how to defend oneself from an onslaught? I've no idea. I considered doing so, then decided it would be a waste of my time and effort. Damo wonders why many refuse to come here, this is the reason.

I'll spar with you again, but haven't a hope of coming out with a fair result.
Well people, how to defend oneself from an onslaught? I've no idea. I considered doing so, then decided it would be a waste of my time and effort. Damo wonders why many refuse to come here, this is the reason.

I'll spar with you again, but haven't a hope of coming out with a fair result.

Alright well, I won't participate in this thread any longer. I don't want anyone to feel bullied by me.

You can continue with DH.
Well people, how to defend oneself from an onslaught? I've no idea. I considered doing so, then decided it would be a waste of my time and effort. Damo wonders why many refuse to come here, this is the reason.

I'll spar with you again, but haven't a hope of coming out with a fair result.

I'm genuinely curious. I mean, I can guess at the associations (Ayers, Wright, Rezko) but for the other stuff, particularly the sources of income and "beliefs" I am truly at a loss?

Sorry if you think that asking someone to explain what it is they mean when they talk in opaque generalities is an onslaught. It isn't.
I really don't mean to bully anyone. I should stick to arguing with conservative men. I get too aggressive with conservative women. The men are contemptable too, pigs really, and being pigs, it doesn't bother them.

Sorry, I will lay off.
Wow the last 4 or 5 replies were 'backing off.' Why? Because I said unfairness? Somehow I doubt I have that power. Wish I did, ;).