Climate change follies: Wet denials


Shaken, not stirred!
Here's a thought: with all these "unprecedented" hurricanes, floods, tornados, heat waves, dry spells that are hammering the "red states" (and becoming more common place), will they forgo FEMA assistance from the corrupt, socialist deep state federal government they hate so much? :thinking:
Given that the planet engineers are trying to change the weather by throwing unknown to us stuff into the atmosphere of the planet we have no way to know what the bad things that are happening now are caused by. They might be caused by the planet might be an on purpose program by the New Slavers to scare us into the chains that have been built for us by them.
I wonder if it rained this much 50,000 years ago the last time the climate changed.......I wonder if TouchieLib'rul caused it with his gasoline powered lawn mower that time too.......
Given that the planet engineers are trying to change the weather by throwing unknown to us stuff into the atmosphere of the planet we have no way to know what the bad things that are happening now are caused by. They might be caused by the planet might be an on purpose program by the New Slavers to scare us into the chains that have been built for us by them.
Planet engineers? WTF. Do you think there is a plot to destroy the atmosphere? You are in on every conspiracy I have heard of and now some I have not. Did you make this one up? Poisoning the atmosphere will cause slavery and put us in chains?
Here's a thought: with all these "unprecedented" hurricanes, floods, tornados, heat waves, dry spells that are hammering the "red states" (and becoming more common place), will they forgo FEMA assistance from the corrupt, socialist deep state federal government they hate so much? :thinking:
Here's a thought: with all these "unprecedented" hurricanes, floods, tornados, heat waves, dry spells that are hammering the "red states" (and becoming more common place), will they forgo FEMA assistance from the corrupt, socialist deep state federal government they hate so much? :thinking:
Will "blue states" forgo shipments of food, water, electricity, etc. from the "honest, capitalist MAGA-loving flyover country they hate so much? :thinking:
Given that the planet engineers
There are no 'planet engineers'.
are trying to change the weather by throwing unknown to us stuff into the atmosphere of the planet we have no way to know what the bad things that are happening now are caused by.
Weather changes. Get used to it.
They might be caused by the planet might be an on purpose program by the New Slavers to scare us into the chains that have been built for us by them.
There are no 'planet engineers'.
I wonder if it rained this much 50,000 years ago the last time the climate changed.......I wonder if TouchieLib'rul caused it with his gasoline powered lawn mower that time too.......
Climate cannot change. Climate has no values associated with it. There is nothing that can change. A desert climate is always a desert climate, even if there are no more deserts on Earth.

There is no such thing as a global climate. Earth is made up of many climates.
Will "blue states" forgo shipments of food, water, electricity, etc. from the "honest, capitalist MAGA-loving flyover country they hate so much? :thinking:
Hey genius, are you referring to NATIONAL TRADE and INTERNATIONAL IMPORTS? Because that's a whole other smoke from what FEMA does. One is a DAILY NECESSITY TO THE ECONOMY; the other is an INCIDENTAL FEDERAL RELIEF FOR DISASTERS (natural or man-made). Big difference, ya know. Just ask a nearby adult to explain it to you. Meanwhile, care to grow a backbone and honestly speculated on the OP question?
Hey genius, are you referring to NATIONAL TRADE and INTERNATIONAL IMPORTS? Because that's a whole other smoke from what FEMA does. One is a DAILY NECESSITY TO THE ECONOMY; the other is an INCIDENTAL FEDERAL RELIEF FOR DISASTERS (natural or man-made). Big difference, ya know. Just ask a nearby adult to explain it to you. Meanwhile, care to grow a backbone and honestly speculated on the OP question?
So "blue states" are NOT going to forgo shipments of food, water, electricity, etc. from the "honest, capitalist MAGA-loving flyover country they hate so much? :thinking:
So "blue states" are NOT going to forgo shipments of food, water, electricity, etc. from the "honest, capitalist MAGA-loving flyover country they hate so much? :thinking:
:rolleyes: So you don't have the cojones to honestly answer the OP, and as usual create your own question which (as I logically demonstrated) has NOTHING to do with the OP. I'll dumb it down for you: The OP is the question .... answering a question with a question is NOT an answer.

But you've the mentality of a petulant child. So repeat your stupidity, claim victory and go circle jerk with your buddies.
Here's a thought: with all these "unprecedented" hurricanes, floods, tornados, heat waves, dry spells that are hammering the "red states" (and becoming more common place), will they forgo FEMA assistance from the corrupt, socialist deep state federal government they hate so much? :thinking:
Well, let's start with calling bullshit on the "unprecedented" natural weather occurrences. For example, the state hit hardest by "dry spells" was and is California, a blue state that has completely mismanaged their water supplies. That's a disaster of the Progressive Left's / Democrat's making there. Nevada and Arizona, next door, managed their water supplies much better through the latest drought period.

As for things like hurricanes, floods, and tornados, insurers simply dumped the costs of these on FEMA because they can't break even on them and sell reasonable policies. FEMA on the other hand, can use extortion of taxpayer money from those unaffected--the vast majority of Americans--to pay idiots for living in a doublewide trailer in the middle of a zone that's likely to have a weather-related disaster.

If you build in a flood plain, that's on you and you should have to shoulder the cost of making that idiotic choice. If you live where hurricanes occur, and don't hurricane proof your home, that's on you. That goes for anyone in any state, red or blue.

So, what you pose in the above is really just an idiotic complex question fallacy.

Here's a thought: with all these "unprecedented" hurricanes, floods, tornados, heat waves, dry spells that are hammering the "red states" (and becoming more common place), will they forgo FEMA assistance from the corrupt, socialist deep state federal government they hate so much? :thinking:
Sure, once the corrupt socialist deep state federal government stops taking my tax dollars for it.

Will you forgo shipments of food, water, electricity, etc. from the "honest, capitalist MAGA-loving flyover country that you hate so much? :thinking:
:rolleyes: So you don't have the cojones to honestly answer the OP,
I answered the OP, and even now did so in a direct manner.
and as usual create your own question
I have every right to ask questions. There's a good reason why liberals get mad when I start asking questions.
answering a question with a question is NOT an answer.
What would Jesus do?
But you've the mentality of a petulant child. So repeat your stupidity, claim victory and go circle jerk with your buddies.

^^^^ That's YOU, good buddy! :smile:
I wonder if it rained this much 50,000 years ago the last time the climate changed.......I wonder if TouchieLib'rul caused it with his gasoline powered lawn mower that time too.......

I love this kind of reasoning because it is basically showing its own ignorance.

Yes the planet's climate has changed in the past. We know this because of paleoclimatological studies. And we know it was all natural forcings which caused it which allows us to understand how natural forcings work.

So when the natural forcings DON'T line up with the climate change it means SOMETHING ELSE is in play. And guess what makes the data fit best? Yeah, including the NEW FORCINGS of human activities.

It's almost like science actually works! And climate change due to humans is REAL

I'll just leave this here for you to chew on:

forgo shipments of food, water, electricity, etc. from the "honest, capitalist MAGA-loving flyover country that you hate so much? :thinking:

Probably about as quickly as you would forego the massive amount of food you get from the Central Valley of the Communist State of California.

That's the problem really. If we don't do something we actually face the collapse of several key agricultural areas like the Central Valley (bad place too put so much of our agriculture) but even you folks in the "Flyover Country" are going to suffer as plant hardiness zones move northward (as they've been shown to be doing due to climate change).

If the denialists keep us from taking action to try to fix this problem and if they keep it up long enough it will be too late. Then you can import your grain and cereal goods from Canada. You're welcome.
Well, let's start with calling bullshit on the "unprecedented" natural weather occurrences. For example, the state hit hardest by "dry spells" was and is California, a blue state that has completely mismanaged their water supplies.

Gonna stop ya right there for a bit of context. Yes, Cali has done a pretty shitty job of dealing with limited water resources (good book to read that is a bit out of date but has a good history of this topic is "Cadillac Desert"). But the key topic in Cali is the multiyear droughts which are due to decreases in Sierra snowpack. That water they mismanage has to come from somewhere and that somewhere is the Sierras. As the climate changes the snowpack in the Sierras sometimes winds up less than what is needed to supply the state.

No management involved in how much snow falls out of the sky.
Gonna stop ya right there for a bit of context. Yes, Cali has done a pretty shitty job of dealing with limited water resources (good book to read that is a bit out of date but has a good history of this topic is "Cadillac Desert"). But the key topic in Cali is the multiyear droughts which are due to decreases in Sierra snowpack. That water they mismanage has to come from somewhere and that somewhere is the Sierras. As the climate changes the snowpack in the Sierras sometimes winds up less than what is needed to supply the state.

No management involved in how much snow falls out of the sky.
For S. Cali it comes from the Colorado River in large part. A big part of the problem was and is, that for decades neither Arizona or Nevada took their full share of the water they were allocated under compacts between states. Then in the 90's both started taking their full share, and California found themselves short on water. Cali even sued both neighbor states to get their water. The federal courts kicked Cali to the curb and that was that.

Look at how they mismanaged the Salton Sea or Lake Owens. The state is horrible at water management.

California hasn't built or enlarged reservoirs in decades. They've torn down dams on rivers. They don't allow rainwater harvesting for any purpose. They've made just about every mistake and stupid move they can on water supply, conservation, and use. That's totally on them.

Contrast that with Arizona where new dams (like Lake Plesant) were built, and older ones enlarged to increase capacity. The CAP project is another example. California is their own worst enemy.