Climate change follies: Wet denials

Probably about as quickly as you would forego the massive amount of food you get from the Central Valley of the Communist State of California.

That's the problem really. If we don't do something we actually face the collapse of several key agricultural areas like the Central Valley (bad place too put so much of our agriculture) but even you folks in the "Flyover Country" are going to suffer as plant hardiness zones move northward (as they've been shown to be doing due to climate change).

If the denialists keep us from taking action to try to fix this problem and if they keep it up long enough it will be too late. Then you can import your grain and cereal goods from Canada. You're welcome.
The issues that the Central Valley are facing are all being caused by their dictator who keeps implementing stupid Marxist libtard policies, making Commiefornia have water issues, and making Commiefornia unaffordable and otherwise unfeasible for farmers/ranchers.

Sources: Newsom's policies, Mass exodus of Commiefornia citizens.

BTW, my food doesn't come from the Central Valley. It mostly comes from Wisconsin (and from other "flyover country" states). Some of it comes from Washington. Some of it comes from my own backyard.
There are no 'planet engineers'.
Sure there are! The Magrathean's for example...

For S. Cali it comes from the Colorado River in large part.

Not as much as you may think. The Colorado is pretty tapped out by the time it makes it to Cali. Yes a lot of water comes from there but when I was living in SD we were constantly reminded of how much came from Sierra snowpack.

Not as much as you may think. The Colorado is pretty tapped out by the time it makes it to Cali. Yes a lot of water comes from there but when I was living in SD we were constantly reminded of how much came from Sierra snowpack.
Wrong. The compact on Colorado River water allocates a percentage of that water to each participant.

California, like the others in the compact, gets a fixed amount of water from the river. Until, as I pointed out, about the 1990's, Arizona and Nevada sold much of their allotment to California because they didn't need it. When they did start needing it, California had no back up plan for alternative sources having become dependent and expecting Arizona and Nevada to just hand over their water to them.
Wrong. The compact on Colorado River water allocates a percentage of that water to each participant.

I KNOW there is water coming from the Colorado. But as a former long-time resident in San Diego who lived through at least one if not two multi-year droughts I also recall what California itself told us about the source of our water and the impact of the Sierra Snowpack.

I KNOW there is water coming from the Colorado. But as a former long-time resident in San Diego who lived through at least one if not two multi-year droughts I also recall what California itself told us about the source of our water and the impact of the Sierra Snowpack.
For Southern Cali, it was the loss of Colorado river water that hit hardest.

Lake Owens is another

The Sierra snowpack is mostly central and parts of northern California.
Why listen to someone who lived through it? LOL.
I live in Arizona, so I'm familiar with the situation too. Arizona didn't fuck up like California did. California was complacent about their water supplies while Arizona made every effort to expand theirs. Both states grew in population but only California ended up with a severe water shortage.

Then California exacerbated their problem by choosing rationing rather than expanding sources.
I live in Arizona, so I'm familiar with the situation too.

Nothing to do with Southern California. Different water sources. Yes, both use the Colorado. But in Cali we got a lot of our water from Sierra snowpack. Just because you live a couple hundred miles away doesn't mean you know the situation.

Arizona didn't fuck up like California did.

Arizona is just as fucked or moreso than SoCal. Different reasons but in case you didn't realize: most of your state is a fucking DESERT.

Then California exacerbated their problem by choosing rationing rather than expanding sources.

Again, I restate that in So Cal when we were going through a multiyear drought much of our problem was related to Sierra snowpack. You don't get your water from the Sierra snowpack.
Here's a thought: with all these "unprecedented" hurricanes, floods, tornados, heat waves, dry spells that are hammering the "red states" (and becoming more common place), will they forgo FEMA assistance from the corrupt, socialist deep state federal government they hate so much? :thinking:

Here's a thought - post in a font that can be read - not that the idiocy you post is worth reading - but why lower the odds?
I've had to put Hawkeye on permanent ignore. You can see why.

50 years of doomsaying by you cultists - out of 10's of thousands of prophecies - you have yet to get a single one correct.

But we should totally give up our civil rights and all of our wealth to you now, because otherwise we will destroy the planet - that you demanded was doomed 30 years ago...
:rolleyes: So you don't have the cojones to honestly answer the OP, and as usual create your own question which (as I logically demonstrated) has NOTHING to do with the OP. I'll dumb it down for you: The OP is the question .... answering a question with a question is NOT an answer.

But you've the mentality of a petulant child. So repeat your stupidity, claim victory and go circle jerk with your buddies.
YOU brought up the subject. You cannot blame anybody else for YOUR problems.
There are no 'planet engineers'.

Weather changes. Get used to it.

There are no 'planet engineers'.

He's talking about the idiots who were spraying zink oxide from planes thinking it would cool the planet.

Remember that the weird weather cult are utterly insane.

Just like CO2 - it is the fantasy of utter fools to believe they can control our climate.
I love this kind of reasoning because it is basically showing its own ignorance.

Yes the planet's climate has changed in the past.
Climate cannot change.
We know this because of paleoclimatological studies.
There is no such thing as 'paleoclimatology'. Buzzword fallacy. Climate has no history.
And we know it was all natural forcings which caused it which allows us to understand how natural forcings work.
Climate is not a force. Buzzword fallacy.
So when the natural forcings DON'T line up with the climate change it means SOMETHING ELSE is in play.
Climate is not a force. Climate cannot change.
And guess what makes the data fit best?
There is no data.
Yeah, including the NEW FORCINGS of human activities.
Climate is not a force.
It's almost like science actually works! And climate change due to humans is REAL
You are denying science. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
I'll just leave this here for you to chew on:

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. You are denying mathematics again.
Probably about as quickly as you would forego the massive amount of food you get from the Central Valley of the Communist State of California.
No much there anymore. Many of those ranches and orchards are abandoned now, as people fled the SDTC. It's really quite sad looking.
That's the problem really. If we don't do something we actually face the collapse of several key agricultural areas like the Central Valley (bad place too put so much of our agriculture) but even you folks in the "Flyover Country" are going to suffer as plant hardiness zones move northward (as they've been shown to be doing due to climate change).
Climate cannot change. Plants have no temperature sensors.
If the denialists keep us from taking action to try to fix this problem and if they keep it up long enough it will be too late.
What 'problem'? It seems you're attempting a Pascal's Wager fallacy.
Then you can import your grain and cereal goods from Canada. You're welcome.
Most cereals come from the central and midwestern States. You really should get out more.
The issues that the Central Valley are facing are all being caused by their dictator who keeps implementing stupid Marxist libtard policies, making Commiefornia have water issues, and making Commiefornia unaffordable and otherwise unfeasible for farmers/ranchers.

Sources: Newsom's policies, Mass exodus of Commiefornia citizens.

BTW, my food doesn't come from the Central Valley. It mostly comes from Wisconsin (and from other "flyover country" states). Some of it comes from Washington. Some of it comes from my own backyard.
Love that Wisconsin cheese! I get some every time I'm in the area. 🧀🍺🥓🍞(y)

I should bring by some Washington apples and apricots (and maybe some potatoes) for you next time I come by. 🍏🍎🥦🥬🥒🥕🧄🧅🥔🍠🍞🧀🥚🥓