Climate change follies: Wet denials

Once again, you've proven yourself to be nothing but a MAGA troll. The rational, objective and mature reader can follow the chronology of the posts and see your folly. Once I reduce you to this silly repetitive, inane gain saying I just leave you to your babbling and move on .... assured that you'll follow my posts and threads like a bitch in heat craving attention.
:blah: :blah: :blah:
Don't wanna give up your food, water, and electricity, do you?
Once again, you keep trying to pass off your personal opinion, supposition and conjecture as "fact". Then you stupidly follow up that other MAGA moron with the "fallacy" squawking.
Denying science is YOUR problem. The fallacies you make are YOUR problem. They are YOUR fallacies.
The 1st law of thermodynamics is a theory of science. That is a fact. You simply choose to ignore it.

E(t+1) = E(t) - U where 'E' is energy, 't' is time, and 'U' is work (force over time).

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
Your BS was put to rest YEARS ago. Here's what you can continue to ignore or try and cherry pick/out of context quote to fit your mantra:
No, you cannot 'put to rest' your denial of the 1st law of thermodynamics. You have not falsified this theory.

7 Answers to Climate Contrarian Nonsense​

Evidence for human interference with Earth’s climate continues to accumulate
Climate cannot change. Science is not a magazine.

Bottom line: ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION! Will all the red states who are catching ecological hell turn down federal assistance in accordance with their anti federal gov't "deep state" rhetoric?
What 'ecological hell'???
good luck trying to get a rational, fact based answer. You'll note he avoids the core of my question for his detour. Once you follow him down that rabbit hole, it's like banging your head against a wall ... it feels so good when you stop.
But you haven't stopped. Guess you haven't learned it yet. You still try to deny science and mathematics in favor of your religion.
When the deniers start hauling out the Big Oil charts and studies, I just ask them this simple question: Are they saying that over 230 years of global deforestation and urbanization has NO EFFECT on the global climate? If they say yes, then they've obviously never experienced or heard of "smog" in California.
What 'global deforestation'??
No effect.
Climate cannot change.
There is no such thing as a 'global climate'.
Urban areas comprise less than 1% of the Earth's surface.

BTW, did you know that the thing that saved the whales was Big Oil? We don't need whales for oil lamps anymore!

Smog is caused by a combination of:
* ozone
* gasoline vapors (unburned)
* the presence of nitric oxide

Making ozone is easy. All you have to do is take oxygen and shove energy into it. Electricity, fire, lightning, sunlight, all produce ozone.
Gasoline vapors form from any liquid gasoline. That's why cars have sealed fuel systems now.
Nitric oxide can be generated in an internal combustion engine cylinder that is running very hot. This can be alleviated by reducing the peak temperature of the cylinder using a simply bit of plumbing and a valve known as the EGR system.

So Los Angeles no longer gets smog. They still DO get marine fog mixed with dust (it's a desert) and idiots like you think it's smog.

I remember the days of smog in L.A. when it was so thick you couldn't see the airport on a clear day. You had to conduct an instrument approach.
Don't buy any veg from the grocery store. otherwise you'll be eating from the Central Valley.
"Veg from the grocery store" comes from all sorts of places, not just the Central Valley.

As for the vegetables that I eat (admittedly, I rarely eat vegetables), they don't come from the Central Valley. They are locally sourced.

I'm MUUUUUUUUCH more of a fruit consumer than I am a vegetable consumer. Corn and lima beans are two of my favorite fruits. I also love strawberries and apples. I don't have to travel anywhere to acquire most of the corn and strawberries that I eat. Same with blackberries and mulberries, all of which are "very locally" sourced. I also enjoy my "spuds" (think of the Weird Al song), of which are also "very locally" sourced. I also eat LOTS of meat and dairy products, of which are either locally sourced or sourced within the States of America.

TLDR: My food doesn't come from the Central Valley.
"Veg from the grocery store" comes from all sorts of places, not just the Central Valley.

As for the vegetables that I eat (admittedly, I rarely eat vegetables), they don't come from the Central Valley. They are locally sourced.

I'm MUUUUUUUUCH more of a fruit consumer than I am a vegetable consumer. Corn and lima beans are two of my favorite fruits. I also love strawberries and apples. I don't have to travel anywhere to acquire most of the corn and strawberries that I eat. Same with blackberries and mulberries, all of which are "very locally" sourced. I also enjoy my "spuds" (think of the Weird Al song), of which are also "very locally" sourced. I also eat LOTS of meat and dairy products, of which are either locally sourced or sourced within the States of America.

TLDR: My food doesn't come from the Central Valley.
Love that corn season! Nothin' like an ear of corn roasted in it's own husk with butter and pepper on it!🌽
Love that corn season! Nothin' like an ear of corn roasted in it's own husk with butter and pepper on it!🌽
I'm looking forward to it too! Last year we couldn't get any rain during growing season to save our butts (drought, constant watering of the garden) and now this year's growing season we might as well be in Seattle because it's hardly ever stopped raining (and is raining right now as I type this, and is supposed to rain all day tomorrow too). Just the other day, it rained so much so quickly that my commute home from work was a pain due to trying to find a city road that wasn't completely under water (the flash flooding overwhelmed the city stormwater system). Outside of the city and closer to home, many of the local farmers' fields have been flooded in the low spots since basically the beginning of growing season (so lost crop and obviously too wet to replant) and some of the corn stalks are looking rather yellow even on the higher land.

Darn "climate change". Obviously it's all the fault of the "domestic terrorist MEGA MAGA extremists" for not fessing up to their "carbon sins" and using battery powered tractors to cultivate the fields.
GFM7175 is a primary example of an intellectually impotent MAGA troll, whose sole purpose is to just clutter up any thread with facts that contradict his corporate masters. This is why he spends so much time on my ignore list each year.
On the subject of climate change Scientific American is fully invested into the propaganda of the Left.

Essentially, Scientific American--to which I subscribe, so you may not be able to see all the links--is fully into propagandizing and gaslighting climate change on a regular basis. Many of their articles on this suggest readers use logical fallacies and various propaganda methods to convince others that Gorebal Warming is real and an immediate threat.
Essentially, you're full of it as usual. You keep trying to pass off your opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact. You run to similar "opinion" pieces that conveniently omit certain facts and data...essentially doing what you do here. It doesn't work for you, doesn't work for them.

Bottom line: ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION! Will all the red states who are catching ecological hell turn down federal assistance in accordance with their anti federal gov't "deep state" rhetoric?
Essentially, you're full of it as usual. You keep trying to pass off your opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact. You run to similar "opinion" pieces that conveniently omit certain facts and data...essentially doing what you do here. It doesn't work for you, doesn't work for them.

Bottom line: ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION! Will all the red states who are catching ecological hell turn down federal assistance in accordance with their anti federal gov't "deep state" rhetoric?
Complex question fallacy. Aside from that, are there any states that "anti-federal gov't"? Maybe you could point out which ones are, across the board, anti-federal government.

Also, which red states are "catching ecological hell?"
Bottom line: ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION! Will all the red states who are catching ecological hell turn down federal assistance in accordance with their anti federal gov't "deep state" rhetoric?

They will not. Obviously. They will, however, vote to deny OTHER states hit by ecological disasters funding.

One of the things I actually would like to live long enough to see is when climate change can no longer be denied by even the hardest hardcore denialist I suspect suddenly no one will EVER cop to having been a denialist.
GFM7175 is a primary example of an intellectually impotent MAGA troll, whose sole purpose is to just clutter up any thread with facts that contradict his corporate masters. This is why he spends so much time on my ignore list each year.
MAGA isn't person, Taichi. Your demonstration of your own cowardice gets you nowhere.
Essentially, you're full of it as usual. You keep trying to pass off your opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact. You run to similar "opinion" pieces that conveniently omit certain facts and data...essentially doing what you do here. It doesn't work for you, doesn't work for them.

Bottom line: ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION! Will all the red states who are catching ecological hell turn down federal assistance in accordance with their anti federal gov't "deep state" rhetoric?
What 'ecological hell'????!?
They will not. Obviously. They will, however, vote to deny OTHER states hit by ecological disasters funding.
What 'ecological disaster funding'????!?
One of the things I actually would like to live long enough to see is when climate change can no longer be denied by even the hardest hardcore denialist I suspect suddenly no one will EVER cop to having been a denialist.
Climate cannot change.

The denial is by YOU. It is YOU denying the 1st law of thermodynamics. It is YOU denying statistical mathematics.