Climate change follies: Wet denials

Not as much as you may think. The Colorado is pretty tapped out by the time it makes it to Cali. Yes a lot of water comes from there but when I was living in SD we were constantly reminded of how much came from Sierra snowpack.
The SDTC has been dismantling their water collection systems. Trying to save some obscure shrimp, you know.
Probably about as quickly as you would forego the massive amount of food you get from the Central Valley of the Communist State of California.

Jerry Brown shut down the Imperial Valley a decade ago. Not much food comes from this most fertile place on earth anymore.

Brown and the democrats cut off water to the Imperial Valley and changed focus to Mexico - and somehow ended up really rich - no connection I'm sure...

That's the problem really. If we don't do something we actually face the collapse of several key agricultural areas like the Central Valley (bad place too put so much of our agriculture) but even you folks in the "Flyover Country" are going to suffer as plant hardiness zones move northward (as they've been shown to be doing due to climate change).

As with pretty much everything you post - there just isn't any fact to your claims.

California ONCE was a major producer of food - but then the democrats gained power.

If the denialists keep us from taking action to try to fix this problem and if they keep it up long enough it will be too late. Then you can import your grain and cereal goods from Canada. You're welcome.

If the cultists every said anything that was true or scientifically supported - you would have more credibility. But the fact is that AGW is a con and only the VERY stupid fall for it anymore.
The SDTC has been dismantling their water collection systems. Trying to save some obscure shrimp, you know.

The delta smelt - which last year they deliberately slaughtered millions of.

Cutting off water to the Imperial Valley was done to shift agricultural dominance to Mexico. The smelt were just an excuse used to fool the stupid.

See, what the cult is struggling with is that the last 3 years, California has had heavy rain - with this last year being a flood year, This is normal - it's a cycle - but they need their "drought" farce for power and control.
Love that Wisconsin cheese! I get some every time I'm in the area. 🧀🍺🥓🍞(y)

I should bring by some Washington apples and apricots (and maybe some potatoes) for you next time I come by. 🍏🍎🥦🥬🥒🥕🧄🧅🥔🍠🍞🧀🥚🥓
Washington DOES have some great tasting apples, although the locally grown apples around here aren't too bad either.

And I'm very blessed and thankful to have such easy access to "award winning" Dairy State cheese. I hardly go a single day without enjoying some sort of dairy product. After all, it's the Wisconsin way!
Jerry Brown shut down the Imperial Valley a decade ago. Not much food comes from this most fertile place on earth anymore.

Ah hahahahahahaha. I was talking about the Central Valley. Learn California geography.
If the cultists every said anything that was true or scientifically supported - you would have more credibility. But the fact is that AGW is a con and only the VERY stupid fall for it anymore.

And if you could read you wouldn't look like a moron when you post a reply.
Ohhh look, a coloring book that has no connection to established fact.

Well, with the exception of the parts that were ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS OF TEMPERATURE on the graph. But it was a science graph so you probably got overwhelmed pretty quickly. Don't worry, no one expects you to know how to read a graph.
Climate cannot change. Plants have no temperature sensors.

Honestly are you this stupid or do you just play it up on this forum for giggles?

Most cereals come from the central and midwestern States. You really should get out more.

Again, if you actually read my post you'd see I was talking about the midwestern states. But you can't read so good so I can see how you'd be confused.
You could actually do some research to prove me wrong if you like.

Cultists are virtually always uneducated. This is a big reason that you are ignorantly drawn to cults - you lack the reasoning skills and knowledge to think critically and grasp that this is massive fraud.

If you had basic education, you'd grasp that those who make claims must prove them correct.

I have no duty to prove that you can't fly to Venus every night, nor to "prove" any negative.

You have to duty to support your claims - but you can't because you "believe" rather than understand. You have faith in your cult, but no actual knowledge.

Extraordinary claims, and the claim that carbon dioxide is destroying the planet is extraordinary. requires extraordinary proof. Yet your cult doesn't even have fundamental evidence and in fact continually fails with ANY evidence.

Only the very stupid accept extraordinary claims based on a complete lack of evidence.

Or you can simply attack me. Given your inability to understand the topic I think I'm in pretty good shape.

You are in the same position as a man on the street corner demanding that Jesus is going to return next Wednesday and demands that you prove he isn't - fully ignoring when you point out the last 50 times he predicted Jesus was returning and was wrong.

Oh, and you of the cult are WORSE than that - you have been wrong THOUSANDS of times with predictions and never right - not even once.
Cultists are virtually always uneducated.

Blah blah blah. All you need to do to debate against my point is to prove that SoCal doesn't get a large amount of its water from the Sierra Snowpack. Instead now you are going to go on and on about what "cultists"do rather than actually make a point.

You have to duty to support your claims - but you can't because you "believe" rather than understand. You have faith in your cult, but no actual knowledge.

Other than the fact that I lived there for many many years.

Oh, and you of the cult are WORSE than that - you have been wrong THOUSANDS of times with predictions and never right - not even once.

GIven that you have an astoundingly poor understanding of California geography I'm going to guess you don't know much about its hydrology.
Blah blah blah. All you need to do to debate against my point is to prove that SoCal doesn't get a large amount of its water from the Sierra Snowpack.


I never made that claim.

Here in Yorba Linda, we get 62% of our water from the Santa Ana River - another chunk from artesian wells, and the remainder from the aquaduct.

Given the MASSIVE rainfall of the last few years, the Santa Ana is overflowing.

Instead now you are going to go on and on about what "cultists"do rather than actually make a point.

I see you do nothing to prove your extraordinary claims.

Other than the fact that I lived there for many many years.

GIven that you have an astoundingly poor understanding of California geography I'm going to guess you don't know much about its hydrology.


Standard Disclaimer: I was in Carlsbad yesterday - had lunch in Vista. I'm guessing you lived more toward Tecate or Canyon City.
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I never made that claim.

But you think the claim is in error. So support your position. Don't just come on here and scream insults at me. Debate the point or STFU.

Here in Yorba Linda, we get 62% of our water from the Santa Ana River

The Santa Ana has headwaters in the San Bernardino Mts so it's coming from highlands and probably precipitation in said highlands (eg snowpack).

- another chunk from artesian wells, and the remainder from the aquaduct.

And those are probably recharged from the same watershed. Ie the mtns.

I see you do nothing to prove your extraordinary claims.

Doesn't seem like you really know where your water comes from.

If you live in the LA region, how could you not know the difference between the Centra Valley and the Imperial Valley?
And those are probably recharged from the same watershed. Ie the mtns.

Doesn't seem like you really know where your water comes from.

If you live in the LA region, how could you not know the difference between the Centra Valley and the Imperial Valley?

You truly are a stupid one.

I live in Orange County - nowhere near Los Angeles. I'm nestled between Anaheim and Corona on the 91.
The delta smelt - which last year they deliberately slaughtered millions of.

Cutting off water to the Imperial Valley was done to shift agricultural dominance to Mexico. The smelt were just an excuse used to fool the stupid.

See, what the cult is struggling with is that the last 3 years, California has had heavy rain - with this last year being a flood year, This is normal - it's a cycle - but they need their "drought" farce for power and control.
Unfortunately, that rain will cause the brush to grow, which becomes a serious fire hazard later in the year as it blonds out and dries throughout the summer.

No one clears away that fire hazard anymore, and the lack of water does not make it any easier for the firefighters.