Clinton-McCain gas tax holiday slammed as bad idea

And ALL of this depends on the price of gas not going up ANYWAY with the increased demand, WHICH it does EVERY summer. So by July 4 half, if not MORE of the savings of the gas tax holiday would be going straight back to Chevron, and THAT ladies and Gentlemen is REALLY why Top wants the gas tax holiday.

That sneaky little bastard.
I guarantee you that if I go to my TV & turn on CNN, MSNBC, Fox, et al., right now, I am more likely to see them talking about the "Wright fallout" than about the fact that 2 major political candidates are focusing on a counter-productive, $10 billion deficit-creating, pandering political move, which I personally find more dishonest & disingenuous than anything Obama said yesterday.

I don't think something like this will get a lot of play. As an issue, it's too real.
I think it will get some play, specifically from Obama supporters, but it isn't as "fabulous" as the "reality TV" that Wright supplies.
lets see for the tubo libs and the asswholes
dunshit in particular
1 pump $3.78 accross the street $3.60
everyones going $3.60 and about 95% of the populus would vote for it. Partisan hacks make up the other 5%
lets see for the tubo libs and the asswholes
dunshit in particular
1 pump $3.78 accross the street $3.60
everyones going $3.60 and about 95% of the populus would vote for it. Partisan hacks make up the other 5%

I just wish Chevron was based in NY. I would sooo use Top’s posts to get into that company with my workshops. That would be a nice account.

I don’t know if they’d believe this guy worked for them though.
lets see for the tubo libs and the asswholes
dunshit in particular
1 pump $3.78 accross the street $3.60
everyones going $3.60 and about 95% of the populus would vote for it. Partisan hacks make up the other 5%

The main point, flying at a comfortable altitude above toppy's head.
lets see for the tubo libs and the asswholes
dunshit in particular
1 pump $3.78 accross the street $3.60
everyones going $3.60 and about 95% of the populus would vote for it. Partisan hacks make up the other 5%

LMAO.... are you friggin kidding? Yes, the consumer would go to the $3.60 pump... but it is NOT going to affect the bulk of consumers in terms of net savings. Typically when gas prices go down, consumers drive MORE. Thus, they may pay less per gallon, but they tend to spend about the same in terms of dollars.

Plus, when they consume more, they put more pressure on the refineries. IF the refineries are at capacity, then guess what happens to the price of gas when they see the demand increase? Oh yeah... it goes up.
lets see for the tubo libs and the asswholes
dunshit in particular
1 pump $3.78 accross the street $3.60
everyones going $3.60 and about 95% of the populus would vote for it. Partisan hacks make up the other 5%

Again, you just don't get it. You assume the consumer will see an 18 cent price decrease at the pump. That is not the case.

Use that economics training you have, junior.
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Maybe you should read the fucking article and apply some of the economics knowledge you claim to have before spouting off. The point, my friend, is that the consumer will not see the 18 cents, the oil companies will. :clink:

I got .15 off per gallon yesterday at Krogers buying gas. I do that every month.
3.45/gal for premium. Nothing but the best for my dog, not a speck of cereal.
It's such an empty, pandering gesture. It's the focus of a new Clinton ad attacking Obama, too; oops. I hope this gets some attention in the news.

If there is any coverage of this it will be on MSNBC. The rest of the news world is too busy playing with Rev. Wright.
Top do you seriously think that if the price of gas drops 18 cents for 3 months it will amount to any significant money? It will drive the demand for gas higher and supply will not be increased to meet that demand. Hell if the past 5 years have been any indication the refineries will close down for maintainence during these months and there will not be a single drop more of gasoline created to meet the demand. Now granted I only have my law degree and only a few intro level econ classes 15 years ago but I recall that if demand is high and supply is constant or low then the price goes up. I also know that EVERY SUMMER the price of gasoline goes up in anticipation of greater demand. So the 18 cents will be removed but the price of gas will still go up. THere are some theoritical savings there, but in the day to day purchase of gas there will be no drop in the price of gasoline.
I understand and have never agreed that suspending the gas tax would do any good. But why is this a bad idea: ?

"I say we need more gas to be produced in this country. I've been saying that for three years, ever since I took this position [as president of Shell].

If the U.S. set a goal to produce 2 to 3 million barrels more a day in this country, we would send a shock around the world that would immediately say to the speculators, hey, U.S. is serious. President [Bush] said something yesterday about this. I didn't hear him, but I think that's good news. But we should set a specific target."
And I look at the above CNN article with the idea that it could lessen the burden on folks in the long run while we work on (and we seriously should be working on) alternative energy sources.
And I look at the above CNN article with the idea that it could lessen the burden on folks in the long run while we work on (and we seriously should be working on) alternative energy sources.

I agree.

I am still waiting on those refineries Bush told us would be built on closed military bases.
I didn't say it would be significant.
I will take $3 off per tank
I'll take the #1,200 rebate
and anything else I can keep, they are waisting billions. Why do I want to send them more again?
I didn't say it would be significant.
I will take $3 off per tank
I'll take the #1,200 rebate
and anything else I can keep, they are waisting billions. Why do I want to send them more again?

The point that you continue to miss is that the 18 cents will not be seen by the consumer at the pump and that is just one of many reasons that this vote-buying scheme is a complete fucking disgrace.

dungshit they will see an imediate .18 cent reduction, oil companies didn't make billions by being stupid.